death by dmt..? Options
#1 Posted : 2/10/2010 5:19:22 PM
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yesterday i smoked roughly 400mg of dmt over the course of 4 hours.
i kept redosing ~100mg doses every 60 minutes, or as soon as i physically could.

the first couple doses were weird.
sometimes dmt doesnt go to my head but takes over my body.
this happened the first two times.
no trip, but when i finally opened my eyes, everything had water flowing over it.
it was bizarre.
more like an acid trip where everything is the same, but modified.
not typical dmt visuals where everything is brand new.

the third dose took me to a place inhabited by "star wars" figures.
in "attack of the clones", obi wan goes to the planet where the clone army has been made.
(also the planet where jenga and boba fett live)
the creatures that made the clone army are super tall, white, skinny, alien beings.
i saw them.
they were peaceful though.
peering down at me with loving, slightly curious eyes.

the fourth dose, i changed my method of smoking to a crack pipe in the top of a little tweeker bong.
i took two hits and was gone.
i zoomed through the veil.
down the tunnel.
i came to the end of the tunnel.
i had been here before, so was not worried.
(near death experiences have been happening more often than not lately.)
then i broke through the end of the tunnel.
there was my guardian.
he was standing there with a puzzled expression on his face, his arms outstretched.
he said "why are you here!!!???" "how the fuck did you get here!!??"
then, that was it.
he said,
"game over.
you took too much.
thats it.
youre done.
no more.
game over."
i was dead.
i was deader than dead.
that was it.
i didnt expect to come back at all.
i dont remember much of the trip after that.
all i could do was be dead.

then, somehow i made it back.

when i became conscious, i made a mental check of my vitals and was having a huge problem breathing.
i was gasping for air, with the phlegm associated with smoking .5g of dmt blocking my airways.

do you think its possible for dmt to cause cardiac or respiratory arrest?
also i wonder if the explanation in "the matrix" of the relationship between mind and body is correct?
if someone dies in the matrix, the brain thinks its dead and then kills the body in the real world.
i swear that yesterday, the dmt told my brain that i was dead.
subsequently, my body began to shut down.

i need to start videotaping my trips.
ive smoked dmt 500+ times , but only like 5 times with any one else present.
i see no use for a sitter when on dmt.
what could they really do for you..?
plus, human presence fuckkks with me hardcore.

lately my dmt trips have been psychological battles.
theyre really trials, not trips.
its crazy.

respiratory/cardiac arrest possible via dmt..?
or possibly via anxiety..?
have any of you had death experiences?
(not near death, or even watching your body die and be reborn in front of you. ive experienced those. this was death. he was telling me "game fucking over man. no more."Pleased

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#2 Posted : 2/10/2010 5:54:43 PM

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I had a similar experience, in terms of 'enough, no more, death'

I had been caning it for a while, smoking a lot and as much as I could. Large doses like yours, only nowhere near as many. I had this after two re-entries:

A blackness started coming at me, I did not go into it, this was in my world. It started at the end of my apartment and came at me. It was like a black oil slick, slipping and flickering its way from the back of my apartment, like a wave, it just covered everything. It was reminiscent of an anaesthetic where the darkness descends and there is nothing you can do about it.

I died.

There was nothing, no light, no thought, no colour, no nothing. Total. Fucking. Blackout. Then two black glass beings, in the pitch black started muttering and discussing my fate.

I was sent back, rather humbled and afraid.

I had to take a break of a few months and another two journeys after that to set things straight.
Peace in mind, Love in heart
#3 Posted : 2/10/2010 11:38:07 PM
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I also had an experience on DMT where I was sure I had died. I had the realization of "oh-oh", or "It happened!". The "it" I think was death. I then heard a sound that was like that of a machine slowly grinding to a halt. Apparently I blacked out about that point, so I don't remember what happened next. When I came to, I found myself hurling through space, thinking there had been some global catastrophe and not aware that I was even on a drug.

It is likely not possible to physically overdose on smoked DMT. The lethal dose is much more than one would be able to smoke. However, conceivably someone could "die of fright" during a trip. Much like someone with say heart problems might die of fright on a roller coaster or bungee jumping. While rare, that has been known to happen.

