I started a thread
Here about whether using DMT for amusement was good or bad.
With some great responses I felt at ease with myself about the situation.
One reply was to maybe ask the DMT realm about this on my next journey.
I have put this here as this experience was the weirdest yet ( even for DMT)
I loaded up as usual with 60mg 1:1 ratio of mullien and spice enhanced leaf. With the intention of maybe getting an answer about the previous use.
Now this is hard to explain but here is what happened.
I took the hit in one, held my breath for as long as I could, about 25 seconds.
Not sure why but I kept my eyes open and the first thing I noticed was the colourful patterns were COMPLETELY white. no colour to them at all.
Then EVERYTHING disappeared. The best way to describe it is " nothingness" I don't mean nothing happened, a lot happened. I mean I had a real strange feeling of NOTHING.
The weird thing is, I lost the feeling in my face!!!! I could not tell whether my eyes were open or closed. It was as if a white reality blanket was thrown over me.
I touched my face with my hands and I honestly thought all hair ( eyebrows and eye lashes) were GONE!!!
This totally scared the bejeeezes out of me.
The room came back into view but my face felt the same, my eyelids were numb! I got up and ran to the bathroom to a mirror. thankfully although I couldn't feel them, the lids and lashes were there!! My heart was beating like a nutter.
When I get a bit of a bad trip, I can normally handle it just by sitting there and waiting for it to pass. This was different. this was something else.
As titled, I think I got my answer!! Maybe due to my own bad feelings for using DMT after alcohol previously, and amusing myself with the footy, I maybe encouraged this bad trip from within,
But, I am taking it as the answer and taking it as a lesson. DMT is not a toy. I should never as used it as such. Never did before and NEVER will again.
I'm going to give it a few days, Then Have a return visit to let "them" know I learnt my lesson. respect to DMT. It truly is so unpredictable.
Anyone had a similer trip like this, where it actually made you face numb, eyelids and all? very weird.
“Psychedelics are illegal not because a loving government is concerned that you may jump out of a third story window. Psychedelics are illegal because they dissolve opinion structures and culturally laid down models of behaviour and information processing. They open you up to the possibility that everything you know is wrong.”
Terrence Mckenna