okay....this is gonna be hard... Options
#1 Posted : 2/6/2010 10:16:20 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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i don't even know how to start this so i'm gonna just let my fingers go and hope for the best....if it gets a little muddy, please bear with me...

the depth of my breakthroughs have come in distinct steps. i break through to a new, deeper level, stay there for weeks, sometimes more sometimes less, then i begin to have a handful of breakthroughs that are noticeably different in their "feel"....this ultimately leads to a giant awakening to a deeper layer of the onion.

the "feel" that i talk about centers around the love-bliss that is part and parcel in most journeys i have known. there is a level of emotional connectedness that- no matter how far gone i am- manages to tether me to the one thing that makes it all good. love. be goes something like this for me (and has done since day 1)- i breakthrough every day. the breakthroughs are always deep, profound and eductaional. there is always a sense of connection and love. after a week or so (ie: a dozen or more journeys), i start having journeys that are a little bit more intangible...a little more confusing and dissolving. this wouldn't be a challenge if not for the fact that there is also a clinical, emotionlessness that accompanies them.

i soldier through a handful of these, not allowing any sense of fear or trepidation to enter my conscious mind. the work begins to feel very much like work....and yet there is a voice in my heart that keeps telling me that "something wonderful is going to come from this courage".


i will have a breakthrough that has all of the "new depth", but with that love and support that had gone away for a bit. the new depth is now profoundly healing and i am able to surrender to it on a whole new level. my mind has lifted itself up to this new level and away we go. it is profoundly rewarding and deeply magical and the love-bliss feels even stronger than the first time i ever felt it.

the tough part is that each time i make one of these "shifts" to the next level, the following pre-shift breakthroughs get progressively harder. they tap into a level of would-be fear that is deeper rooted in my psyche. just when i thought i had no fear in me, one of these "hard phases" commences and i am truly tested.

when i began this PARK MEMOIRS experiment, i knew something like this was going to happen. it did and it did in a way that has taken me to the most challenging point yet in my work with DMT.

i have gotten to the point now where one good lungful of a changa (approx .03) will not just break me through, but will induce complete ego-death on a level never before experienced. my last three journeys (i have not written about them because i just can't....i simply don't know how to yet) have all been complete ego-death on a level i didn't know possible. certainly beyond what i've known in my work thus far.

last night took me to the absolute brink of my abilities as a psychedelic/spiritual warrior. this phase of "testing" has reached new depths..

i sat back on my bed with the remnants of a changa/spice GVG dose that was smoked by impossiblemachine earlier. i knew there was MORE than enough to take me deep left in it so i prepared myself. my ego-deaths had been getting progressively less-personal and euphoric throughout the week and i just felt deep down that this was going to be big. without a "net".

i took the biggest hit imagineable. even had a good hit left in the VG because i simply couldn't inhale any deeper. i was rocketing out of myself so fast i couldn't even find my mouth to clear the remains. i was so far gone. i actually was taken slightly aback by the sheer force of it.

i surrendered. but before i could even consciously choose to do so, i was dead. i didn't know anything. this was new, different, and to be quite honest....almost more than i could handle.

the world i was in was so solid and real. it was more real that the world i had left. there was no questioning it. there was no knowing anything. things looped and repeated and made no sense and i WAS the experience completely. i had no ego and i had no understanding or ability to even connect to a "feeling". it was so clinical and impersonal...and SO FUCKING INTENSE. it was also eternal. there were moments when any tiny drops of fear that had collected in the corners of dark rooms within myself were sucked up into a place that existed within where i was. it was palpable, but at the same time, it was almost overpoweringly so. i was so annihilated that even fear couldn't have relevance.

i was here forever. in truth, i've been walking around quite shell-shocked all day today. it took me so long to make sense of the world when i returned. it was the most confusing experience of my life.

i didn't give in to any fear. the need to "know" ANYTHING was so strong....i was just so lost without it...i didn't fight. unlike my first ego-death in the park, there was not a euphoria surrounding my selflessness. there was simply a gripping awareness that i had no control and any attempt to try to acquire any would come with devastating consequences. it was like being held under water just a little longer than you think you can last. as a surfer for most of my life, i know this feeling and the helplessness that it can evoke. surrender is the only answer....but surrender is truly challenged sometimes when death becomes increasingly possible. a panic can surface....even though you know it will not help you.

