How to take 4-Aco-DMT? Options
#1 Posted : 6/3/2022 1:20:07 PM

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4-aco-dmt / o-acetylpsilocin/ psilacetin / synthetic shroom are all names of the same chemical.

I know its not DMT although it has DMT in its name and sorry if it violates any forum policies but I really need help on how to consume this stuff.

SWIM has 100mg of Aco-DMT-fumarate and 1 g of freebase harmala crystals

First attempt:
Poured around 100g of harmala crystals in plain water, I know its freebase but I hoped the stomach HCl will convert it to a salt.
Gulped down the water with the dust floating on top.

Place 5-10mg of aco-dmt fumarate under the tongue, it burned badly but I tolerated,10 mins later I washed down all the powder with a sip of water.

I didnt had a measuring scale but the dose couldnt be more than 5-10mg.

It was the most most euphoric experience I think a human being can experience the euphoria was so strong that I didnt care at all for all the other parts of the high.
Also the peak lasted for almost 3 hrs. It was an extremely wonderful experience.

Now comes the problem:

After that experience I decided to try it again after a 12 days here is where all the problem began.
I decided to go easy on the harmala and up the aco-dmt dose. This time instead of pure euphoria, it was pure nausea, there was little to no high at all. The aco-dmt dose somewhere between 15-20mg,
and harmala was around 50mg.

I have a very small quantity of this stuff, cannot experiment too much.

If anyone else has any experience with this compound can enlighten me a bit.


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#2 Posted : 6/3/2022 2:02:43 PM

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I have never taken 4-AcO-DMT, but since it gets metabolized to psilocin, even on a lower dose of harmalas (or even with no harmalas) you should have felt something on 15-20 mg. There is no need to put it under the tongue, so if it burns you can swallow it right away.
Did you take other psychedelics after your first 4-AcO-DMT experience?
#3 Posted : 6/3/2022 3:39:49 PM

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Hi CosmicRiver,

Man you are da sherlock holmes of psychadelics. In fact a week had passed since this experience and I took 5 HBWR seeds with harmala, got a very nice tryptamine trip, but horrible nausea, no matter how hard I tried to vomit it wouldnt come out. The side effects are super bad, I was sick for two days.

So do you think those seeds fu'd up my digestive system so bad that even after 10 days my body is unable to digest aco-dmt properly? Liver damage? Since aco-dmt is metabolized to psilocin in the liver, its causing excess load on a damaged liver for which I am getting such bad nausea?

That means never again I will be able to relive that super euphoric experience? Oh no Crying or very sad Crying or very sad
#4 Posted : 6/3/2022 4:11:55 PM

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CosmicRiver wrote:
I have never taken 4-AcO-DMT, but since it gets metabolized to psilocin, even on a lower dose of harmalas (or even with no harmalas) you should have felt something on 15-20 mg. There is no need to put it under the tongue, so if it burns you can swallow it right away.
Did you take other psychedelics after your first 4-AcO-DMT experience?

Hi CosmicRiver,

Man you are da sherlock holmes of psychadelics. In fact a week had passed since this experience and I took 5 HBWR seeds with harmala, got a very nice tryptamine trip, but horrible nausea, no matter how hard I tried to vomit it wouldnt come out. The side effects are super bad, I was sick for two days.

So do you think those seeds fu'd up my digestive system so bad that even after 10 days my body is unable to digest aco-dmt properly? Liver damage? Since aco-dmt is metabolized to psilocin in the liver, its causing excess load on a damaged liver for which I am getting such bad nausea?

That means never again I will be able to relive that super euphoric experience? Oh no Crying or very sad Crying or very sad
#5 Posted : 6/3/2022 4:47:15 PM

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dombu wrote:

So do you think those seeds fu'd up my digestive system so bad that even after 10 days my body is unable to digest aco-dmt properly? Liver damage? Since aco-dmt is metabolized to psilocin in the liver, its causing excess load on a damaged liver for which I am getting such bad nausea?

