Wow, just wow.
I genuinely hope that guy was just high as shit when he wrote that
It's filled with warning signs, so many I'm almost tempted to think it's a joke.
• I could excuse the profusion of typos, since he was probably high, but there is a clear lack of some basic scientific background and knowledge that makes any 'findings' dubious.
Do Not Smoke Xylene! The guy actually says to smoke xylene, do not do this.
• One thing he argued was differing properties to different DMT salts, this was correct. Don't misread it to think that the DMT will feel different when used, though. He's right, DMT•HCl is annoying goop while DMT bifumarate makes nice crystals [Its fumarate, not fumerate. The latter being a common typo among folks without much chemistry experience, I've found. One of the warning signs.]
• DMT•HCl is extremely stable.
• If, and I repeat
IF DMT ascorbate is stable then it would still be unstable enough that it could probably be smoked as he describes. I'm not sure it would be safe, but the ascorbate would be unstable enough that even if it was shelf stable it wouldn't be DMT vaporization heat stable. This finding of his might actually work. His product was caramel-like because the ascorbic acid was decomposing by auto-oxidation.
• Sure, FASA methods result in a loss of all acetone used, for most people. This is the price they pay for not having the technical capacity and lab training to safely recycle acetone. But it's not much of a cost. I only recycle things like acetone because I love distilling things.
• Do Not Drink DMSO to cure cancer!
• And, once again,
Do Not Smoke Xylene!
I may try making DMT ascorbate some day just to see if it is stable, I've toyed with the idea before but since an ascorbic acid stock solution wouldn't be stable and I wouldn't want to smoke DMT ascorbate it just seemed like a more difficult alternative to DMT bifumarate.