it is limbic. it is reptile-brain. THIS is the structure of fear i was shown. the face of my very human desire to hold on. beyond mind. beyond conscious choice.

the point of this is still weighing heavily on me. i cannot tell if it is something that i need to transcend or if i was shown this as a way of understanding that there is a certain point at which one needs to fight to stay in this place after a certain point of "heavenly insight" is reached. almost as if i need to see, feel and respect the one thing that keeps us all from just saying, "fuck this, hyperspace is waaaay better than here...i'm just gonna jump off a cliff and let this shitty world eat itself." i was shown the very thing thing that keeps us in this world. the necessary anchor of the human experience.

like i said, the re-entry during this last succession of ego-deaths has been more difficult than ever. knowing who i am and what this world is takes time to re-establish. the appreciation for this life is like a heavy golden trophy that i clutch with all my being.

i will not lie to you all. i feel like something beyond massive is coming to me. as if i am about to break through to a level of communication with DMT that few may know. my concern is genuine. i want to be able to share whatever i am shown. i want to be able to work with the depths of understanding i am being shown. i am, to be quite vulnerable here, being pushed to my personal event horizon both in that world and in this. who i am needs to grown HERE to be able to share what i am now seeing THERE. a complete shift. this is where i stand.

i am truly humbled by this work. i don't know what else to say.... i want so desperately to share the world i have come to know more than most. to share what i am being entrusted to contain. many switches have been flipped inside of me at this point and who i am has never been more clear and in flux simultaneously. the surrender that has taken me so far into hyperspace is being called upon to facilitate a change in my life here.

this is my work. this is my challenge.

i'm sorry for the long ramble. i just wanted to reach out to those who can support me. i have worked with DMT more than any 25 people i know of combined. this comes with a price. i have never been more self-aware than i am now. i have never felt more compassion for the world and understanding for the flow of life that surrounds me. but, to be totally honest, this ain't all just peaches n' cream. integrating and being true to truth itself is the most challenging thing i've ever had to deal with.

sometimes i get a little overwhelmed....


"Rise above the illusion of time and you will have tomorrow's
wisdom today."

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#2 Posted : 2/7/2010 12:04:11 AM

illudium Q-36

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My heart raced a bit while reading this. I am looking forward to reading your insights as you make your way. I am in your corner, although I may not be able to offer what you need. Good luck and safe traveling.


All posts written by Madcap should be regarded as fiction.
#3 Posted : 2/7/2010 12:11:20 AM

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My most honorable Brother,

You gotta let that reptile brain die, my son. The first part of dying is always the hardest, but you gotta let go of every trace of clinging; to even your noble path.

This world will be just fine without you or any memory of you. Your body is not needed.

Hmmpht, don't have any more words that make sense... see you at graduation.

Om mani padme hum


remember even a professional athlete needs to rest once in a while... there is no hurrySmile

I want to be happy,
But I can't be happy,
'till I make you happy, too Pleased

In the province of the mind, there are no limits.

#4 Posted : 2/7/2010 12:37:22 AM

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wicked sweeet know im always here and there for you...i understand where you are coming from...

there is a shift coming
it's a sound
#5 Posted : 2/7/2010 4:01:53 AM
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I love you verwy much.
#6 Posted : 2/7/2010 4:11:17 AM

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I'm anxious to see where this particular level in your journey will lead you. Hopefully you'll be able fully understand and articulate the information that you experience.
#7 Posted : 2/7/2010 4:19:34 AM
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Hey Antrocles my man! I hope you're feeling integrated now? Are you still smoking every day? What journey number was that? Must be 400 odd by now?
Everything I write is fictional roleplay. Obviously! End tribal genocide: Quick petitions for meaningful change:
End prohibition: And "Feeling Good" by David D.Burns MD is a very useful book.
#8 Posted : 2/7/2010 5:51:58 AM

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The ultimate realization might be approaching......