#4 Posted : 2/11/2010 12:58:08 AM

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I think someone with a heart condition could be pushed over the edge. Those over the edge experiences can be physically hard on your body. I've been religated to a sort of alternate dimensional limbo place with no sense of time or anything for that matter like dieing for unknown amounts of time because i never look at my watch.
Eventually ever so slowly coming around to this reality like coming back from an eternal sleep with no memory of what happened. Once when I came out I wasn't sure what kind of lifeform I was. I had to reacquaint myself with being human for a few minutes. IT was like dieing and being reborn to this reality.
The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.
Arthur C. Clarke
#5 Posted : 2/11/2010 1:13:44 AM

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elphologist1 wrote:

I also had an experience on DMT where I was sure I had died. I had the realization of "oh-oh", or "It happened!". The "it" I think was death. I then heard a sound that was like that of a machine slowly grinding to a halt. Apparently I blacked out about that point, so I don't remember what happened next. When I came to, I found myself hurling through space, thinking there had been some global catastrophe and not aware that I was even on a drug.

It is likely not possible to physically overdose on smoked DMT. The lethal dose is much more than one would be able to smoke. However, conceivably someone could "die of fright" during a trip. Much like someone with say heart problems might die of fright on a roller coaster or bungee jumping. While rare, that has been known to happen.


WTF? People have died from fright? Is cardiac arrest possible? Confused
#6 Posted : 2/11/2010 11:21:48 PM
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Dimitri-Trance wrote:

WTF? People have died from fright? Is cardiac arrest possible? Confused

I don't know of any deaths on DMT alone, but deaths from freight in other (non-drug) activities are documented so I assume they could conceivably happen on a DMT trip as well.


#7 Posted : 2/11/2010 11:59:17 PM

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DubRules wrote:

i need to start videotaping my trips.
ive smoked dmt 500+ times , but only like 5 times with any one else present.
i see no use for a sitter when on dmt.
what could they really do for you..?
plus, human presence fuckkks with me hardcore.

Hi DubRules,

I think this is a good idea. Either film yourself or get a sitter who will pay close attention to your vitals. This will add a lot of clarity to things.

As I understand it, you might be risking something using DMT if your system is already very weak/thrashed (heart problems/extreme blood pressure). I believe it is the same amount of body-stress and risk as walking briskly up a flight or two of stairs. Of course, psychologically I personally am able to work myself into quite a state . . .

The reason I suggest taping or using a sitter is I used to think I had "funny" breathing on DMT (this was months before my current difficulties) when I tripped alone. Then I began tripping reguarly with a sitter and we would compare notes on the experience. I would say things like, "I was gasping for breath," or "Each breath was a struggle and big, conscious effort . . ." and he will then say, "No, actually you were breathing normally, evenly and deeply throughout the experience. You looked like you were asleep" This was tremendously helpful to me. Both my husband/sitter and I still marvel at how truly tenuous the connection between the mind and body can actually be. . .

Actually, as I understand it, all psychedelic related deaths have nothing to do with the drugs themselves but with outside circumstances (e.g. he crashed the car, she drowned in her bathtub . . .) as long as you are not mixing with other classes of drugs including alcohol. Please take heart. The truth is that if you actually and really did die from using DMT you would become immortal in the eyes of both science and psychonautica, . . . because you would be the first.

Hope you are able to resolve your questions/difficulties soon. I truly believe there is no real physical risk. Again, if you are 100 years old with a shaky heart and clinical anxiety, all bets are off with vaping spice.

