Question for experienced hypserspace travellers Options
#1 Posted : 12/18/2009 7:27:34 PM

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Hey all,

I have a question and something what i want to tell and share with you.
My last journey was quite intensive. At a point black coloured small aliens appeared with lines in her faces.. i felt that they werent friendly. but dont really know if they had bad intents or not. they started to do something with my teeth and mouth which felt quite strange. that is something which i cant stop thinking about. after that the journey got much friendlier but the black aliens with her lines in their faces still bothering me. im a bit frightend to go to hyperspace again. yesterday i had some kind of backflash after going to bed, starting with an lovely feeling. this "backflash" yesterday made me to remember the black aliens and i felt i have to talk to you guys here. any of you were visited from aliens like that before ?

need some advice and healing words.

yours faithfully

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 12/18/2009 7:38:50 PM

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hmm have never had black aliens..but its best to face your fear and not let it get to you..
it's a sound
#3 Posted : 12/18/2009 8:10:48 PM

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clearly this experience has been powerful and profound dr plant.

I can 100% empathise and understand your anxiety concerning such a core shaking vision/journey

I think jorkest is right about confronting and challenging your fears surounding this as this will surely stop your imagination taking over and snowballing thus allowing your experience to manifest as somthing it wasnt.

who knows the intentions of these hyper dimensional beings, to be honest I feel whatever it is we may never understand or certainly our brains are under equiped and not programmed to comprehend, so therefore we either panic and feel fear or give in and feel bliss (not always the caseWink )

I too can resonate with you being struck with panic after going to bed, I too have had a similar experience when lying in bed one night I started feeling motion sickness and experiencing closed eye visuals similar to dmt (spinning fractal pattering) only the colour was less intense, predominently blue/green ( my usual dmt trips contain colour of astounding and blinding rainbowesque colour) anyway I felt scared and had to sit up for 10 mins just to feel normal again as my heart was near to leaving a note scrawled with the words "awol" inside my chest lol.

anyway man thanks for sharing Im sure the ladies and gents of the forum will give you sound advice and at the least a very tentative and supporting earVery happy

take care my friend
ambi lysergance is a fictional character who in the realms of fantasy indulges in such topics as science, arts and psychoactive plant induced visions
#4 Posted : 12/18/2009 8:44:34 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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hello brother and welcome!

your question is easily answered. jorkest pretty much hit it on the head and i will get a little more in detail for you. i, too, had a challenging one just over a week or so ago. no aliens per se, but an extremely powerful ego-death that i was in no way expecting. i came back about a half an hour later than i normally do feeling extremely ROCKED... Shocked

what i did then is what i encourage you to consider doing now...

go back.


face your fear/insecurity/confusion/unknown as soon as you can. do NOT allow it to germinate into a full-blown fear of DMT or the profound awareness it inspires. this is the "work" part of the spirit molecule. this is where you get to grow...

i have encountered aliens that i felt at the time were "up in my grill" if you will. very insect-like in appearance...these guys had tenticles and pinchers and mandibles in every part of me....i tried to shine light at them to make them disappear....i tried to tell them that i loved them... i tried to get "tough" and tell them to leave me alone...

...and then it dawned on me....

there was no "intent" at all behind them. this was simply how they "looked" at something new...they weren't trying to hurt me, injure me, nothing! they simply were saying different than a dog sniffing your pant leg. my different "attitudes" towards them were as alien and interesting to them as anything.

there is no "getting hurt" in hyperspace. how can you be injured when you are everything? different aspects of consciousness are simply investigating other different aspects of consciousness. at some point, the "personal" aspect is removed. i personally am starting to feel that hyperspace is simply a new experience of consciousness. one we are completely unfamiliar and inexperienced with. like a newborn baby, our job is simply to observe and take it all in....the more we go there, the more we begin to learn the language, to feel at facility, and to be able to work within it...or as carl sagan says in this INCREDIBLE piece of music:

the cosmos is also within us
we're MADE of star-stuff
we are a way
for the cosmos to know itself...

