I've been researching ayahuasca. I always do my own research before asking questions, but I have some questions I can't seem to find an answer to. I read in brewing ayahuasca that acids aren't necessary to pull out all the alkaloids because they're naturally water soluble. Yet, some say using acid makes a stronger brew, so...
If one were to use an acid, what would the ideal pH be? The only reference I found is from the All About Aya thread stating that pH of 4 is "rumored" to be acceptable. That thread being 11 years old, is pH of 4 still ideal? I've read elsewhere that the desired pH is supposed to be attained after the water is heated to the desired simmer, is that correct? (The Geohuasca pdf states to bring the water temperature to 205°F and THEN adjust the pH to 3.8-3.5).
Also, I don't understand how acidified water yields more than non-acidified water in The Herbal Percolator method, yet acidified water isn't necessary in regular brews?
Lastly, I read that THH is rumored to be converted from long cook times and high temperatures. Does that mean that THH won't be present in caapi alkaloid extractions, since there are no cook times and high temperatures?
"The unexamined life is not worth living." - Plato