No don't worry, I didn't mean that haha
I was thinking that maybe you felt no effects from the 4-AcO-DMT because of cross-tolerance from another serotonergic compound. But this applies only if you took HBWR before your second 4-AcO-DMT trip.
#6 Posted : 6/3/2022 8:50:15 PM

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Ya that is also a high possibility and I am hoping that is the case and not permanent liver damage, afaik liver cells dont grow back.

Will try this substance again after a a long gap, that should reveal the truth,

I have a big order of different tryptamines coming in - dipt, 5meo dmt, sponegbob dmt, not sure if cross-tolerance will affect these experiences.

Again thanks for responding!
#7 Posted : 6/3/2022 10:03:25 PM
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Well for starters, definitely get you a milligram scale, you need to know how much you're actually consuming. As for how it can be consumed, i've encapsulated it which i usually do, i've poured the powder straight in my mouth and washed it down with a drink, i've dissolved some in water and drank the water, i've even baked some into a cookie, it all worked, so no need to put it under the tongue, just take it orally and let it do it's thing. As for dosage, i've gotten some decent effects from 20 to 25mgs of 4-ACO on top of Rue/Harmalas, but 35mgs of 4-ACO with 2.5 grams of Rue was where it was at for me, full on mystical experience, amazing time. Now with that said, make sure you take the Harmalas about an hour, ime, before the 4-ACO, so that you can properly/fully inhibit MAO-A so that when the 4-ACO is consumed it's properly potentiated. Also the more Harmalas you use the less 4-ACO you will need, but personally, i don't get anything really beneficial from less than 25mgs of 4-ACO with Rue/Harmalas, anything less for me seems like a waste. Heck on it's own, 4-ACO for me didn't start getting interesting until about 50mgs, 20 to 25mgs can be a nice dose, but 50mgs was where it was at, but with Harmalas, 35mgs is all i needed.
#8 Posted : 6/3/2022 11:27:47 PM
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Hi dombu,

I did Psilohuasca with 4-ACO-DMT last Saturday, too. Very blissful, mystic, euphoric experience. Wow. But it was not fullon breakthru. No Visuals, very earthy and human. I was able to interact with the world. Thats what I needed again, held in mothers arm at the heart of the universe.Love

I did 100 mg Harmine + 100 mg THH one hour before, orally and then 30 mg ACO, orally. My batch of 4 Aco is 4 years old, stored in the freezer and not so potent anymore. Maybe your batch shows some degradation, too.

Now with that said, make sure you take the Harmalas about an hour, ime, before the 4-ACO, so that you can properly/fully inhibit MAO-A so that when the 4-ACO is consumed it's properly potentiated.

Thats important!
And, probably you know, it works must faster, easier, with only a light filled stomach.

Another possible explanation is, that life itself ensures that you do not go only in the euphoric state every few days?! After my first Psilohuasca Breakthru 2015 with Peganum and Mushrooms in a ritual group setting...pure wanted to come back to this "state" and did it again, after some month, in the same setting. Of course it did not work! I was faced with my fears and feelings of unworthyness. Now afterwards I am thankful for this, it would be to easy to have the "magic pill to enlightment"
Of course, it is totaly okay to try to experience something beautiful again. I try this very often in different ways. But sometimes life ensures to go through the pain, and not around.
I do not know if this fits to you in your life in this moment, but this came to my mind during writing this reply, so I just wrote it down. If it does not resonate, just ignore it Laughing

#9 Posted : 6/5/2022 7:58:11 PM

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SpiritFarmer wrote:

I do not know if this fits to you in your life in this moment, but this came to my mind during writing this reply, so I just wrote it down. If it does not resonate, just ignore it Laughing

Recently I was passed on for promotion which I was 100% guaranteed by my boss, something so expected when denied hit me like brick wall.

But I have come to terms with it after that experience, it made me realize when there are things that are so much grandeur than getting a promotion, why make such big fuss for something so insignificant.

