Thanks for all the responses.
I have had a day to dwell on this experience and I'd like to discuss my musings if I may.
The truth, as far as I have experienced it so far, and all the pointings of my spiritual searching, both ethenogenic and otherwise have always lead to a oneness. Plant spirits, the god head, the dudes just hanging out eager to show stuff, the breaking down and visual representations of love, fun, light. Even the darker forces: scary looking entities trying to test me only to reveal some new beautiful insight. Swarms of red entities that seem to engulf and feed from attention. All seem to be a part of a cosmic system that has a single source, and is working together. And working together seems to be a key here. Even when there are things that seem irreconcilable with the system - the human ego likes to make things way more complicated that necessary - there is always a unity.
I have never believed in absolute evil. Is seems such a crude argument. Violence, rage and anger - a programme that exists from our earlier evolution, and is triggered in moments of separation. Rape - the malevolent male ego going bonkers, genocide - a powerful collection of people with poisonous egos going bonkers, paedophilia - mental illness coupled with a current cultural witch hunt. But beneath these and others there is the seed of truth and light. And everything is fundamentaly connected. A cosmic evolutionary play with pure love and Oneness and light at a single sourced point, creating everything, always.
Of course I may be right or wrong on the above and would change any of these view points in light of new evidence, like a good little scientist. And interpretation is often tricky and must not be left to the ego, but one thing always remains constant, the vastness of Oneness, and that human opposition to what is, (hence my name), or the present, only separates the ego and causes fear and pain.
Yesterday challenged this view point a bit. I have had dark experiences before, and they felt about me, but yesterday felt like it was beyond. Parasitic is a good adjective that others have suggested. In retrospect, I suppose they could be part of Oneness, (perhaps it was a spirit of something or other trying to teach a lesson.) But it felt truly maleovant with humanities destuction as it's sole purpose.
And that has shocked me the most. This entity doesn't fit into my understanding of hyperspace, where boundless love and joy is the air and everything ultimately cares endlessly for creation. They felt like they should not be there. They felt like an intruder of hyperspace, hence my weird thought of 'hyperspace is in trouble!' I wanted to battle. I felt like they had no power, because I had no fear yet they had multiplied in their thousands in a matter of moments, completely blocking/consuming all the light and love. It felt like a battle of biblical proportions.
The way it tied to enter me also puzzles. Whilst I was in intimate communication with a precious, delicate, beautiful entity, some sort of fragile nature. And as I was open and breathing with it it tried to sneak into me. The reaction to reject it was instinctual. I barely saw it coming. Perhaps a bit of it even got in. I have had a weird sensation in my throat all day. Probably psychosomatic but who the hell knows. :/
I have been setting up to experiment with solo aya/pharma for a while now, but this experience has definately made me think twice. I know the amazonian shamans believe in evil spirits. Perhaps I should heed their experience and only experiment in the company of experience...
Much Love <3 xx