Peace & Love,
"But even if nothing lasts and everything is lost, there is still the intrinsic value of the moment. The present moment, ultimately, is more than enough, a gift of grace and unfathomable value, which our friend and lover death paints in stark relief."
-Rick Doblin, Ph.D. MAPS President, MAPS Bulletin Vol. XX, No. 1, pg. 2

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#8 Posted : 2/12/2010 12:00:15 AM

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My friend is a bit of a head case and likes to do everything over the top and has do do more drugs than everyone else in the room... he's all ways been that type of person. He came over to my house during the summer and wanted a massive hit, even though my sis (who hates the fact that i even smoke pot) was coming home in 45 minutes. Anyways, he took this stupidly big hit and held it down quite well considering the size. Next thing i know he has his head between his knees gasping for air! Literally drooling and unable to breath. I have had slight problems with breathing after smoking it, but never anything like this. I sat him back and just screamed "breath!" really loudly... somehow it got through to him and he took a massive breath of air into his lungs. He seriously scared the living shit out of me. He then continued to drool which is all good, cuz at least the dude was breathing. Ambulance even crossed my mind briefly. I just needed to remind myself how short it lasts and the body does tend to keep itself in check and alive no matter where the brain is.

Does anyone else get that tight chested, unable to breath feeling after a big toke?
#9 Posted : 2/12/2010 12:48:05 AM

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I have never had a "can't" breath feeling, but had it where I forget to. Something seems wrong and I can't figure out what, then I remember to breath and it is all OK again. Pretty scary about your mate, I really think that if you take that kind of attitude with spice it is much more likely to bite you. What did he say / feel / report afterwards?

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#10 Posted : 2/12/2010 1:40:25 AM

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DubRules wrote:

have any of you had death experiences?
(not near death, or even watching your body die and be reborn in front of you. ive experienced those. this was death. he was telling me "game fucking over man. no more."Pleased

I had it a few months ago. I didn't realize that I still had a lot of residue in the pipe and i loaded it with a big hit of strong big toke then wham. I knew instantly that I did WAY too much and I went to a point of black zero...I was sure I was dead as a doornail. Not like any of the ego death experiences I've had or anything else I ever experienced before...this was like I KNEW it was game over, I was cooked...done. I'll never forget that feeling. I thought for sure I was never coming back from this one and all there was was a singularity point in the blackness of space that I inhabited. I wasn't scared but I was sad that I had had lost my future. Then after a short while I started feeling something that felt like body and I gasped myself back to life. It was all probably within a minute but it felt much longer.
I think any feelings of the chemical itself might be causing you to croak ( or just be sick) is just due to the hyper sensitive state that spice puts you in. I know that sometimes a little but of chem and smoke in my lungs gets amplified by my state of mind to feel like its choking the life out of me and I might not be able to breath, when its actually just a little thing in a normal mindset.

Mad Banshee

Note that the poster of this message would never actually use or recommend to use illegal substances. He is just an attention seeker and should be considered to be lying about everything he posts and his posts are only for the sake of generating discussion.
#11 Posted : 2/12/2010 1:52:01 AM

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DoingKermit wrote:
My friend is a bit of a head case and likes to do everything over the top and has do do more drugs than everyone else in the room... he's all ways been that type of person. He came over to my house during the summer and wanted a massive hit, even though my sis (who hates the fact that i even smoke pot) was coming home in 45 minutes. Anyways, he took this stupidly big hit and held it down quite well considering the size. Next thing i know he has his head between his knees gasping for air! Literally drooling and unable to breath. I have had slight problems with breathing after smoking it, but never anything like this. I sat him back and just screamed "breath!" really loudly... somehow it got through to him and he took a massive breath of air into his lungs. He seriously scared the living shit out of me. He then continued to drool which is all good, cuz at least the dude was breathing. Ambulance even crossed my mind briefly. I just needed to remind myself how short it lasts and the body does tend to keep itself in check and alive no matter where the brain is.

Does anyone else get that tight chested, unable to breath feeling after a big toke?

Doing Kermit,

Do you mind if I ask if you think he may have burned the spice. Burned rather than vaporized. . . I do know that can produce a harsh it, coughing, even gagging/vomiting type reactions. Obviously, there is a potential danger here if one cannot get their breath or if they aspirate vomit . . .

