Bipolar 2/Psychosis Options
#1 Posted : 8/26/2018 9:52:15 AM

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I'm currently in rehab for my drug addiction, and I'm on 250mg time release Quetiapine,they are still working on my bipolar 2 diagnosis and they are pretty sure that i have it. It's not final yet, but after this shit happened I'm pretty sure somethings wrong, i know that going cold turkey on antipsychotics is dangerous and can send you into a hypomani/psychosis state fast.

2 Days ago i had a withdrawal with IV morphine, that mean I didn't meet up at the rehab to take my medicine "Quetiapine" that evening, but i went back the same night to the clinic because i regret what i did. I asked them for my medicine but they said no, they didn't want to mix it with morphine. I thought that was very stupid, because it would effect me next day, and it did!

So the next day in the morning i started to feel an intense mental discomfort, it got stronger and stronger, my thoughts started racing fast, i was feeling an urge to sing,walk,talk,dance, ore do weird stuff to distract my mind, ore destroy something, i was very stressed.

When everything was about to collapse for me one of the workers here at the clinic came in, i was listening to some techno in my room and i started losing myself really bad, i started to loose the reality around me, sound hallucinations/delusions and confused and disturbed thoughts started to take over everything, it was very very scary, the feeling of loosing myself to the world, it was like a bad dream, it was super confusing. I had a very strong feeling of being capable to do anything, special powers feeling. When all this peaked the person in the room came close to me and hold my shoulders to calm me down, i started crying because the experience was so heavy. She is a priest and my personal helper here at the clinic btw, she helped me a lot, she gave me compassion and safety at that moment, and they gave me 50mg of Seroquel, and everything got better.

Anyone here experienced this? Maybe someone here have bp2 ?

Was this a start of a psychosis? I have experience this before but not that intense.

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#2 Posted : 8/26/2018 3:47:43 PM

Come what may

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Good luck...
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#3 Posted : 9/3/2018 9:29:49 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Joined: 26-Aug-2017
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I don't know the answer to your question, unfortunately. That certainly sounds like a scary situation, but be glad for the human support that you had there. Lean into compassion whenever you have the chance, and I wish you the best.
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