Synthetic RC's killing kids Options
#1 Posted : 12/2/2014 6:08:30 PM

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Be careful what you take!

I cant imagine being friends or family Sad

It's so sad to me that these drugs were being taken under the false assumption that it was a mushroom extract of some sort. This could have been so easily avoided...I can imagine this doesn't make psychedelic drugs look so good
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#2 Posted : 12/2/2014 6:10:22 PM

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hate to say it but... research trumps blind ignorance, i.e. darwin award recipients, etc.

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#3 Posted : 12/2/2014 6:44:54 PM

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2C-I-NBOMe and 2C-C-NBOMe.. yikes, those are microgram substances. Couldn't even imagine what someone could go through with an OD on that stuff.. or anything for that matter. May those who were unaware rest in peace.

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#4 Posted : 12/2/2014 9:09:32 PM

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truly heartbreaking to read stories like these. hopefully this article will inspire other individuals to research everything they can before they ingest any substance without fully knowing what it is. prayers to the families involved
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#5 Posted : 12/2/2014 10:02:18 PM

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This are always heartbreaking, both for the families that lost loved ones, and because it's almost painfully obvious what the response will be, and we all know it'll be the wrong one.

I'm sure there's nothing I can say that won't be preaching to the choir here. I'm so tired of seeing kids die.
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#6 Posted : 12/2/2014 10:07:54 PM

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Unfortunate casualties of prohibition.

Please test your substances before consuming!
#7 Posted : 12/3/2014 3:51:53 AM

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Like Endlessness said, another casualty of prohibition. If drugs were legal then we could have REAL drug education in schools as opposed to the crap they have now (just don't take it , they're all bad in every way). Also if they were legal who the hell would really want to take something like 25i unless they were someone who is really interested in psychedelics and in that case they would probably understand what they're dealing with. All prohibition does is create criminals out of regular citizens at best and at worst allow unscrupulous ***holes to make money off of stuff that ends up killing people. If they were legal then people would know what they were getting and could CHOOSE what they want to do to themselves. I'm mostly preaching to the choir here though.
#8 Posted : 12/3/2014 6:21:19 AM

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endlessness wrote:
Please test your substances before consuming!

Always always always

Your life, sanity, and health are worth way more than a $10 test kit.
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#9 Posted : 12/3/2014 7:52:23 AM

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Hmm, playing footage of their son in a football uniform at court. To paint pretty little pictures that their son would never do drugs. Yet they target the company owner and sentence him to 121 years in prison because some kid stole a mysterious white powder from some drug dealer.

121 years of one man's life to send the message, a story few will hear, and most will forget within the hour. Our laws need to change.
#10 Posted : 12/3/2014 12:54:43 PM

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Unfortunate consequence of stupidity not prohibition.

Stealing an unknown substance and then giving/selling it to people is where it all went wrong.

The dealer who was robbed should have known the dangers and been equipped to minimise them (sell only accurately measured doses and provide sufficient information to customers) but as he was robbed we have no way of knowing if he did this.

Substances this strong (with effects in the mg range) should only be availible on clearly labeled blotters. Avoids the problem of ingesting something random and puts informed choice back in the hands of the end user.

What a waste of people's lives and Liberty.
#11 Posted : 12/3/2014 1:22:00 PM


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Isn't 2C-I-NBOMe only sub-lingually active? They must have consumed alot... Partially have to agree with the Darwin and the legislation argument. What if the kid broke into a certified lab and stole the Nbome? Would he have looked up the dose before and decide to steal an analytical balance as well?

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#12 Posted : 12/3/2014 9:26:25 PM

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It's both stupidity and prohibition. Prohibition ultimately is also stupidity. It's ALL absolutely moronic. And sad.
Art Van D'lay wrote:
Smoalk. It. And. See.
#13 Posted : 12/3/2014 9:33:55 PM

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Ufostrahlen wrote:
Isn't 2C-I-NBOMe only sub-lingually active? They must have consumed alot... Partially have to agree with the Darwin and the legislation argument. What if the kid broke into a certified lab and stole the Nbome? Would he have looked up the dose before and decide to steal an analytical balance as well?

