I came back recently from south america with new friends and i'd like to make their life easy and happy. I have 2 cutting (~40cm) and a pup and i want to grow them.
All of them waiting for roots. 1 cutting, lets call him Umberto, is in clay beads, the other, called Katinka, and the pup, named Niño, are in perlite.
Niño, the pup, surprise me cause after less than 1 week, he grew roots. I guess he's ready and i can put him in ground or should i wait more ?
Katinka and Umberto had a rough trip, they spend 3 weeks in my luggage which is not a hard one, so they underwent lots of shocks (busses, planes and mototaxi). Katinka is the one who suffered the most and i worry a bit about rotten tips because they seems to be soft and i could see traces of leak in perlite. Until now, i don't see black spots so i wait. Is it ok, or sould i cut it shorter ?
I guess the bright green shows Katinka is growing but no sign of roots growing yet. What do i do, put her outside progressivly to get used of the sun light or still keep her inside ?
About Umberto, he's in clay beads cause i got no more perlite. Is it ok for rooting or sould i change it as fast as possible ?
Happy day folks
edit : humm... i don't understand why images don't show. Help !
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