First time smoking DMT. Some questions... Options
#1 Posted : 7/17/2009 4:35:39 AM
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So, SWIM did his first extraction...and got some nasty stuff in his bowl.

He wiped all that up, and then got some white ass crystals. He put that in his weed pipe and was getting ready to smoke.

This is alot like Pebble on the Beach's trip report, expect SWIM did it in the wrong order. And SWIM didn't meditate.

SWIM put it all on a dime, and threw that in his pipe, he thought that was enough so he got ready to smoke it.

He put some skullcap in the pipe, then the spice on top.

He then tried his best to smoke it.

Heres my question: Did SWIM do it right? He put the flame over the bowl, and saw the crystals melt, but he didn't really get really harsh smoke. Thats why I think He did it wrong.

Then he did that about 3 times.

He put the pipe down, things got alittle dizzy. He felt like he was on acid again.

The room was breatheing, the bed was moving, his pipe was multicolored. He closed his eyes and saw this picture, just not as vivid

He opened his eyes and told his friend

"wow dude...this is alot like acid. I think I need more"

So SWIM fell back on the bed and watched the weird patterns on the bed.

His friend called him and he started to talk to his friend and he almost begun a bad trip.

SWIM does this alot on shrooms/acid/ now DMT. He will starts to trip, then he will start thinking about his family and how much he is letting them down by doing drugs. He will want it to stop, and he will start having a bad trip.

He found out if he just stops thinking about it and starts talking to other people about other things it goes away.

He started on that loop and so he answered his friends phone call and started chatting to him.

Thats really it. SWIM just chatted with a friend for the rest.

He went back to his bowl he made it in, and scrapped more, probably the same size as before, but he kept trying to smoke it...

He should have scrapped it all first.

He will have to extract more.

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#2 Posted : 7/18/2009 1:46:10 PM

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It's possible that you burned up your spice instead of vaporizing it. Try putting a little herbs on top of the spice too, to prevent it from getting touched by a direct flame. I would always recommending building a machine for first-timers, because of the lack of hassle, but please feel free to experimentate. You will know when you get it right, trust me. It's so much more than a little colour-visuals, so much more...
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#3 Posted : 7/18/2009 2:47:14 PM

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SaintSpader wrote:

SWIM does this alot on shrooms/acid/ now DMT. He will starts to trip, then he will start thinking about his family and how much he is letting them down by doing drugs. He will want it to stop, and he will start having a bad trip.

He found out if he just stops thinking about it and starts talking to other people about other things it goes away.

Dude... that is not good. please realise, you are not letting your family down by "doing drugs." Perhaps if you were doing shitloads of coke, or shooting smack. Even then... its your choice.
But it is not a healthy attitude. Remember, you are exploring your self, conciousness, the universe. DMT is something you can use to explore existence itself. How the hell can you be letting anyone down by doing that????
If anything, if you go in with proper intent and open attitude, with love, you are potentially helping your fellow human beings!
balaganist is a fictional character who loves playing the game of infinite existence. he amuses himself by posting stories about his made up life in our plane of physical reality. his origins are in other dimensions... he merely comes here to play.
#4 Posted : 7/18/2009 2:50:22 PM


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Wonderfully put, balaganist. words of wisdom.
#5 Posted : 7/18/2009 2:58:04 PM

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You are letting YOURSELF and the THOUGH the one thought) "down" by thinking about letting your family down by smoking "drugs". It's your decision, your life and YOUR frameset of thoughts allowing you to change the foreign thoughts bonding your soul which is nothing but a specific assembly of hardened thought energy)
#6 Posted : 7/18/2009 4:02:30 PM

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balaganist wrote:
Dude... that is not good. please realise, you are not letting your family down by "doing drugs." Perhaps if you were doing shitloads of coke, or shooting smack. Even then... its your choice.
But it is not a healthy attitude. Remember, you are exploring your self, conciousness, the universe. DMT is something you can use to explore existence itself. How the hell can you be letting anyone down by doing that????
If anything, if you go in with proper intent and open attitude, with love, you are potentially helping your fellow human beings!

Well put fellow member, well put!

This is indeed true and something one should always keep in one's mind, especially when it comes to psychedelics. Your family, friends and the law can have their opinions, but in the end it's your decision. Psychedelics used in a self-exploring manner can't possibly let yourself nor anyone else down, if someone still thinks so, don't let it get to you.

Please remember this whenever you find yourself in that situation again with those negative thoughts. Remember that what you're doing is for your own well-being. Just because it's something we all need to be discreet with, does not mean that you should have to feel shame and disgust for what you're doing.

Also, please don't be too hard on those who disagree. It's not their fault they have been lied to their whole life without having the ability to see through the fog of propaganda and discover what psychedelics really are about.
There's a clear difference between what I say I do and what I actually do perform.
#7 Posted : 7/19/2009 6:22:47 AM

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balaganist wrote:
SaintSpader wrote:

SWIM does this alot on shrooms/acid/ now DMT. He will starts to trip, then he will start thinking about his family and how much he is letting them down by doing drugs. He will want it to stop, and he will start having a bad trip.

He found out if he just stops thinking about it and starts talking to other people about other things it goes away.

Dude... that is not good. please realise, you are not letting your family down by "doing drugs." Perhaps if you were doing shitloads of coke, or shooting smack. Even then... its your choice.
But it is not a healthy attitude. Remember, you are exploring your self, conciousness, the universe. DMT is something you can use to explore existence itself. How the hell can you be letting anyone down by doing that????
If anything, if you go in with proper intent and open attitude, with love, you are potentially helping your fellow human beings!

Amen brother
#8 Posted : 7/19/2009 6:40:22 AM

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SaintSpader - one more thing on technique... If you're not getting harsh smoke, that is actually good. When you burn the spice is when you get the harsh smoke. You don't want to burn it. My guess based on what you reported is that your spice is running down through your skullcap and into the bottom of the pipe, and your not getting much of it to vaporize. You may very well still have a ton of very active spice pooled up in the pipe.

I don't know what kind of pipe your using, but if it's a simple blown glass, dry, bulb style pipe then I would suggest the following:
Hold a flame underneath the pipe/bowl and gently warm the glass. Watch it closely and when you start to see small wisps of vapor forming inside the bulb, keep the heat constant and hit it. You might be surprised at what you get! Pleased

If it's a water pipe, well, you may not be able to salvage anything.

The spice is unique. It takes some practice to get it right. I think that makes it special. Keep trying and don't get frustrated. You'll get it man!

EDIT: If your pipe is dark glass, and not clear, another option would be to hold a flame over the empty bowl and gently draw the flame into the bowl to where it just touches the screen. This too should vaporize any spice that might have dripped down inside the pipe.

I am not a drug addict seeking escape from reality. I am an explorer of consciousness challenging consensus reality.

…is DMT dangerous? The answer is only if you fear death by astonishment… [crowd laughter]… Remember how you laughed when this possibility was raised… a moment will come that will wipe the smile right off your face.
-Terence McKenna
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