Last I checked 25I doses where 1-1.5mg with higher doses being quite unpleasant. If the bag was indeed stolen from a dealer then lets figure close to a gram minimum.
#14 Posted : 12/3/2014 9:47:21 PM

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1ce wrote:
Ufostrahlen wrote:
Isn't 2C-I-NBOMe only sub-lingually active? They must have consumed alot... Partially have to agree with the Darwin and the legislation argument. What if the kid broke into a certified lab and stole the Nbome? Would he have looked up the dose before and decide to steal an analytical balance as well?

Last I checked 25I doses where 1-1.5mg with higher doses being quite unpleasant. If the bag was indeed stolen from a dealer then lets figure close to a gram minimum.

Where did you check ? There's part of the problem right there Razz A dose of 25-i NBOMe is about 250-350 ug ! Zoinks! A more common dose is around 400 or more. Problems begin at the 800ug range and in my experience things feel damaging at sometimes even lower doses. Of course I now don't recommend any dosage of theses NBOMe series.
Art Van D'lay wrote:
Smoalk. It. And. See.
#15 Posted : 12/3/2014 10:42:43 PM


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25b... Prime example. Research junk.
Tried it one time out of stupid curiousity..
Felt like I had literally died.Sad stay away from these substances people,
I'm not your dad by no means, but please..
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#16 Posted : 12/3/2014 11:24:14 PM

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a search of the house where the party was held turned up a white powder, but police couldn't determine what it was.

That made me cringe.

I think if these RC distributors have any integrity and respect for their trade, they should not wholesale potent chemicals.

I've lost sleep over the fact that substances active at x*10^-6g are even out there.

Maybe I'm fear mongering, but what if some of the people in the report were the subject of a prank? I certainly don't think some minds are above that kind of activity.

The bottom line is that any substance that is active at such minimal dosages should only be accessed in bulk to professionals who are trained at handling such substances.

So yeah, prohibition, stupidity, but also greed.
#17 Posted : 12/3/2014 11:46:32 PM

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The one time I tried a RC (NBOMe of some sort) it was pretty awful. I avoided talking about the experience because my trip erred on the side of conspiracy theory.... BUT since the morbid nature of some of these compounds are showing themselves, Maybe it won't matter if I say a little.

During my trip, I had visions of a tyrant using these false psychedelics(I say that, because the whole experience felt cheap and thieving) as weapons; flooding the market with them, attempting to disrupt the spiritual nature of our beloved compounds. And also to present the legislators with some sort of valid argument towards the safety of using psyches - cheap justification of prohibition.

I saw the RC as a way to "slip" into the wave of psychedelic use that is spreading the globe and hinder the movement.

I'm probably totally wrong. I hope so anyways. Either way, after that trip I decided that I would not participate in the RC game. No thanks.

Ultimately, the end game lies in the hands of the user.
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#18 Posted : 12/3/2014 11:56:27 PM

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I've heard many of glowing experience about these substances. It's really not a case of the wrong substance here. These are extreme overdoses, plain and simple.

Singling substances out is not the way forward.

#19 Posted : 12/4/2014 12:50:10 AM

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Media garbage.

Promote responsibility and knowledge. Dissolve prohibition, and stop looking for scapegoats.

Sure one person died, and it's sad. What is even more sad is how many die each year due to prohibition.

How many die each year from alcohol and prescription drug overdoses? No ones going after those vendors.
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#20 Posted : 12/4/2014 4:42:01 AM

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Cause and effect.

Eventually it will be too well known to ignore which will in turn require some sort of reaction. I just hope its a well thought out one and not some hasty decision made by someone with fat pockets looking to capitalize some how.
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