It will be a month since I drank Ayahuasca for the first time soon, and I feel like sharing the positive effects it has attributed into my life so far. Personally, I feel like a discussion of the experience itself isn't something I should share just yet for whatever reason, and I will trust in that feeling, as the experience is so deeply personal, it almost would lose its meaning in being shared. One experience however that I can share, was the moment that I entered a room of infinite presence, white light being the closest resemblance of colour, if colour were to exist in there. There, I was greeted by the Guru Ramana Maharashi, whom I never really felt a deep sense of connection too, however, he came through. I was presented to him, he gazed at me with infinite compassion, behind him was an alter with a circular mandala made from gold, crystals, gems and colours of red and green. Under him was a rug which he lay/sat on and an alter with many goods and pieces of beauty, including candles. He stood up and walked towards me, I became extremely excited, he went to touch my third eye, and in that experience, i became so overwhelmed with an idea that "This is it, this is what i've been searching for" the refined state of consciousness and visuals of him were lost and the room came back to 3 dimensional reality for a moment.
Since Ayahuasca I've noticed incredible changes in my levels of energy. I've had the capacity to just continue to move forward with little resistance, and feel like I can keep going, there's nothing stopping me, I'm not tired, or lazy, never am I bored, in every moment, I'm doing something. Not in the sense of distracting myself with mindless things, but rather, just flowing with life effortlessly, as if there's no resistance in my Being. All activities have a clarity of mind, I'm more present to the experience and therefore can always do my best at the task at hand as I'm not off in a distant trip of the mind.
I've had the capacity to work 6 day weeks lately, something I could never do, and this is something i get joy out of as I teach kids how to surf all day, and surf myself on my breaks. I met a girl and we've been hanging out a lot, I've made new friends, and kept up a great group of people to socialise with, their just seems to be such little drama in life. When faced with drama, I seem to have a capacity to navigate through it without getting caught up in it, so drama is nonexistent anymore. Everything just seems to be bringing me closer to myself, to god. When I cook, its a celebration, I honour my food when i eat it, and prepare it in love. I give blessings and thanks to the Universe each day. It just seems to have completely altered my perceptions of life for the better.
The biggest change would have to be the degree i think. I still have some moments where the chatter of the mind is heavy, but for the most part, the mindless chatter of my mind has dropped by about 70%. When i do get caught in thought trips, I have a better sense of navigating them, and take the thoughts less to be reality than I once did.
I want to keep working with the medicine, the shamanic practice seems to be calling to me, so i will follow through with that when ready, I've even been presented little opportunities to Shaman people through bad experiences on LSD which I found extremely interesting to help one navigate the more dark aspects of consciousness.
It really seems that ayahuasca is filtering itself throughout every aspect of my life, this includes relationships, and interactions with others, day to day activities, work, meditation, yoga and even my surfing has improved, it feels like each aspect of life it is working with me, giving little tips on how to improve, where I'm stuck, and bringing to consciousness more and more deeply the sacredness of life in the little things.
Blessings ~~MC~~