Hiya Nexus,
I want to share a weird experience I had yesterday and hear your thoughts on it.
I was laying in my bed with my left side of my face facing the ceiling. Trying to fall asleep, I could feel myself gradually relaxing and getting there. Suddenly something unexplainable happened to me.
As I was laying I felt what I could only compare to a big cat crawl up on the right side of the king size bed I was on and proceed to sit on my head, the latter of which produced a muffled "thump" sound. The contact was not direct - it felt like there was a thick pillow between us. In the first moment this happened I observed my reaction to be as if I had a cat, and as if that same situation had happened multiple times in the past (as it probably does with cat owners). But then I immediately realized I do not have a cat at home.
At this point the weight on my head started increasing rapidly, as if that "cat" was gaining weight in a geometric progression manner - every next second the weight tripled. I immediately tried to move and get this thing off of my head, but found out I couldn't move a muscle... I was paralysed.
At this point breathing became harder. I was panting for air and my heart rate was increasing quickly. A thought passed my mind that someone is trying to suffocate me with a pillow, but then my rational mind gained strength and reassured me that since I was paralysed and couldn't move, then most likely this is a dream, as I've had such dreams in the past where I am fighting someone and I'm trying to swing at them for example but my ability to move a muscle is obliterated into obscurity.
A quick thought passed my mind that sleep paralysis (which I've never experienced so far) had occurred. I couldn't see anything (for which I was grateful, knowing some of the horrors people have seen during sleep paralysis). I consciously decided to stop struggling and panting for air, and just relax and breathe deeply and calmly, and let this extremely weird feeling event pass.
The weight on the left side of my head was immense, it was crushing me. I relaxed and took a few deep breaths. At this moment, as if that "thing" realized that I had achieved some sort of calmness and acceptance, the weight on my head decreased substantially, and I started hearing (and feeling) a sound in my head. The most accurate comparison I can think of is the sound skating on black ice produces - some sort of muffled laser sounds.
The volume of those was increasing with every next instance of the laser sound. This scared me, and I started struggling again. The sounds stopped, but the weight increased. As if something was forcing me to sit calmly through this deafening, spine-chilling auditory spectacle. I relaxed again, and the sound returned. Each instance louder than the previous. I could literally feel my skull resonate with this sound.
As the sound volume increased to the point it consumed all my thoughts and being, came a final excruciatingly loud laser sound that snapped me out of this state, and I found myself on the other side of the bed, laying on the other side of my body. I was covered in sweat and my heart was pounding. Overwhelming fear took over immediately after I woke up. I looked around the room but found nothing weird in sight. I soon fell back asleep.
The next day as I woke up (which was 2 hours ago from the time of writing this), I noticed that I could feel a sharp pain in my left temporomandibular joint (the thing that connects your jaw to your skull). This really made me wonder what the hell had happened to me that night. Was is just sleep paralysis? Or was I "probed" by some sort of intelligent alien life form?
I wonder what the answer is, but I also wonder if I can handle knowing it...If anyone can share their thoughts or similar experiences that'd be great.
Be well, my brethren.