PRE-CONDITIONS(mind)Set: Good calm mood
(physical condition) Set: Feeling good
Setting (location): Living room, on couch in front of patio door with sun shining in
time of day: 1:30 pm
recent drug use: nothing in about a week
last meal: 45 mins ago had left over slow cooked ham, some swiss cheese, and a pickle
body weight: 80 approx
known sensitivities: nada
history of use: less than 20 trips, less than one year since first trip, no breakthroughs
BIOASSAYSubstance(s):harmala FB , DMT
Dose(s): 5mg harmala FB, unknown amount guess at around 20mg DMT
Method of administration: Harmala vaped in oil burner, spice vaped in GVG with liquid pad
EFFECTSAdministration time: Harmalas at 1:20 -- First spice hit <5mg at 1:30 -- second hit approx 20mg at 1:40
Duration: 1:30 - 2:20 pm
First effects: 1:31 pm
Peak: 1:41 - 1:51
Come down: 1:51 - 2:20 pm
Baseline: 2:30 pm
Intensity (overall): (use HRS-like scale i.e. 0-4: 0 = "Not at all;" 1 = "Slightly;" 2 = "Moderately;" 3 = "Quite a bit;" 4 = "Extremely."
Evaluation / notes:
OPTIONALPleasantness: (0-4) 4
Implesantness: (0-4) almost negligible
Visual Intensity: (0-4) 4
AFTER-EFFECTSHangover: <1 very faint headache, almost unnoticeable
Afterglow: 4 Very intense feeling of love and contentment, very appreciative of beauty I was able to witness
REPORTToday my trip was almost spur of the moment. I ended up getting the afternoon from work which I was happy about. Mentally I was in a good mood because it was my last day before a week off from work and a highly anticipated trip with my GF. I was feeling pretty good physically, and after getting to my house that was going to be empty for the next 4 hours (besides my dog) I though it may be a good time to try out the spice.
Never having a breakthrough before, nor attempting one, I considered attempting one today. Everything was seemed like it was in place for me to do so. Even my normally hyperactive dog was sleeping in my room on the bed peacefully. I brought out my gear to weigh out a dose and realized that my liquid pad still had an undetermined amount of spice on from previous usage. I deliberated on what I wanted to do for a few minutes and ended up going with just vaping what ever was still in the pad. I realized I had no real clue how much was there, I had just reloaded it probably three times, but never had really "cleared" any of those times.
I weighed out 5mg or harmalas and smoked that first. Then I set myself up in my usual trip spot on the couch. The sun was shining and I really love the shining sun so I decided to leave the blinds wide open on the patio doors, which I never do while vaping for privacy concerns. I took my first warm up hit which must have been almost nothing at all. I didn't get an OEVs and had very faint CEVs.
I drifted in between reality and a dream like state, which is usually the one I find most feelings of anxiety, self doubt, fear, apprehension, etc. As I was in this state my mind was roaming and I decided to consciously examine (examen) the "negative" feelings that come up and try to find the source. I had decided that I was not going to hit the spice again. As my mind was twisting and turning in abstract thought I ended with the final idea that "the goal" was to unite them. Them being the conscious and subconscious. In a moment of pure spontaneity I grabbed my GVG and torch, said out loud to what was waiting "here I come" and hit it hard (relatively). At the time it felt like taking a jump into the depths of hell in order to be reunited with a true love, and at the same time a leap of faith believing that the reunion would be my saviour.
I was still taking in smoke from the hit when I felt/heard the buzz. I knew it was going to be big and muttered "oops" to myself and then inhaled the last bit of what I could fit in my lungs. Set the GVG down and laid down pulling up the blanket, and closing my eyes. Immediately I was in a place I have remember being before, and with the same trickster that was there before. I think this has been referred to as the waiting room by many. And its as far as I've ever made with n,n before. The things I was being shown were fast, peculiar and nonsensical to me. This time it felt a little different. I didn't feel threatened in anyway, I knew this place and this "dude" and his funny, crazy things. I kept going closer to it, the things, and him. Deeper and closer and faster until I completely gave up trying to make sense of them and just let them be. And boom, I was past that.
At first white and love, brighter than a million suns. Then beauty everywhere. Infinite fractally beauty, and I felt love radiating from with in me. I saw the universe for what it was, intelligent, infinite and beautiful in every direction. I opened my eyes ( I think) and I saw infinite beauty everywhere. The universe was alive and beautiful and I was completely wrapped in her. She gave me a kiss and I exploded with infinite love for everything. I knew her and she knew me deeply, and I asked myself why do we always forget. Then I realized we must in order for us to know the joy of remembering again.
I am completely blown away by the intensity and how positive the experience was. Of course I always hope for an extremely enjoyable trip, but I never expect one for the simple fact that I wish to be prepared for the worst.
I feel absolutely amazing right now and hope I can bring at least a portion of this positive energy into my everyday life, and use it to make the world a better place.
Thank you for taking the time to read this.