don't worry about what you see. don't worry about things trying to hurt or scare you. it is this psychonaut's firm belief that maliciousness, cruelty, evil intent....are all unique unto HUMAN BEINGS. those vibrations are as foreign to hyperspace consciousness as....well....hyperspace is to us! there really seem to be only two energies at work (yin/yang?) : contraction (fear) and expansion (love). i came to this conclusion after my very first aya ceremony. i watched people around me LOSE THEIR SHIT!! Shocked on the ground, throwing up, crying, freaking out....i could see that they chose the finite choice. fear.

i further went on to conclude that the fear could be traced to the left hemisphere of the brain. love to the right. the left brain is what needs sleep at night. the right does not. the left is where judgement and any potential for a bad journey lies....the right knows only onesness....almost as if it is our perpetual air hose up to the source. like we are old-school deep-sea divers down in this slow, clumsy, dense world...that air hose goes right up to the open, infite sky that just keeps expanding into infinite space...

a bit of a ramble i admit...but i had to see that analogy through! Laughing

fear nothing, little brother. fear is the cracking of the shell. you're trapped in an egg of your own ego! outside, a wonderful never-ending world awaits...CONSCIOUSNESS UNHINDERED!

go back. go back today.
go in with love and you will never be lead astray.

"Rise above the illusion of time and you will have tomorrow's
wisdom today."
#5 Posted : 12/18/2009 11:59:27 PM
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It's my dreamer's personal belief that nothing can harm you in hyperspace, and he has never heard of any reason to think otherwise. He goes in with humility, respect and love, and has never faced hostility... have you read the Wiki on optimal set and setting? It's natural to be frightened, hyperspace is a big deal, that's why preparation is important.

Do you mean that you were just remembering the event, or do you mean that you had an actual flashback, as in you saw the aliens again as hallucinations? If you're just remembering, don't worry about it. If you're having flashbacks, hmm that wouldn't sound good to me.
Everything I write is fictional roleplay. Obviously! End tribal genocide: Quick petitions for meaningful change:
End prohibition: And "Feeling Good" by David D.Burns MD is a very useful book.
#6 Posted : 12/20/2009 5:30:24 AM

Cosmic Dragon

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antrocles wrote:
hello brother and welcome!

your question is easily answered. jorkest pretty much hit it on the head and i will get a little more in detail for you. i, too, had a challenging one just over a week or so ago. no aliens per se, but an extremely powerful ego-death that i was in no way expecting. i came back about a half an hour later than i normally do feeling extremely ROCKED... Shocked

what i did then is what i encourage you to consider doing now...

go back.


face your fear/insecurity/confusion/unknown as soon as you can. do NOT allow it to germinate into a full-blown fear of DMT or the profound awareness it inspires. this is the "work" part of the spirit molecule. this is where you get to grow...

i have encountered aliens that i felt at the time were "up in my grill" if you will. very insect-like in appearance...these guys had tenticles and pinchers and mandibles in every part of me....i tried to shine light at them to make them disappear....i tried to tell them that i loved them... i tried to get "tough" and tell them to leave me alone...

...and then it dawned on me....

there was no "intent" at all behind them. this was simply how they "looked" at something new...they weren't trying to hurt me, injure me, nothing! they simply were saying different than a dog sniffing your pant leg. my different "attitudes" towards them were as alien and interesting to them as anything.

there is no "getting hurt" in hyperspace. how can you be injured when you are everything? different aspects of consciousness are simply investigating other different aspects of consciousness. at some point, the "personal" aspect is removed. i personally am starting to feel that hyperspace is simply a new experience of consciousness. one we are completely unfamiliar and inexperienced with. like a newborn baby, our job is simply to observe and take it all in....the more we go there, the more we begin to learn the language, to feel at facility, and to be able to work within it...or as carl sagan says in this INCREDIBLE piece of music:

the cosmos is also within us
we're MADE of star-stuff
we are a way
for the cosmos to know itself...

