Ah, OK, good to know.
Quote:However, if you'd like to start some threads in the LSD, LSA, LSH subforum your contribution of updated information and methods would be very much appreciated.
The thing is: I'm asking myself, if I should externalize some findings of my "
rumblings thread" into separate threads, as it maybe could be too tedious for people looking for only a certain aspect to search through the whole thing.
E.g. what I'm wondering - would it make sense to make a separate thread about:
* The common pitfalls in their usage
* Gröger's extraction tek
* the (non-)occurrence of cyanogenic glycosides.
* The basic findings of the effects of LSA, LSH and ergometrine, and maybe the clavines
I claim not that this is the truth. As this is just what got manifested into my mind at the current position in time on this physical plane. So please feel not offended by anything I say.