FYI - this group just came to my attention.
The Entheogenic Research, Integration, and Education (ERIE) mission:
1) Review and conduct research on the use of traditional plant medicines, and their modern analogs, for creativity, healing, personal growth, and spiritual exploration
2) Develop integration methods that combine new research with existing, tested practices to help people incorporate extraordinary experiences into their lives
3) Articulate a new educational paradigm that honors and draws upon the vast Indigenous knowledge of plant and fungi kingdoms, then envisions new applications of it within contemporary Western contexts
4) Create a forum for the responsible discussion of these topics.
https://www.erievision.orgLet us declare nature to be legitimate. All plants should be declared legal, and all animals for that matter. The notion of illegal plants and animals is obnoxious and ridiculous.
— Terence McKenna
All my posts are hypothetical and for educational/entertainment purposes, and are not an endorsement of said activities. SWIM (a fictional character based on other people) either obtained a license for said activity, did said activity where it is legal to do so, or as in most cases the activity is completely fictional.