Anyone use the Vapbong? Options
#1 Posted : 2/4/2010 8:27:20 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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I've been thinking of replacing my old-faithful vaporizer that I've been using for so long because it's kind of bulky, takes some care so as not to burn the spice, is bulky and get's a lot of recrystallization on the inside. It's really just a meth vaporizer, which always bothers me just to think of that fact, so I'd really like to get something more suitable.

I was looking at the new all glass Vapor Genie, when I came across this Vapbong.

It looks like it might work quite nice for spice actually, since spice vaporizes at a much lower temp than herb, and this one seems like you can control the amount of heat applied pretty easily. Has anyone tried this unit for spice? What do you think?

For those that have used (or are using) the Vapor Genie, what's your opinion of it? The new all glass one looks pretty nice.

I guess I'm looking for any feedback / comparison on either of these, or any other vaporizer that people have had a lot of success with.

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