Which inhalant is as safe as Glycerol (VG) or PG? Options
The Neural
#1 Posted : 4/24/2018 3:47:28 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Hey folks!

Here's a good question for those into medicine, toxicology and other related fields.

Is there any molecule that can be added to PG and VG that can be as easily mixed within those two, and exert any flavor at all? It must feature a safety profile similar to PG and VG, that is, a negligible impact on lung tissue.

Background : An enormous number of e-liquid flavorings come from artificial molecules, and of course a few natural ones, which too exert damaging effects, regardless of their magnitude. I am a scientist, and as such understand that a molecule being synthesised or found in nature is not a factor that determines safety.

Latest review : This paper seems to cover a rather large range of flavors and the molecules responsible for particular flavors, as well as their effects on cell tissue.

(scroll to Table 1)

If you don't have access check the attachment for the full study

TL;DR I am looking to add some flavor to my PG/VG e-liquid. Is there any TRULY safe substance out there? Of course, not 100% safe, but as safe as PG and VG.


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#2 Posted : 4/24/2018 7:24:53 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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I think you will not find anything.

Flavouring agents are nearly all complex biomolecules with different functional groups that are just not mucous membrane unfriendly.

This link will give you a website with listing of tons of chemicals and their smell/flavour
You might want to start looking here.

Imo you wont find anything really but the dose makes the poison as usual. Most of such oils are irritants for the lung simply because the only thing that belongs into the lung is air and water.

I do think the "safest" compounds are simple ethers made out of simple "non toxic" compounds like ethanol and such which occur naturally in the body. The problem is that most of them are irritating due to them either having carbonic acids or alcohols as breakdown products.

I think you should just stick to a low blend of different stuff. Limonene, Carvone etc.
I mean afterall you find those in weed too and ppl been smoaking it forever without much trouble. Especially stuff like dabs which is just terps + thc is fine to dab.

I also think the main concern here is actual heat breakdown products. Make sure not to overheat it. And just use very low amounts. You dont need a vape to taste like you just drank pure essential oil. Just a small blend of different oils will give you the taste that you want.

Avoid stuff thats known to be a strong irritant like straight menthol or stuff like diacetyl.
Those are known to be terrible even if you are not inhaling them on purpose.
The Neural
#3 Posted : 4/26/2018 11:27:05 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Ulim wrote:
I think you will not find anything.

I think the same. Totally with you on all points, I'd even add a lot more than just diacetyl (it's banned now in some places, but it's already old, new flavouring compounds have taken its place which are bad in their own way - see paper attached).

I suspect that maybe 1 or 2 drops of limonene in a 10ml pg/vg might add a hint of an aroma.

Thanks for the detailed post!

What you don't understand, you can make mean anything. - Chuck P.

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