Hello All,
The honeymoon is over.

I suppose it was inevitable and knew it was coming. But, I am surprised that it is fear that is the driving force behind my radical reduction in spice usage.
Had literally dozens of wonderful, intense journeys with several dozen breakthroughs, a lot of ego deaths and a couple mystical experiences. A tough "exam and soul slicing" trip that was followed by a "five minute soul orgasm" a night or two later hardly count as negative in my mind. A sideways trip that began as an ego death and potential tour of the afterlife and ended in phobic synesthesia started the ridiculous fear cascade that is no longer intellectual (if it ever was) and is now completely visceral, on the level of the "reptile brain." Very different from my phobia feelings or fears, which I am actually starting to make some headway on (ah, the irony and beauty of DMT).
It does not matter if I am alone. It does not matter if I am with my husband/soulmate. It does not matter that I KNOW to the depth of my SOUL that I have NOTHING to fear and lot of learning and ecstacy to look foward to should I decide to answer the call that I have been continuing to hear. Honestly, I do not mind dying and have kind of gotten good at it, or at least good at relaxing into it. This is somethnig else. Deep. Visceral. Primal. It takes a tremendous effort of frontal lobe will to overcome it and I am reticent to muster such resources it seems.
Related to the physiological response that is inevitable with DMT consumption (higher heart rate and bp)? Perhaps. Yet, it starts way before I take the first hit. But, it only happens when I KNOW I am going to vaporize spice. I am bothered by it because I WANT to consume spice. It does not overflow into my regular life.
Set up like a phobia loop? No, because it feels very different from my one remaining phobia AND 95% of my trips are FANTASTIC. Shit, DMT "gave me religon." Yet, I cannot face my sacrament at a breakthrough level (I have now tried pharmahuasca).
DMT continues to touch me in new and unexpected ways and I am finding this one to be particularly challenging.
Peace & Love,
"But even if nothing lasts and everything is lost, there is still the intrinsic value of the moment. The present moment, ultimately, is more than enough, a gift of grace and unfathomable value, which our friend and lover death paints in stark relief."-Rick Doblin, Ph.D. MAPS President, MAPS Bulletin Vol. XX, No. 1, pg. 2Hyperspace LOVES YOU