Hello dear reader,
Im 24 years of age and i discovered DMT at the beginning of this year.
Having experienced other substances (mainly psychedelica), and through the Stories of Terrence Mkenna i got interested in the substance.
The reason for this post is to improve my writing skills (im from germany) and to just connect with people who have experienced “Hyperspace”, because i dont know many people who ever did DMT and even less who had one or more “breakthrough” experiences.
To this day i may have had around 20 breakthrough experiences wich where from different intencity and of course i collected experiences in lower waters.
Spoiler alert! I got motivation for this substance by trip reports, wich may have prejudiced me in my interpretations, also ill try to find my own words for observations to keep it entertaining.
I would recomment new people to just do it, without having a preformed picture in their head, so i guess i personaly make this writing for experienced travellers to know if they can relate to some things i say.
So this is my little personal map for the DMT experience:
Subbreakthrough area:
For me this stage is located at 0-20 mg of freebase DMT, although i have broken through at 20 mg at one time. This stage feels like trippin on other tryptamines but the stronger it gets the more you can feel the individuality of the DMT trip. At the end of this stage (around 20mg) it is quite strong and seems to put some preassure on your soul, distances seem to shrink and to keep vision funktional the objects seem to move into each other. The Physical world seems to be ripped appart, or together?
The Portal:
Out of this mess there forms a portal, a rotating geometric pattern wich is quite coloufull. And if you have smoked enaugh you go right through it. That load of mass wich buildet up, this tune wich rised, they transform into a feeling of trancendance traversing the pathway to a world wich feels so much different than a world of your waking life. You can see the portal from the breakthrough area, and it opens a tunnel, a white light, in a machinary, funktional and predefined way. Sometimes you can see enteties even from the outside. The feeling of going through it is both visualy and physicaly intense and it will bring you right through the tunnel.
The Tunnel:
Behind the Portal there is this strange world and you seem be to blasted in there. You are prepelled by a force deeper and deeper into Hyperspace. The Dosage you smoke seems to influence this force, wich seems to influence the depth youll reach on your peak. Being in this stage feels like a tunnel, roalercoaster ,(loadingcreen?). I can see enteties passing by and the enviroment seems to change. Like travelling. Trippin.
At a Dosage of 35mg you should be blasted deep enaugh into hyperspace that it changes your perseption of reality wich can only be called hyperreal.
When you slow down you will land somwhere, somehow it feels like this space is right there where you have been, it feels like it is everywhere and has been so all the time. Like at the peak of a parabolic flight there is now no force wich allows you to observe your suroundings. See for yourself, but for me it seems like enteties and lessons get bigger and more wise the further you go. The inflcuence of time has become so minimal that things happen in an incomprehensibel level of speed that they seem to be at multible positions at once. Space has patched up to a dimension where incredible masses of stuff and processes can happen in one place. And out of this energy there are sometimes formed entities in various forms. Some feel human, some seem elf like, and some feel godlike. They come in groups or alone while godlike enteties dont seem to hang out in big packs. Those entities can interact with you in various forms wich not always have to be seen or comprehended in human language but can be quite intense like physical, energetic.
Back to Baseline:
Baseline is what you would call an 500ug acid trip, it feels good to be back as you can feel being pulled back into your realm of conciousness. These dimensions dont vanish, you just leave them, at least thats what it feels like. As you come down you get pulled away from the scenario and back through the portal wich seems to close after it left your head. If you open your eyes its like trippin balls. Things will shift together and you will have a notion of what dmt is, an experience?
I just needed to share this, thanks for havin me, peace!
If you smoke it right, you can't hold a pipe.