Remember, you were born with everything and all the knowledge needed to let you reach the Goal.

Our purpose is not so much to learn..., but to REMEMBER. All the music, books, movies that you love were written by none other than yourself. We put the paper bag of forget on our own head as a game to play. The goal is only to wake up and remember who we REALLY ARE before our body "dies" in this physical reality. I'm pretty sure that once a person awakens and remembers that they are God that they no longer need to re-incarnate.

I cannot use entheogens any more without automatically slipping into God Mode. No more transparent iridescent octopoid more 8 dimensional stained glass wonderment.....but "being God" really trumps all that anyway. ;-)
The best way to describe it is "really f-in FUN"! God exists to HAVE FUN and to experience Love in as many ways as are "humanly" possible. Once in this mode one can ingest massive quantities and be completely lucid and walking/talking, etc... Ingesting "more" only prolongs "being God".

I believe that we (as God) have littered the holodeck that is this Universe with untold entheogens that we are meant to find, like breadcrumbs, to lead us to the Ultimate goal of Awakening. And once that happens you switch on auto-pilot and start "enjoying the ride".

AS Terrence said- "Take the 3rd Toke"......and try it with eyes open. Remember, the molecule is only a psychic crutch to help us learn to walk, and then to fly- forever discarding our crutches. Once we truly believe we don't need crutches- we don't.

Keep after it......just remember that Waking up and Remembering are the true goals...


Any experiences I or SWIM mention have happened only in my nightly dreams.
#9 Posted : 2/7/2010 7:39:09 AM

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All you can do is follow your heart, dear brother.

Love you dearly,

: )

It is the ultimate irony that the cosmic intelligentsia of this grand illusionentsia is aware of itself and also of the aburdity of that fact. But that is all part of the joke that you are now getting. - Cosmic Comic Jokery
#10 Posted : 2/7/2010 8:52:34 AM

The Root

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Reading that i couldnt keep calm, iv experienced hard re-entries where iv had to basically rebuild my normal reality from memory.
The work you are doing is golden, the insights you bring back change even my life heavily and the courage you manage hold really is truly inspiring.
I feel as if i am somehow with you every step of the way - as in your journey is somehow able to illuminate my own.
Full support brother - keep pushing foreward, deeper, further, into inner space.
antrocles wrote:
...purity of intent....purity of execution....purity of experience...

...unlike the "blind leading the blind". we are more akin to a group of blind-from-birth people who have all simultaneously been given the gift of sight but have no words or mental processing capabilites to work with this new "gift".


‹Jorkest› the wall is impenetrable as far as i can tell

‹xtechre› cheese is great

He who packs ur capsules - controls your destiny.

#11 Posted : 2/7/2010 9:12:54 AM

ओं मणिपद्मे हूं

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Happy graduations my brother,
On this your very special journey,
May you be blessed with the gifts you have earned in your quests when you need them most,
May they serve you as you serve them,
With all your heart,
Shine my brother shine,
Rejoice in the gift of life and the eternal dance of existence and rebirth,
And embrace that flow....Very happy

From one class to the next, you always know when you hit that high water mark, though you never know when....

... and the bar is set a little higher....

....welcome back....Wink

Sometimes the lights all shining on me, other times I can barely see....
#12 Posted : 2/7/2010 9:13:19 AM

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You've gone further than any one of us, broken through layers that we have not even seen. But each of our journeys takes the shape of our own consciousness - we see it through the prism of ourselves. Does spice show us an objective, separate reality? Or does it show us that there can be no objective reality without consciousness? Our lessons are specific to each of us, spoken to us in our own native language. And none of us can presume to interpret what your lesson is about.

I hope that by sharing with us here, you find, as we do from your sharing, peace and support and clarity.

big love, guy
"at journey's end, we must begin again"
#13 Posted : 2/7/2010 9:16:20 AM

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You are a true warrior prophet Antrocles. Know that you share immensely important, life changing knowledge and insight with your brothers and sisters here on the nexus. Your words have touched so many here and some of the knowledge you bring back to share is simply awe inspiring. You are paving a way forward through hyperspace for many of us.

