Thanks for sharing!
I haven't read the original article they are referring to, but from the quotes they gave, seems they have a point criticizing that original article and some of the misconceptions.
As for the "empirical/materialistic science vs "beyond physicalism" discussion, I feel that is a bit of a false dichotomy being played. The thing is that you can make certain assumptions in order to decide a line of research, to formulate a hypothesis and test things, but that doesn't equate to Science itself being necessarily "materialistic", more like, the scientist using science is being materialistic.
Also, even if you put in question the origins of consciousness and you entertain other hypothesis apart from "brain creates consciousness", it doesn't mean that empirical research on the materialistic side isn't incredibly interesting and useful and shouldn't continue. Both things are compatible.
Until we can come up with a way to actually be able to prove/disprove the different hypothesis regarding the origin/cause of consciousness, it's silly to be combative about it, we should keep researching what we can with our current methodologies, and learn all we can from it regardless what is our own personal feelings about it.