I'm sure many of you have saw and read the trip level page over at the shroomery. The page details the five so called different levels of a trip. Begininng with level one and working up to level five which is described as enlightenment , ego death, satoshi etc.
It is mentioned that there are infinite levels in between the five levels described and that they are only a guide. The shroomery is also equipped with a dosage calculator in which one can select which type of mushroom one is taking and then select the desired level and the calculator will give an estimate of what dose one should take to reach the desired effects.
Now I'm very experience d in tripping so I know there are no hard and fast rules when it comes to this stuff. My question is in regards to lsd and how it compares to the levels described . now I've had quieye the number of lsd trips but I've only tripped a handful of times on shrooms.
I ask the nexus at what doses of lsd do you think the levels of tipping would be reached. Level one being minor effects and five being ego death and unity with the true self.
Here is the link to the description for this who may not of seen it before. Also note the shroomery calcukator states that around five grams of dried cubensis will place most at level five. At what does of lsd do you guys think equals five grams of cubes.
http://www.shroomery.org...trip-levels-Lvl-1-5-meanThat moment when you wonder if this time you went too far....
Obviously everything discussed here is the fictional accounts of someone with an out there imagination. I mean really could any of these tales be real?