I was watching a video of a Daniel Pinchbeck talk at the Breaking Convention event that just accrued in London. He mentioned this video called 10 Dimensions Explain. I checked it out and wow, very well described in only 11 minutes in a way I never heard before. My thoughts on this can be applied to what DMT is allowing us to do with our consciousness. Also that the 10th dimension is the Godhead, all there is, source and container of the infinity of infinities. The one singularity yet everything.
Anyway, watch and please share what you think as I'm interested in others' ideas on the matter.
* Everything I write is made up tripe: whispers of wind coming off the blades in my face for I am a fictional man with a floor fan for a brain pan.
Say something to my face, I have no choice, but to replace my reply, with your Darth Vader voice!