Some people are entities in human form.
Meaning they don't really listen to their heart.
In some cases, they might not have a heart.
They only follow their mind, their beliefs, their thoughts
What is an entity in this case?
A collection of thoughts, structured in patterns
From meta structures to smaller and finer detailed structures
A pyramid or fractalized collection of thoughts.
The core of which is a void
These people don't seem to understand something
That deep down...Unconditional Love is the truth
Everything else is an illusion
So regardless of what words I use
I still love you
But to the entities, the words, the surface actions
Are the only things that matter
They will poke and prod you
and come up scenarios, labels, and judgments about you
One after another after another
Anything to make you buy into their mind games
Anything to regain control
Watch for these people
And don't let yourself be ensnared by them
Because you may think their heart beats like yours
And though you can shake their hand
and feel flesh gripping yours
They simply...
Are not there.