Working on a questionnaire , Need some help with questions :) Options
#1 Posted : 1/5/2016 6:45:40 AM
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After doing research and reading many threads about changa, trying to find out some information can be somewhat difficult being that some of the topics are scattered around the forum. There's some information that would be more helpful if it was in one place, not only to help the newbies and others wanting to try different mixes etc, but it also might be helpful to make connections with experiences based on the mix, (say 2 or more people consume the same changa mix then will there experiences share similarities or consistencies?)

I would like to build a detailed questionnaire and try to sticky it however I don't have a great deal of experience with DMT and I've only ever tried 2 different mixes of Changa. with no idea what was in their mixes so it's very hard for me to do a questionnaire without all your help

I've only dabbled with a few questions while I have 5 or 10 mins spare time and this is so far what I've come up with, I would like to have a proper questionnaire and just link it here and have a nice looking report generated that each person can save as a screenshot or can be converted to forum code that they can copy and paste and post the results on the forum

Anyway this is what I have so far, still lots of work and research to do in order to get a good gauge of people experiences

Changa Mix: Insert name of mix(Optional)
(Use this if more than one individual is using the same mix, although this may not be completely definitive, this may help identify any possible similarities/variations noticed in your reports.)


(try to keep files size to 1280x1024 for consistency, and if you have a poor quality camera try to take image in a bright are with plenty of light and make sure to use focus (old cameras don't do well in low light))

Physical Description:

(Give a brief physical description of your Changa mix. (texture, smell, colours.))


(Detail your ingredient and ratio of your mix, including what your spice comes from (e.g. MHRB, ACRB etc.))

Time of Harvest(Optional):

(Detail any specifics of harvest time of your material (e.g. Was it Summer/Winter, Before/After Storm, Morning/Evening, Blue moon harvest, eclipse etc.) This may or may not have an impact on your mix but the more detail we know the better.)

Method of Consumption:

(e.g. Pipe, Bong, Bubbler, Joint, Vaporizer (and what Temperature - if available))

Quantity consumed:


Constitution of user:

Last Meal:
Last Drink:
Aim: (what is your reason for consuming at this moment?)
Medication: (list, if any)
Cross-Tolerances: List any other substances taken prior to Changa and how many hours before.

(This information is considerably important, being that going under the dome in the wrong frame of mind (depression/ anxiety/ intoxicated) or under some medications could have some serious negative impact on your experience. )

On a scale of 1-10 How does your Changa smoke:

-(< 1 = Smooth -- 4 = Mild -- 7 = Harsh -- 10 =Extremely Harsh > )

What does your Changa Taste like, including aftertaste:

(e.g. Sweet/bitter/fruity/minty etc.)

On a scale of 1-5 how intense was your trip:

(< 1 = Feint Visual silhouette/Slight buzz -- 2 = Clear Visuals/Moments of time Slipping away -- 3 = Intense Visuals/Hallucinations -- 4 = Intense Visual/Intense Emotions/Out of Body -- 5 =Breakthrough/Ego Death > )

If you seleced 5 on previous question, On a scale of 1-5 how intense was your Breakthrough:

(< 1 = N/A -- 2 = Just Made it -- 3 = ? -- 4 = ? -- 5 = ? > )

Specific Details of your trip:

Clarity: (e.g. Fuzzy/Clear)
Mind: (e.g. Absent/Distant, Alert/Focused, Light/Floating Heavy/Sinking )
Emotion: (e.g. Cerebral, Scared, Nervous, Calm, Relaxed, Pleasant, Excited etc. )
Senses: (e.g. temperature, smells, colours, feel (smooth/sharp), floating/falling, embraced/embracing etc. )

Trip report and Perception: This is your trip report Here, you can explain what is going through your mind about where you are. You can express this as a timeline (if you have a time reference feel free to add) otherwise in stages.

So As you can see I have only a tiny bit of information and I would like to clear up a few multiple choice options to better reflect the level of intensity and make a more accurate selection..

Any good questions you guys n gals have or suggestions to make changes for a better questionnaire, please shoto away, I would really like to contribute to the community and help each other get a better understanding of changa if I can Smile



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#2 Posted : 1/5/2016 6:55:28 AM


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Great idea. Thumbs up

Few off the top of my head:

- Method of consumption (pipe, bong, bubbler, joint, vaporizer (temp?))

- Constitution of user - weight, sensitivity (hardhead/softhead), mindset/headspace coming into the experience

- Cross-tolerance - Any other substances consumed simultaneously or recently
Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream. Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily...

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#3 Posted : 1/5/2016 8:03:46 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Thanks for the input dreamer! I'll definitely be adding that to my questions Smile
#4 Posted : 1/6/2016 12:50:58 AM

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Good idea but doesn't really work.
Changa is not like cocktails .(not sure if that's a good analogy ,its late)

In my experience and I have a fare amount changa-wise, every batch has a different strength/effectiveness . Even with the same ingredients and ratios .

I have come to the conclusion that there is some thing at work beyond our understanding or beyond the understanding of science and rational thinking.

All that set aside , you have the fact that psychedelics follows the rule that some times a little can do a lot and visa versa. So consistency is out of the window.

Over the past week I've been sampling a new batch : Pau D'Arco / Spice / Black vine alks.
Ratio 1.1.1

My first 3 attempts were the same , very mild and you have to give it time to get to work.
Tonight on my 4th attempt it hit me full on and lingered for a long time afterwards.

Either way I would still like to read others answers to your questionnaire .


#5 Posted : 1/6/2016 1:37:39 AM

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Delta, do you not think that could be due to smoalking technique?