Peace & Love,
"But even if nothing lasts and everything is lost, there is still the intrinsic value of the moment. The present moment, ultimately, is more than enough, a gift of grace and unfathomable value, which our friend and lover death paints in stark relief."
-Rick Doblin, Ph.D. MAPS President, MAPS Bulletin Vol. XX, No. 1, pg. 2

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#12 Posted : 2/12/2010 9:47:23 PM
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im glad to hear that im not alone in the death experiences.

ive found that the method of smoking makes a huge difference.

i like smoking it in a bowl with some reefer.
i take long, deliberate hits and hold them in for quite a while.
the trip creeps up on you this way, sometimes minutes later after you think you misfired.

however, during the re-dose in which i "died", i smoked out of a crack pipe stuck in the top of a little tweeker bong.
this method hits so quick and so hard that it could sure send an unprepared soul into shock.
like seriously discombobulate the brain so much that it just gives up.
this is the "cannon" that people say they get shot from.
theres a huge explosion and then every molecule in your body shoots in the same direction simultaneously.
straight into space.

its scary, but unlike anything else.
i have not consumed aya successfully yet, but am working on getting some new ingredients.
the things that an aya journey will show me are going to be incredible.
i used to have "difficult" trips on dmt.
i would come to, crying and screaming.
sometimes i wanted life to end right there.
now, im having the hugest psychological battles during my trips, but when i come back, im laughing hysterically and want more.
sometimes i wonder if this insane conditioning that i put my mind through will ever come in handy..

i suppose now that i think about it, im not too worried about my body surviving large dmt doses.
if i die, i die.
heaven awaits me.
i just think it would be a bummer to die on dmt.
theres too much of a chance that it would fuck up my spiritual transition into the afterlife.
#13 Posted : 2/12/2010 10:08:17 PM
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DoingKermit wrote:
My friend is a bit of a head case and likes to do everything over the top and has do do more drugs than everyone else in the room... he's all ways been that type of person. He came over to my house during the summer and wanted a massive hit, even though my sis (who hates the fact that i even smoke pot) was coming home in 45 minutes. Anyways, he took this stupidly big hit and held it down quite well considering the size. Next thing i know he has his head between his knees gasping for air! Literally drooling and unable to breath. I have had slight problems with breathing after smoking it, but never anything like this. I sat him back and just screamed "breath!" really loudly... somehow it got through to him and he took a massive breath of air into his lungs. He seriously scared the living shit out of me. He then continued to drool which is all good, cuz at least the dude was breathing. Ambulance even crossed my mind briefly. I just needed to remind myself how short it lasts and the body does tend to keep itself in check and alive no matter where the brain is.

Does anyone else get that tight chested, unable to breath feeling after a big toke?

smoking dmt freebase is far from easy.
that shit kills your lungs..
both my girl and i swear that the smoke/vapors are what pushed her over the edge and landed her in the hospital for 5 days for pneumonia.
she just cant handle the harshness.
smoking it out of a tweeker bong cools the smoke/vapors a bit, but its still way too harsh for her..
i personally love the taste and smell of dmt.
ive smoked everything for as long as i can remember, so not much phases my lungs anymore.
in my last deeming session, i smoked ~400mg of spice over 4 hours.
i finally had to stop because i had so much phlegm that i couldnt breathe when i layed my head back..
it was cause for a little panic.
im looking into other ways of ingestion for sure.
im a big session deemer.
i love making a morning of laying on my couch and redosing at least 3 times.
it totally works even though almost everyone will say it doesnt.
most people just dont have the balls or lungs to rip at least 50mg more than once..
shits rough..!
anyways, redosing by smoking it is just too much for me.
i know it sounds kinda fucked up, but my plan is to start having someone fix me up syringes and then redose me when i tell them to..
that way i dont have to do any work at all..
i hate needles and have never used one, but for dmt it would be totally worth it.
and my girl is an expert with needles, so theres no fear there..
i guess all my freebase is going to be a salt soon..

as far as your friend goes, had he deemed before..?
ive done it tons and sometimes i still have the breath knocked out of me kind of.
every once in a while, dmt kinda elbows you in the ribs to let you know whos boss..
im really careful about the position of my body when i smoke.
i have to be sitting upright with something that i can lean my head straight back on.
i would imagine that if you didnt prepare like this, it would be super easy to unconsciously fall forward and end up with your head between your legs..
my only explanation for the drool would be a gaping mouth and gravity.
mouth opens and gravity pulls spit out..

