Extracting from phyllodes... getting no luck Options
#1 Posted : 10/24/2021 2:33:47 AM
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Hi all, i'm trying to extract from acuminata phyllodes, i have done mimosa hostilis a number of times with ease but this seems to be giving me alot of greif...

My recent attempt involved... boiling 200g of phyllodes in water about 4 ph, then filtering, bassifying and pulling with shellite- resulted in some yellow gooey shit that didn't crystallize, did a number of re-ex on it, still producing no crystals. tried vaping the yellow goo that come out of it, had some smell akin to DMT when burnt, but no psycho effect other than possibly a calming effect

anyone know whats going on? i also tried doing a simple STB extract with similar material with no luck
hoping the root bark might be easier to extract than the phyllodes, but any advice on getting some shards out of the phyllodes would be dope

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#2 Posted : 10/24/2021 11:15:38 AM

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I don't think you should support Australian root bark vendors.. taking root bark from most aussie acacias will kill the tree and the phyllodes/twigs and bark are great yielders with acuminata.. Is it broad phyllode or narrow phyllode? A lot of these people are going out and maiming trees in the wild and selling their bark online.. I think you will be greatly rewarded with patience.. there are a few different types of acuminata and they don't all behave the same.

I wouldn't throw the baby out of the bathwater just yet with your oily extract either.. Bunnigns Shellite works so poorly now and the other solvents will yield more of a goo anyways. These days I tend to make no assumptions about a trees activity based on whether it yields crystal or not.. acacia's are a vast genus and their chemical makeup varies greatly.. even within one species area to area/tree to tree. A lot of extracts I would have thrown out when I first started workign with acacia turned out to be amazing.. how much extract did you try vaping? Are you 100% sure of ID?

Even sometimes I've tried extracts a couple times with minimal effects to months later try a higher dose and realise what I had all along was fine it just either required a higher dose due to other compounds in the extract, or poor vaping technique. In the case of broad phyllode acuminata you may be only looking at around 30% dmt content in your extract.. so your doseage would in that case need to be adjusted accordingly.
Dirty T
#3 Posted : 10/24/2021 5:15:12 PM

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Have you tried a recrystallization with Bestine or the equivalent where you're at. Any reason you're using Shellite and not Naphtha? This is probably the 6th thread I've read this week with polymerization issues after using Shellite. You may also do a defeat step before the initial boil, most Acaia Teks call for it and for good reason, that family of plants contains a lot of fats and oils that Mimosas do not.
#4 Posted : 10/24/2021 9:29:08 PM
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Edited by Moderator. No discussion of buying/selling/vending.

I'm not using bunnings shellite, i'm using another brand whcih i found has less impurities. I was thinking about defats etc, but i couldn't find a simple tek that lays it out without having 5x new powders i need to get
Goo might be active, but really i want powder, don't want to be vaping good, just want a hard hitting nice crystal

using shellite because as far as i know, it's identical to naptha in terms of results... i have used shellite many times with no crystal formation issues, so thats why i kept using it
#5 Posted : 10/25/2021 12:50:45 PM

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I grew the tree for a number of years in the past, and got it into a big bushy thing I pruned around head height. I extracted both the phyllodes from the acuminata as well as from another acacia that I do not like to name collected off the ground after they fell and gifted to me. These ones were a bit washed out so easier to extract/less oils maybe.

Both had to be approached more like phalaris and required some defats, and I still did not end up with crystals. All I got was active DMT goo. It worked fine. You can likely get it white and dry with more work and possible loss in yield.

Mimosa is going to be easier to get white crystal without the moral/ethical issues around the harvesting of it's bark(we hope) with acuminata stick to phyllodes and modify the tek.

Acuminata often has other stuff in it.. It might not give you a nice hard hitting crystal, but rather some mix of tryptamines and beta carbolines.

Good luck!
Long live the unwoke.
#6 Posted : 10/26/2021 5:51:36 PM

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jamie wrote:
Both had to be approached more like phalaris and required some defats, and I still did not end up with crystals. All I got was active DMT goo. It worked fine. You can likely get it white and dry with more work and possible loss in yield.

Do you know if the acuminata was broad or narrow phyllode?
#7 Posted : 10/27/2021 2:27:30 AM

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#8 Posted : 10/28/2021 3:10:46 AM

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Acacian and I were just commenting on another post about this, shelite can be hit and miss try xylene instead. As for crystals don't expect crystals with Acuminata, you can re-x or use cold/ room temp shelite and freeze participate to get crystals but the yield will likely be minimal. If you got yellow goo from shelite (its still good and likely DMT). Your unfavorable biossay may have been due to technique or dose.

I would wager if it was yellow however the shelite was either warmed or the base was still warm.

Try xylene (end result is oil) but you can make changa or re-x.

I also find with Acuminata you really need to give the base mix a good shake when pulling, adding excess caustic soda should help deal with emulsion due to the high fat content of Acuminata. Loveall is working on adding vitamin C to help crystalize the end result (worth checking out).

As previously stated there's many factors in alkaloid content due to harvest time and variety etc.

There's zippo lighter fluid as well but I don't know anyone that has used it.

I would also add some people rate smoking the goo, many believe it adds to the experience and others have a theory that the oil protects the DMT from burning and aids in it's vaporization. I personally have no comment on that.

Disclaimer: All my posts are of total fiction.

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