Ive been vaping lower doses of DMT tincture... [15 to 20 drops].. for some time and got the low dose experiance and it was good and ok visuals mostly with eyes closed.. but today i changed from ahardware store brass bowl ..to a glass bowl ..and added ..a couple pinches of cappi extract powder.. and wow did i notice a diference!
In recent weeks...Most of my 15 to 20 drop tincture experiances were always great...
But today! the visual part just exploded today just from a normal 15 drops of tincture all i did diferent was changed back to a glass bowl and added a couple pinches of cappi extract powder on top of the chore boy...
Obviously the cappi powder burned.. and the spice vaped.. doing it this way but it hit visualy so fast that my whole room exploded into a floating universe of strong movment to the point i was finding it hard to recognize my room any longer!
My strongest visuals were very strong open eyed!...much stronger that previous sessions using the brass bowl with only dmt tincture..
Please any opinion apreciated...Could the smoked ..cappi extract powder.. have made my experiance that much more visual?.. or could the glass bowl also have helped?????
This acacia hit me much like pure mimosa dmt .. the whole world around me exploded onto a moving universe of fractals..it was so cool!
and really the dose wasnt much diferent that ive been using for the past months...