I have no idea how you caught that...
#10 Posted : 6/5/2022 8:07:33 PM

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dombu wrote:
Hi CosmicRiver,

Man you are da sherlock holmes of psychadelics. In fact a week had passed since this experience and I took 5 HBWR seeds with harmala, got a very nice tryptamine trip, but horrible nausea, no matter how hard I tried to vomit it wouldnt come out. The side effects are super bad, I was sick for two days.

Naphta wash works with morning glory, takes away the toxics that are naphtasoluble and leaves the LSA which is water soluble. Gets rid of most of the nausea.
My preferred method:
Very easy pharmahuasca recipe

My preferred introductory article:
Just a Wee Bit More About DMT, by Nick Sand
#11 Posted : 6/5/2022 8:09:49 PM

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ShamensStamen wrote:
Well for starters, definitely get you a milligram scale, you need to know how much you're actually consuming. As for how it can be consumed, i've encapsulated it which i usually do, i've poured the powder straight in my mouth and washed it down with a drink, i've dissolved some in water and drank the water, i've even baked some into a cookie, it all worked, so no need to put it under the tongue, just take it orally and let it do it's thing. As for dosage, i've gotten some decent effects from 20 to 25mgs of 4-ACO on top of Rue/Harmalas, but 35mgs of 4-ACO with 2.5 grams of Rue was where it was at for me, full on mystical experience, amazing time. Now with that said, make sure you take the Harmalas about an hour, ime, before the 4-ACO, so that you can properly/fully inhibit MAO-A so that when the 4-ACO is consumed it's properly potentiated. Also the more Harmalas you use the less 4-ACO you will need, but personally, i don't get anything really beneficial from less than 25mgs of 4-ACO with Rue/Harmalas, anything less for me seems like a waste. Heck on it's own, 4-ACO for me didn't start getting interesting until about 50mgs, 20 to 25mgs can be a nice dose, but 50mgs was where it was at, but with Harmalas, 35mgs is all i needed.

Hi ShamensStamen,
so yesterday swim tried to infuse it in agar but the agar did not solidify, it became syrupy, took that with harmala , again very mild effect but thankfully no intense nausea, one thing I am noticing is that if swim lies down or tries to fall asleep the nausea starts to build up along with a pressure inside the skull. so unless breakthrough happens it is better to walk around or sit.

I have also got some empty gelatin capsules will try them next.

do you think its a night time substance? how nauseous does it make you feel? any sleepiness? it makes me very sleepy.
#12 Posted : 6/5/2022 8:14:16 PM

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Tomtegubbe wrote:
dombu wrote:
Hi CosmicRiver,

Man you are da sherlock holmes of psychadelics. In fact a week had passed since this experience and I took 5 HBWR seeds with harmala, got a very nice tryptamine trip, but horrible nausea, no matter how hard I tried to vomit it wouldnt come out. The side effects are super bad, I was sick for two days.

Naphta wash works with morning glory, takes away the toxics that are naphtasoluble and leaves the LSA which is water soluble. Gets rid of most of the nausea.

I tried to wash with petroleum ether 40-60 on crushed hbwr, the tryptamines gone but the toxin is still there, the toxin is getting absorbed through skin, makes me nauseous even on touching it.
#13 Posted : 6/5/2022 8:36:00 PM
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Well personally i mostly always use Psychedelics at night, i've only taken some a few times during that day and that's usually been LSD, with the exception of Aya a time or two during the day. 4-ACO hasn't ever really made me nauseous that i can remember, although i have purged on it, it's usually just vomiting and it's relatively quick and painless. I think it can make people feel a bit sleepy, mushrooms do too, but i think it depends on what you're doing as you're coming up, if you're just chilling/lounging around, laying down, especially with the lights off or dimmed i think it's gonna be a bit more of a sleepy-like come up, but if you're up and doing things i think it'll be a bit more stimulated perhaps.
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