I'd like to sugest a special day to remember drug heros . Something like the efforts we make to remember the unknown soldier . People who helped others . Who sacrificed their lives , familys and future to halp others . To spread knowledge . People that were put in prison , tortured and raped by the police . People that gave seeds away . People that will never be famous . Spiritual people who did it because its right and not for ego and money . A day for EVERYONE that helped . A day with no stars . No comerce . No hyp . NO " LEADERS " . JUST US . A day where we celebrate what we have done . What we achieved ........... Because it was right .
People gave me things when i needed them . When i was ill they brought me things . When i had no seeds thay gave them to me . When i needed help with extractions they helped me . When i had questions they answered them for me .
They made the wiki here . They filled erowid . They donate to MAPs .
BUT ............ noone remembers them .
The name isnt so important it could be called something else . Its the idea and spreading it through the net thats important .
To all the people that helped me . THANK YOU .
I am autism spectum ........ please dont burn me at the stake for being honest .