Close to a breakthrough. Options
#1 Posted : 9/18/2009 4:25:58 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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recently i have been extracting DMT from MHRB. Its not much only from 50 grams of rootbark. I dont have a scale so i dont know exactly how much i have.
From a few pictures i posted of my first pull an estimate was given for just shy of a breakthrough dose of 50mg.

I have since pulled most of the DMT and based on that estimate i have maybe pulled 200mg.

Anyway, ive sampled it now and then in small amounts in a rolled up cig. with quite noticble effects and once in a msall amount in a home made water bong.

Well, having be stuck at work all day today for no god damn reason and ending up drinking a bottle of wine, then getting really depressed.

Once i got home it was fuck it. Lets give this a more serious try.

I loaded my small bong with a bit of tobaco, some DMT and a little mor tobaco. Hit it and held in as long as i could. Hit it again and held in. Loaded a bit more and repated with a big RIP.

Within 15 seconds i was propelled close to hyperspace. I say close because i could still see the "real world" around me but it was very different.

I was looking at everything in super 3d! with crisp sharp geometric patterns, like how NEO see's the matrix, thats the closest i could explain it. It was like that were he sees the code world in 3D except instead of me seeing green code, i was seeing a psycadelic version.

It was just so astonishing, i could look around and everything was just super 3D shiny and gemotric pattersn flowing kinda like the matrix.

It got so intense i wanted more. I loaded up again and got propeled further, the world getting more fractal and beatifil.

Id start to come out of it and want more, some more into the bong and again propelled into a sligtly different more organic view of the world instead of crisp and well defined.

I believe this wasnt quite a breakthrough. At the most intesne moment i could still make out my own reality.

I went into the experience pretty drunk, upset, depressed and within seconds was propelled into complete amazement.

I cant remember how many times i reloaded my bong, at 1 point im sure i went into a loop of some sort of things repeating and being sure this had happened before.

It felt like many hours had passed yet i wanted to keep going. now and then i would think, shit i;ve been here for quite a while and i should think about sleeping as i have to work the next day. When infact not long had passed at all.

U remember thinking as a smoked a hit (of many i dont remember how many times i thought this) ok this is the last hit tollorence must be building up.

Just before taking a hit that would be my final hit i decided to roll a cig for when i started to come out of it for the last time. Took huge rips and propelled back into it agian. I decided to smoke a cig while taking in everything that was happening.

As soon as i too a draw of my cig i instantly threw up! that made things go a little dark for a few seconds then i felt better.

Anyway after coming back to reality for i dunno how many times now i decided OK enough astonishment for 1 night.

The strangest thing is, that after i came out of it, i was complelty sober! I was really drunk 1 hour previos and from the moment i first stepped into the space of the most amazing experience i hve ever had i sobered up instantly.

And 1 hour of intense DMT trip i feel not only sober bt energetic.

Its been an hour since i came out of the trip and im now starting to relax and feel that i can now sleep, very well i would think and pretty peacefully.

I hav been intentionaly thinking about the trip to keep it in my mind. I dont want to forget, i want to share it with someone!

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 9/20/2009 2:51:16 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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after reading some more experiences i came across somone that described better 1 part of what i experienced. Where i said it was like the matrix except colourfull psycadelic code wasnt the best description. Everything was hologram, very shiny and glitching. It was the only time it happened, from the first few hits i had. each hit after that to propel me back in gave different visuals.
#3 Posted : 9/22/2009 8:57:37 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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Nice. I think I getcha man. The matrix like green stuff is just on surfaces, where as the rainbow stuff is like looking down a rainy road (where the rain is these rainbow stuffs). Am I right? I've seen something like that once, so that's why I ask.

I had a pretty opposite experience with spice once after some moderate drinking. I was going for a very light little bit, but it wasn't enough on the first round, so I loaded a little more. I remember setting down the pipe and laying back in my bed to see my roof starting some oev action. Then I woke up in the morning pretty thirsty and feeling refreshed after a few hours of sleep. It's the only time I've been put to slumber like that, a real head scratcher.

When I do drink a bit before spice, it clouds things for me. In reality, I'm just out of practice with my alcohol mind Pleased

Very happy
#4 Posted : 9/22/2009 1:44:26 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Z wrote:
Nice. I think I getcha man. The matrix like green stuff is just on surfaces, where as the rainbow stuff is like looking down a rainy road (where the rain is these rainbow stuffs). Am I right? I've seen something like that once, so that's why I ask.

I had a pretty opposite experience with spice once after some moderate drinking. I was going for a very light little bit, but it wasn't enough on the first round, so I loaded a little more. I remember setting down the pipe and laying back in my bed to see my roof starting some oev action. Then I woke up in the morning pretty thirsty and feeling refreshed after a few hours of sleep. It's the only time I've been put to slumber like that, a real head scratcher.

When I do drink a bit before spice, it clouds things for me. In reality, I'm just out of practice with my alcohol mind Pleased

Very happy

yeah its on surfaces but it wastn green, it was rainbow colourfull almost like a glitchy hologram. Ive failed to reproduce that experience. which is annoying as thats the best time ive had on it.

it could be my spice which isnt the purist. its a mix of clean white and yellow.

have more MHRB comming to do a larger extraction and recrystalisation this time
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