My fingers are crossed, but It seems through experimentation and washing the vape juice with heated isopropanol (ethyl alcohol 91% solution in water 75% by volume of the vape juice cannister), that i may have succeeded in isolating and recovering the dmt content in it.
At a certain point of evap during the wash (id say roughly %30 in ventilated nontemp maintained environment) the solution settled into three distinct seperate layers. Two oily layers, one pale brownish yellow and one white, seperated by and suspended almost polarly in the much thinner propylene glycol/iso solution. I transferred the two oily layers to seperate clean dry borosilicate glass surfaces and contiued with evap.
I would say without any doubt
(Insert) (!!! I have very little chemistry experience, only a basic and INCOMPLETE knowledge of chemistry principles,and literally no chemistry or lab equipment; my testing equipment are my lungs, my tongue,and my brain😂

that these two layers represent the two known high alkaloyd content values of both nicotine(white) and dmt(yellow).
Upon complete evap a third thicker darker layer was left, sticky to the touch and resembling in solubility, taste and smell, but lighter in colour than, the prewashed vape juice.
The colour of the solids left from the evaporated yellow sololtion was more familiar to mhrb extracts and upon dissolution and freeze precip for 4 hours in clean heated naptha, i am left with 360 mg or 0.36 g of white crystals that are larger and more cubic in shape like salt than the normal spiny grain shape of dmt crystals, but IMO the numbers and parameters line up enough for me to reasonably assume that i have successfully seperated and recrystalized the dmt.
In the end i guess theres only 1 way to find out... so unless anyone here wiser than i can offer any reason that i definitely SHOULD NOT attempt to vape these crystals...
I boldly go and leave you with the words of Terrence Mckenna:
There are old shamans, and there are bold shamans. But there are no old bold shamans