They DON'T need to be ground for extraction.
I've done this twice without grinding them and the yields were what you'd expect....only I used vinegar in the place of citric acid....or maybe I used phosphoric acid....either way. It worked.
SyZyGyPSy wrote:
The ideal tek for getting harmaloids is as follows:
1. Boil seeds in citric acid solution, reduce to simmer, simmer for ~45min.
2. Strain.
3. Add 100g NaCl per litre of solution. Add directly to solution, heating if necessary to help it dissolve.
4. Refridgerate overnight
5. Pour off liquid from the top. Filter precipitated mush/sparkle dirt.
6. Redissolve the mush in boiling distilled water. Alkaloids are already in salt form so no need to use an acid for this. Filter to remove any insoluble crud. Cotton balls work well for this stage of filtration, much quicker than paper filtering.
7. Use saturated sodium carbonate solution to precip fb alkaloids. Add until color stabilizes, then add a little more for good measure.
8. Let the freebase alkaloids settle. Pour off liquid from the top, and filter.
9. Bring distilled water, or better yet Evamor, to a boil. Kill the heat and let it cool just a little, then toss in your alkaloids. Stir briefly and filter.
10. Repeat step 9 until your wash water is clear to your satisfaction.
11. Enjoy!
this paper, on page 18, it says "it was discovered that the alkaloids are wholly located in the husks...."
Think about how the husks swell during their long boil/simmer in the acidic water. Surely this releases the alkaloids allowing them to migrate into the water.
I don't WORKED.
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