I feel that you are reaching back to your brethren to seek support and guidance during a difficult period of experiences that many of us have gone through in the past (although perhaps not at the level you are experiencing now).

I will share some advice a wise man once guided me with... Pleased

Fear is the only true limiter.... without fear, the soul is free to fly in the infinite sky of possibilities...

Can there really be fear with true ego-loss? Is there perhaps a fine gossamer fillament remnant attaching your true essence to the ego confinement of humanness?

Embrace Nothingness.

be strong fellow warrior. I stand beside you in solidarity. You will not be alone in this path without fear. An army is amassing.

#14 Posted : 2/7/2010 1:01:59 PM

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Respect, man.

If you get deep enough, then you won't be able to convert what you partake in to words any more. But fortunately you won't have to. In a previous report of yours, you spoke about speaking Spanish as fluently as never before. This is an example of what is to come. Now you still separate the two worlds: you go there to find out something, then you come back here to tell us about it. But when the two worlds unite, you will become the expression. From that on, you can talk about anything you wish. Perhaps you won't even write trip reports any more. The wisdom that you are will pour out from between your words. It will be in your body movement. You become IT. Yes, you may become a "simple man". But inside each little movement of that "simple man", you will joyously manifest the complete symphony of Life itself. You lose "everything", to gain Everything.

The idea of using a drug is the safety mechanism, which helps us keep the separation up until we become ready. The concept of entheogens gives us a possibility to controllably relinquish control. What an ingenious concept. Smile

We are You.
#15 Posted : 2/7/2010 2:43:02 PM

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eehhhh i think hes making it all up Pleased
it's a sound
#16 Posted : 2/7/2010 3:43:54 PM

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Stay with it man your insight is extremely valuable. Integration is the biggest challenge.
The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.
Arthur C. Clarke
#17 Posted : 2/7/2010 6:35:27 PM

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you guys are the best. i'm reading all of your responses and i am filled with such a sense of gratitude and love. love that i have listened enough to my heart to get me to this place....this beautiful (albeit demanding) place. i would not be here if not for all of you guys and your wisdom and support.

cellux: "you lose "everything" to gain EVERYTHING".... i have used this exact phrase in describing spice to others for over a year now. it is only in this last couple experiences that i have gotten to see that there is still a little "something" I haven't yet given up. it is a part that i must work diligently towards, as it is not a part i can access consciously. having done with a limbic part of your brain is an entirely different process from giving up a fear you are "aware" of. i am committed to this process regardless. it will be done.

felnik: integration is the biggest challenge... amen times a million.

phlux: little brother, you and i ARE on a common path. i stand for your growth on the deepest level and to read your words of support during a time of great challenge means the world to me. we are all so very courageous to be doing this work. the real, true, deep work. it is NOT recreation or thrill seeking. this is so very important as i keep saying over and over. this is SO VERY IMPORTANT!

timeloop, 88 (year i graduated highschool), kazoo & boypony: your words drip with love, concern and support. they all brought tears to my eyes....tears of knowing that i am seen and that my attempts to forever share and contribute through my process in the hopes that we ALL are taken a little bit higher ARE RECOGNIZED AND APPRECIATED. obviously i don't do this work FOR YOU...but in a way, i definitely feel that if i CAN share my process then i MUST. if it can help even just one person in even just a tiny way on their's the least i can give back to that which has given me so very much. thank you guys for acknowledging my heart-felt attempts to do this.

Ohayoco: that "dream" you and i have discussed via PM is going to be happening soon. you will very much be a part of that so get ready... Pleased (and yes, well over 400 breakthroughs at this point)

madcap, deeg, joe: you guys are like the "nexus paramedics" Laughing always the first on the scene to administer the necessary words of support and encouragement. so awesome to have such amazing souls in one's corner....