I'm totally inexperienced with changa, but often make enhanced mullein, and other than a variable due to the purity of my spice- more or less fat etc that changes potency by weight, it seems fairly stable as far as dose goes.

That was all I was going to suggest to ass to the ??aire- a dose/response ratio. How many mg to achieve the differing levels 1 thru 5. But that does seem pretty useless with subjective curves negating the validity of that information.

Sine experientia nihil sufficienter sciri potest -Roger Bacon
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#6 Posted : 1/6/2016 9:30:42 AM

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null24 wrote:
Delta, do you not think that could be due to smoalking technique?

I'm totally inexperienced with changa, but often make enhanced mullein, and other than a variable due to the purity of my spice- more or less fat etc that changes potency by weight, it seems fairly stable as far as dose goes.

That was all I was going to suggest to ass to the ??aire- a dose/response ratio. How many mg to achieve the differing levels 1 thru 5. But that does seem pretty useless with subjective curves negating the validity of that information.

Hi Null, no I don't think its down to technique.

I have had several batches that were truly special and i have been unable to re create them with the exact same ingredients , ratios & smoking techniques.

My batches are around 3 grams each.
Concerning the special batches, every time smoking these batches has been events that will stay with me forever. Plus, these holy grail Changas I like to share. With hindsight I wish I didn't Smile

Without trying to sound crazy I figure that it must be some thing to do with either, spirits, aliens, DMT, intent or the moons position when creating Changas.
Basically its beyond my understanding.

I normally roll up 200mg with a bit of mullein in a rizla . For me this is the most pleasant and tastiest way to smoke Changa.

Also the biggest differential in Changa ,according to me, is the Harmala.
Using Rue or all the different strains of Vine all have massively different effects .
Then comes the plant that house the ingredients ,some great some average and some useless .

#7 Posted : 1/6/2016 11:05:54 PM
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I feel the same way about wanting to keep something very special, but then at the same time you want everyone to feel the same experience, so weighing up sharing a recipe with someone over keeping it to yourself is hard.

the spirit quality of the host plant is also a strange thing, how is it that one can have angel like qualities, where another can be snake like and so on. completely boggles my mind!

Why not collect your material during an Aurora or solar eclipse? could be a million different reasons why this batch is more powerful than that batch! so many variables, maybe the changa spirits will teach you how to make the right one in a breakthrough?

#8 Posted : 1/6/2016 11:39:42 PM

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Astro84 wrote:
I feel the same way about wanting to keep something very special, but then at the same time you want everyone to feel the same experience, so weighing up sharing a recipe with someone over keeping it to yourself is hard.

the spirit quality of the host plant is also a strange thing, how is it that one can have angel like qualities, where another can be snake like and so on. completely boggles my mind!

Why not collect your material during an Aurora or solar eclipse? could be a million different reasons why this batch is more powerful than that batch! so many variables, maybe the changa spirits will teach you how to make the right one in a breakthrough?

Sharing is the way to go . However my last bit of super life changing changa I gave to my brother because he was going abroad on holiday. He got completely drunk and wasted it haha.

What is strange to me is "spirits" full stop Surprised

I'm always creating new Changas so the future is bright.

I have some white vine now, cant wait to see what happens with that.

Thanks Astro.
#9 Posted : 1/7/2016 10:59:07 PM
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I have added a few more questions to the list, I also want to make changes to the question "On a scale of 1-5 how intense was your trip:" anyone have a better description of each level of intensity? or perhaps it needs more levels?

and the following question I dont have enough multiple choice answers to put in there, anyone able to help here too?

Once it's finished I'll write up an example report or once I go under the dome again I'll come back and write a fresh one Smile
#10 Posted : 1/9/2016 12:38:19 AM

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Astro84 wrote:
I have added a few more questions to the list, I also want to make changes to the question "On a scale of 1-5 how intense was your trip:" anyone have a better description of each level of intensity? or perhaps it needs more levels?

and the following question I dont have enough multiple choice answers to put in there, anyone able to help here too?

Once it's finished I'll write up an example report or once I go under the dome again I'll come back and write a fresh one Smile

More levels ,defiantly . 1-5 is how I rate my sandwich not the almighty Changa Rolling eyes

There are different levels of experience.
Break through, sub break through and they are not an exact measurement .

The only way you could rate intensity on a scale of say 1 - 100 is if you have experienced both ends of that scale. Also your 100 could be the next guys 50 .

I suppose you could measure intensity with a multiple of factors added together.
How you entered ,returned, what you saw, felt, the after effects.

I think a database like you are trying to create is a great is a great idea for interest but as far as understanding ,measuring ,quantifying Changa, your flogging a dead horse.

Keep it up . Good luck.

#11 Posted : 1/9/2016 6:51:04 AM
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Yes I see where your coming from, some aspects are for the most part quite unmeasurable! Since I've never had the same visuals or experience twice! I've had the " I remember this feeling" moment but that's it.

#12 Posted : 1/10/2016 11:37:22 PM

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Astro84 wrote:
Yes I see where your coming from, some aspects are for the most part quite unmeasurable! Since I've never had the same visuals or experience twice! I've had the " I remember this feeling" moment but that's it.

If I smoke Changa with Rue Harmala I nearly always see God Code CEV.
Also a lot of the time with Vine Harmalas I see the same beautiful pattern and enter amongst it sometimes. Maybe its the Chrysanthemum ?

Your questionnaire would be an interesting read .
I'd like to know what mixtures people are smoking and what they are experiencing .
#13 Posted : 1/12/2016 1:32:22 AM
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Ok guys give me some intensities for changa, this probably will be the most complicated questionare ever haha
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