Im noticing that my vaped trips are getting better and better!.. as i vaped 10 drops about 4 Days ago and now 15 drops of ..shall i name it ..[accia gold tincure!]
Wow!..all the beautyfull visions of constantly moving celestrial objects...
Trains of colored squares that wound through the universe and seeing things in a translucent way was awesome..
Colors just screamed at me !..translucent windows of time floating by and while this constant moving melody of life continued i was sooo calm and content being in this space!...
Most of this was with the help of the music from [spirit lands] [John Huling] playing in background...
Just like with [mescaline] the mucic seemed to merge with the accia!
I know this was only 15 drops of tincure but the music seemed to merge with the trip..
Not shure why so many claim that music or outside noise is just distracting during a dmt trip?
Maybe it from higher doses of mimosa spice?
Im guessing that 15 drops of tincure would only weigh between 10 to 13 mgs whwn evaporated of the grain ahcohol...unless it was more concintrated than i figured it still wouldent be much more..
So i went quite far this time and wonder what it takes to really break through/
I feel like i broke through ..but not soo far as to meet aliens yet?
At my highest peak i was able to think reasonably clearly...
I think if i were to vape a solid 35 to 40mgs it would take me through....
Its been a couple years of timidly smoking under doses mostly burning my spice over the months as i gradualy got better with my vaping method i now have very little fear of DMT because i know how much to take and that it wont hurt me in any way!
Looking forward to my next journey!