OF- that last sentence hit home. Uncle Knucles told me as much last night as well. it is my nature to press forward in the face of adversity. i am a warrior. it is how my mind works. this path may require a bit more "sit back and allow things to sink it"....but i won't lie....that warrior mind of mine tells me night and day that, "i know you're mind is tired and the work is getting hard....NOW IS THE TIME to fully hit it with full force!! "

in bike racing, the oldest school of thought is this: when you are hurting the worst, attack! because it means that everyone else is hurting just as bad and only those who are willing to suffer on a whole new level will even attempt to go with you." i have been living with this mentality applied to every facet of my life for 27 years. when you feel that you can't go on, attack! a warrior's take on spice.....i honestly don't know if this has helped or hurt....but since all is perfect right here right now..i'm gonna go with helped... Pleased

Jingmaster- to be able to actually sit down and talk with you is the greatest gift. you are an excellent listener (and proof-reader) and you are wise. if only we ALL could just call one another up on the phone, meet up and look into one another's eyes when we discuss this profound work....this is my deepest dream. i will make this me on this one...

Jorkest- you are one of my oldest friends here. you have seen the entire process that has me standing where i am today. you have said things to me on my path that have made me feel supported, loved, educated, inspired and completely NOT ALONE. as we all go higher and higher up the mountain, it is the most precious gift to see fellows who are up where the "air gets thin". this whole community is like a shangri-la way high up where most would not imagine people living. you are a brother monk in that place. i am very grateful to have you alongside me in this process.

...and yes...i'm making it all up... Pleased

thank you, all of you, for really chiming in when i need it the most. i am feeling much better. think i'll go to the park today.... Smile

"Rise above the illusion of time and you will have tomorrow's
wisdom today."
#18 Posted : 2/7/2010 9:38:24 PM

John Murdoch IV

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Bon voyage Smile

Lookin forward to hear some travelstories Smile

DMTripper is a fictional character therefore everything he says here must be fiction.
I mean, who really believes there is such a place as Hyperspace!!

#19 Posted : 2/7/2010 11:56:30 PM

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I had a really clear lesson a couple of weeks back, to do with fear. And it was that fear is the very thing that holds our sense of self together. If self is the water, then fear is the jar. Fear exists at the most basic level of consciousness, and it's hard-wired into the oldest part of the brain. Fear has been essential to the survival and evolution of humanity... if our ancestors had said, "nice kitty" instead of "oh fuck, run" when they came across a sabre-toothed tiger, we wouldn't be here having this conversation Smile

But there is real depth to fear ... it layers up and it has grown more complex, just like consciousness. It could be that you've broken through to the last level, the million year old layer right at the bottom. No wonder it's hard!

You've died, no doubt, hundreds of times, and each time a rebirth follows. We're all behind you.
"at journey's end, we must begin again"
#20 Posted : 2/8/2010 12:07:19 AM

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88 wrote:
I had a really clear lesson a couple of weeks back, to do with fear. And it was that fear is the very thing that holds our sense of self together. If self is the water, then fear is the jar. Fear exists at the most basic level of consciousness, and it's hard-wired into the oldest part of the brain. Fear has been essential to the survival and evolution of humanity... if our ancestors had said, "nice kitty" instead of "oh fuck, run" when they came across a sabre-toothed tiger, we wouldn't be here having this conversation Smile

But there is real depth to fear ... it layers up and it has grown more complex, just like consciousness. It could be that you've broken through to the last level, the million year old layer right at the bottom. No wonder it's hard!

You've died, no doubt, hundreds of times, and each time a rebirth follows. We're all behind you.

so- after listening to my tape-recording of my last massive one, i discovered the following:

though i can actually utter stuff from time to time even during the ego-deaths (of course, i have no idea until i've come back and hit replay), this last one was dead silent. i was long gone. i turned the volume up full tilt, and played it backwards... a barely audbile bump of sound about mid-journey was detected.

i took this sound byte to WSaged (who, as we all know, is the pre-eminent sound mastering guy on the planet). he hooked it up to a cutting edge nuclear sound scanner that uses cryogenics and muon-catalyzed fusion to map 3D sound space and restructure wave patterns into their original imprinting.

he's super technocool.

after hours of tedious labor and millions of u.s. taxpayers dollars, he was able to make out what i said in the deepest part of my sojourn:

"....niiiiiice kitty....oooh what a gooood widdle puddy..."



"Rise above the illusion of time and you will have tomorrow's
wisdom today."
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