After vapeing some acacia DMT yesterday..[not more than 20 to 22mgs..
..and repeating ..[i want to be a better human being]..several times..
I experianced a melow relaxed but strong buzz..
Listening to some native american music ..[desert dance]..
I could hear the shaman or medicine mans voice with these beautyfull comforting chants that struck me like i was voyaging into eternity..
Sudenly i could hear a comunication from the shaman combined with nature sounds that spun me into a visual experiance..with eyes closed..
In experiance.. I saw a very old ..long white haired man..
He looked like an american indian and was in a squating position with hands as if he were praying..
He was looking upward towards heaven with mouth open ..and i could see his face very clearly as i was floating towards him..
I noticed the extreem age in this mans face and his teeth were like white stumps of ivory and the closer i came to his face i noticed gaps were opening between many of his teeth..
As i got close to his mouth his mouth became a cave ..
And as i started into this cave i looked down at his tounge and it sudenly became a road!
Then i found myself on this road in the middle of a beautyfull foerst!
This was all very spiritual feeling towards me and i felt as if i were answered by symbolic language of the mind..
Still trying to put together the meanings..
But it apeared that a shaman was speaking to me through the beautyfull music i had playing and i felt somewhat comforted by this..
Out of the mouth.. [came the truth ]..getting closer ..[it became a cave] or a shelter..or a home?
The tounge became a road.. giving me direction and peace..
These are just atempts to understand the message it was so cool to get such a great experiance on so little dmt!
The spice came through to me as a medicine..or mana from the desert!