#14 Posted : 2/12/2010 10:45:33 PM

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while experiencing dmt for the first time i too tought i was a goner(well the experience was more than that, but that would make the story too long), actually my mind was convincing me that my girlfriend, my daughter and other people were trying to reanimate me, or that i was hooked up to machines to help me live! i realized after the trip that it were in fact entities moving around me, examining me... But the re entry was was like a rebirth..slowly understanding that i smoked DMT, where i was, and important: that i was alive!! pure amazement and joy!
but this feeling of'now you did it, it'S all over' kept me from smoking dmt again..i know i won't die but just the tought that i leave my wife and daughter alone, is giving me a hard time...
what this experience learned me is to enjoy every moment with the people i love!

#15 Posted : 2/13/2010 2:16:26 AM

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Mullein leaf was huge missing piece of the puzzle for me. Check it out, do a search on mullein here,
using spice with mullein is a big deal. changes the harshness factor completely mellows out the smoke in a big way allows a deeper hit with no lung issues at all. You guys really need to check into it. makes the spice go alot further with less waste and missfires. The dudes on here were right on the money with it.
The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.
Arthur C. Clarke
#16 Posted : 2/13/2010 3:03:02 AM

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I second that notion... Enhanced mullein is goodVery happy
have you ever taken that ferry from San Francisco to Berkeley and looked back and seen that while in Berkeley, San Francisco doesn't exist?

#17 Posted : 2/13/2010 7:31:13 AM


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Felnik wrote:
Mullein leaf was huge missing piece of the puzzle for me. Check it out, do a search on mullein here,
using spice with mullein is a big deal. changes the harshness factor completely mellows out the smoke in a big way allows a deeper hit with no lung issues at all. You guys really need to check into it. makes the spice go alot further with less waste and missfires. The dudes on here were right on the money with it.

Not only that,
it helps heal the respiratory system.
#18 Posted : 2/15/2010 12:42:34 AM

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۩ wrote:
Felnik wrote:
Mullein leaf was huge missing piece of the puzzle for me. Check it out, do a search on mullein here,
using spice with mullein is a big deal. changes the harshness factor completely mellows out the smoke in a big way allows a deeper hit with no lung issues at all. You guys really need to check into it. makes the spice go alot further with less waste and missfires. The dudes on here were right on the money with it.

Not only that,
it helps heal the respiratory system.

Thanks for the heads up. I'll def give it a try.


Mad Banshee

Note that the poster of this message would never actually use or recommend to use illegal substances. He is just an attention seeker and should be considered to be lying about everything he posts and his posts are only for the sake of generating discussion.
#19 Posted : 2/15/2010 6:41:52 PM

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Buy some peppermint tea, and pour a thick layer of that over your pre-melted spice. I prefer peppermint over mullein any day. It makes the vapor go down real nice. The vapor should be a thick butter color that will linger in the shaft of your pipe like fog. It shouldn't be harsh on the lungs compared to ganja. If it's a harsh gray smoke and smells like burnt rubber you fucked it up. Light a tiny ember on your herb, and remove the lighter quick. Cover the carb, and rip deep and steady. That tiny ember will vap the spice just right and it won't burn your throat, and lungs.

Yes, I have died many times on the spice with Sally D...never the same way on the spice alone though. My lungs don't get hammered. When I toke the kicker DEEP and hold it in my lungs cease to want air. They go completely still and it feels like I don't need air at all. No struggle, no resistance, I just think...this is what it must feel like to be Buddha All THE TIME. Then the spice takes me away, and I start consciously breathing again.

Every post made past, present, and future by DiscipleofSpice is purely fiction.
Reality is in the eye of the beholder.
#20 Posted : 2/16/2010 5:57:19 AM

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I want to get one of those little armband vital sign recorders from ebay, they have a big screen which displays heartbeat, pulse, blood presure etc... and you basicaly wear it like an oversized watch. I think some models will even record data over time for later observation.
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