don't worry about what you see. don't worry about things trying to hurt or scare you. it is this psychonaut's firm belief that maliciousness, cruelty, evil intent....are all unique unto HUMAN BEINGS. those vibrations are as foreign to hyperspace consciousness as....well....hyperspace is to us! there really seem to be only two energies at work (yin/yang?) : contraction (fear) and expansion (love). i came to this conclusion after my very first aya ceremony. i watched people around me LOSE THEIR SHIT!! Shocked on the ground, throwing up, crying, freaking out....i could see that they chose the finite choice. fear.

i further went on to conclude that the fear could be traced to the left hemisphere of the brain. love to the right. the left brain is what needs sleep at night. the right does not. the left is where judgement and any potential for a bad journey lies....the right knows only onesness....almost as if it is our perpetual air hose up to the source. like we are old-school deep-sea divers down in this slow, clumsy, dense world...that air hose goes right up to the open, infite sky that just keeps expanding into infinite space...

a bit of a ramble i admit...but i had to see that analogy through! Laughing

fear nothing, little brother. fear is the cracking of the shell. you're trapped in an egg of your own ego! outside, a wonderful never-ending world awaits...CONSCIOUSNESS UNHINDERED!

go back. go back today.
go in with love and you will never be lead astray.


I like the old-school deep sea diver analogy. Laughing And omg, I love that song, hahahaha, so good. Laughing Bill Nye!

Well said, very good advice. This should be posted somewhere for everyone to read when they first join, I'm serious, really good advice.
#7 Posted : 12/20/2009 9:01:06 AM

The Root

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quoting antrocles
there is no "getting hurt" in hyperspace. how can you be injured when you are everything? different aspects of consciousness are simply investigating other different aspects of consciousness.
at some point, the "personal" aspect is removed. i personally am starting to feel that hyperspace is simply a new experience of consciousness. one we are completely unfamiliar and inexperienced with. like a newborn baby, our job is simply to observe and take it all in....the more we go there, the more we begin to learn the language, to feel at facility, and to be able to work within it...or as carl sagan says in this INCREDIBLE piece of music:

antrocles - how is it that you always exactly what i need to hear - exactly when i need to hear it ?
antrocles wrote:
...purity of intent....purity of execution....purity of experience...

...unlike the "blind leading the blind". we are more akin to a group of blind-from-birth people who have all simultaneously been given the gift of sight but have no words or mental processing capabilites to work with this new "gift".


‹Jorkest› the wall is impenetrable as far as i can tell

‹xtechre› cheese is great

He who packs ur capsules - controls your destiny.

#8 Posted : 12/20/2009 4:45:22 PM


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I know I have had encounters with negative entities and had it shake me to the core. But to go right back in like Ant is saying is the best thing to do.

For me, more times than I can count, the SECOND journey in a session is POSITIVE. ALWAYS.

It seems to me that the first wave of spice pouring through my psyche is the 'cleansing'. It is when the reflections of myself and my human nature are scrutinized.

Whatever entities I see are usually acting out my negative behaviours and making mean faces at me. I have gotten use to this and know that I simply have to 'run the gauntlet' if I want to reach the 'nice' side of hyperspace.

After this cleansing where I allow my ego to be shown to me like a pee-stain to a dog, I am allowed to go out and play.

I am human, I fall short of perfection, I am shown this and reminded to strive to be better. When I do, I am rewarded with gifts that only spice can offer.

So. Remember that what you see is most likely a reflection of a facet of your psyche, learn to accept it, decide what, if any, action needs to be taken and then move on. Spice teaches in phases, you can't move up til you pass the next test.

To babble further, if you have ever heard that 'everyone in your dreams is YOU', the same applies to spice. It is a tough one to grapple with for me, but I consistently see the truth in it the more honest I am with myself.


Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens. Carl Jung

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