If you aren't familiar with the experiments of Dr. Emoto, there is plenty of information available from a youtube or google search.
Basically he did experiments that are supposed to show that your thoughts have physical power.
I did the rice experiment, where two identical sterilized jars are filled with cooked rice. On one you write a positive word, such as "love", and on the other you write a negative word, such as "hate".
Every day you say encouraging things to the positive jar and mean things to the negative jar, all while having your intentions fully set on the well being of the positive jar and the opposite for the negative.
I meditated daily, taking a turn with each jar. With the positive jar I would flood my mind with happy thoughts and try to raise my energy to a high frequency. With the negative jar I would have the nastiest thoughts and allow myself to reach a slow dense vibration.
Also all of my entheogenic sessions had some time spent with each jar.
This experiment has been repeated by lots of people and meditation/psychedelics are not a normal part of it but I figured it would help.
Variations have also been done such as
this videoThere are all sorts of other related experiments, such as thoughts changing the outcome of random number generators and earth's electromagnetic field changing after huge world events such as 9-11 that suddenly change lots of peoples' emotional states. I don't want to turn this post into a book, so research if this sounds interesting to you.
After about 2 weeks the negative jar started to have an orange hint to it.
After 3 weeks I saw the first mold. The positive jar was still white as ever.
After 5 weeks the mold had grown into what looked like an alien life form.
2 months in and there were several different types of crazy looking mold in the negative jar but the positive jar had none. It did start to turn grey though.
3 months in and the negative jar had turned into a solid mass of absolutely disgusting looking mold that I've never seen anything like. The rice in the positive jar had started to decompose into soup but still no mold or odd colors whatsoever.
I threw everything out after 3 months.
This is of course not conclusive evidence that my thoughts did this, but it is very interesting to me and it seems quite unlikely that the negative jar would mold so fast while the positive jar outlasted anything to be expected of rice.
I personally feel like my thoughts influence things physically. My theory is that your thoughts are being broadcasted as brain waves which could be thought of as similar to wifi or cellphone signals. There is quite a bit of evidence to suggest that those have an effect on things.
I am interested in thinking up an experiment that involves doing some kind of extraction and trying to take advantage of positive thoughts or music or some other kind of vibration.
One of the other well known experiments involves freezing water in a jar that has a certain word written on it. Words such as "happy" tended to form beautiful crystal patterns under a microscope while negative words tended to look chaotic and unstructured.
How might doing something similar affect a freeze precipitation?
Or could meditation during extraction increase yield or potency?
What do you all think? Feel free to disagree, I'm sure some of you will.
I encourage you all to try some sort of experiment involving thought and post back the results.
Just keep in mind that if you don't think it will work it probably won't. I assume that believing in it is the key similar to the placebo effect.
"those who don't believe in magic will never find it"