personal sparkling jeweled spectacular in the snowy woods Options
#1 Posted : 2/23/2015 4:48:05 PM

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Yes, after a few hours of hiking in the snow on small amount of mushrooms taking photographs , checking in occasionally with the spice and some sublingual harmala I decided to pack it in and hike out.
It was getting dark and I was still feeling really good but it was cold and getting dark.
I continued hiking along a beautiful frozen stream and stopped on a bench that sits in the middle of the forest along the trail. I felt pleasurable pangs in my body from all the caapi and even though it was crazy,
I decided to take a chance and go for it one last time . So with vapor genie in hand I went in. It was such an odd location sitting on a bench in the dark in a forest with snow everywhere and a frozen stream in front of me. The forest was quite beautiful and serene.

The experience came on in such a classic way, I used to get this type of experience in the past when I first started. Its the classic Faberge egg kind of thing except it was not an egg it was a rectangular block that moved
in from the distance it was jeweled in the classic sense with facets and geometric shapes. it was a unit,
like a chest of drawers. It was a Golden yellow in color with splashes of blues and reds in the finer work. It was moving and changing and very complex. It was very very intricate with complex structures. It was like a show unfolding in front of me. No elves or entities just this one structure. It was my very own personal sparkling jeweled spectacular. It had a beginning a middle and an end like a show or more importantly like a message of some kind.

I’d like to suggest that these DMT displays could have information encoded in them. If it was simply a feedback loop or the brain just massively activated wouldn’t the patterns and content be more random and less organized?
Wouldn’t the experience be more random in nature?
Why does it command our full attention at the exclusion of all else?
I have seen this same thing many times before with slight variations.
The trouble is that I don’t even know where to begin in trying to represent it.
I like to think its more than just random neuron overload producing a feedback loop in the visual cortex. Regardless of what it may be these are still the most amazing and beautiful displays I have ever seen and experienced . I cant wait until the next opportunity to experience it once again.

The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.
Arthur C. Clarke

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#2 Posted : 2/23/2015 9:18:45 PM


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illusions !, there are no illusions
there is only that which is the truth
#3 Posted : 2/24/2015 7:07:13 AM
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Good stuff Felnik, enjoy reading your stuff.

Your setting reminds me of a near identical location, where there's a bench, a mile or so into the woods of this state park near by with a stream. Actually have never been out there at night during the winter. Might have to give it a shot before this seasons up.

A setting like that don't get much better, imo - being out in the woods, late at night, snow covered ground, and once in awhile no wind, which lends to complete silence, literally no sound of anything - twig, leaf, animal, etc. Mushrooms taken in the dead of winter out in the middle of the forests is something to behold. Greatly synergizes ime.


Sky Motion
#4 Posted : 3/4/2015 4:18:09 AM


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The best kind of DMT trip IMO, displays of information in geometry. Elegant and simple, but complex and incomprehensible all the same..and I know what you mean when the visual demands your entire attention, like it was the primary purpose of the trip and it has a meaning for showing you itself.

Reminds me of a time I took 10mg in a hit. Had a beautiful pink/neon flower with an eye in the middle softly radiating earth green hyperspace rivers of energy off it.. watched it for a while before it slowly faded away (this happened indoors).
Spaced Out 2
#5 Posted : 3/4/2015 6:02:00 AM

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Nice read felnik, the setting sounds amazing, and I understand why one would take advantage of the situation. If I didn't despise cold weather so much I would have to try it.
As for your question on feedback loops being more random if that's what was going on, but I don't think it's a feedback loop at all, I mean the complexity of what's going on behind my eyelids doesn't seem random at all, as I see the exact same things with little variations and I see what you are seeing sometimes a rectangle sometimes a triangle always morphing with beautiful color that's so vibrant and intense. I know majority has seen the exact same things as I read tons and tons of trip reports before starting my journeys. So a feedback loop that everyone encounters that creates the same visual patterns, I think not.
Ive had some pretty intense dreams before while sleeping, seemed so real even though none of it was really happening, my brain concocted some weird imagery but has never compared to the type of things I see while under a dmt trip, not even in same class. I know dreams and drug induced visions are different but if it was just something my mind is making up then why can't it do that while sleeping. The only thing remotely even kinda close is on Winamp pro with milkdrop2 visuals. Pretty amazing really from a program. I just think it's the nature of the molecule and what draws a lot of us to it, again the similarities in the trips. We may never have a clue what it's about, but it's familiar feeling and exotic hyperspace landscapes is why I'll keep going back.Big grin
#6 Posted : 3/4/2015 4:57:55 PM

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This winter has been tough on my nature forays for sure. The snow is really deep now. I still manage to get out when I can though its more difficult. I love nature under all conditions actually.

I try to keep an open mind about these experiences and attempt to see it from many perspectives.
When I strip all the theorizing away I've come to realize that I am fully intrigued and in love with
the visual aspect of DMT. The amazing way that it distorts or orders open eye visuals and the things
it seems to create and show with eyes closed. Regardless of what we believe the visual aspect is simply
stunning and beyond all description. The visual esthetic of it so incredible nothing I've ever seen in normal life comes close to expressing it. Obviously there's so much more to it and its a multi- leveled thing,
with orgasmic love, deep terror and fear all wrapped up in one.
But for me, its visual magnificence keeps me coming back regardless of what I believe at any given moment
about why or how. Not to say the implications of it doesn't keep me up at night sometimes or keep me from
coming up with wild crazy theories. Its the visuals and the feelings that go along with it that I am simply
in love with.
The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.
Arthur C. Clarke
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