Why do you keep using drugs then ?
To me, it's more complicated. I could agree to some extent to some of your interpretation.
But, now, I've been asked too, obvioiusly from unexperienced poeple in the matter, what did I learn from using them ( normally them drugs being psilocybin shrooms, LSD, DMT and Aya, mescaline and Iboga ). Well in a conversation like that, I have often hard time to synthesize it all.
But I know I started learning using some of these plants of substances better. My way of thinking wasn't already the usual type, and the alambicated way or down to earth self discussions were, and still are to a lesser extent an incredibly way to go think outside the box.
As long as playing music, I don't think it's always related, and it depends upon the character.
I'm a drummer, who don't practice nowadays. But I had to play on few occasion these last 8 years. And I played twice percussions ( djembé type, west African drum) on psilocybes ( once in the mountain of austria, for a drums gathering ) and once in the jungle of brazil, where we drunk local cubensis tea. Both Time I managed to go in a half trance, maybe dissociation stage, where you Just do it ( no advertisement intended lol ), and nearly watch yourself playing ( the play is highly orgasmic and the poeple love it ). I think it's more how when WE think to ourself we are not in the " now " as much as we should go make the better. Thats what, from my experience, I could achieve without training for long years, j'y playing on psylo or also once on drums and kratom ( couldnt repeat it des weeks later, si its hit or miss ).
Now, the dmt, 5 meo dmt, and I would add salvinorin, had this breakthrough effect, which, for me, is more of a metaphysical experience and inspiration ( to think and ponder about how possibly our experience or reality might not be " the truth " but a multi faceted that you may, or may not contemplate for life, such the possibilities are many, and the Rabbit hole, Deep.
Cannabis I have an on and off story with it. But it helped and still help to calme me and at Time, slow this fast and Furious pace to a more meditative one.
It was the door for me, to all psychedelics and other drugs, as I then believe, I would have much to gain on the experi-mental level.
Then, I don't think it is usable for everyone, thus not as advocating everyone shall drop acid or drink Aya ...
And as we often Say, don't expect it to do the work for you.
If you want to better yourself, you have to practice. They are focus tool, they are sponges you can wipe your inner board with, and sponges you Can soak with whatever you contemplate. It will be you who have to be good at what you're doing, but IME it Can help to gather the best and, stay focus to animate a creative project.
Smell like tea n,n spirit !
Toke the toke, and walk the walk !