Marathon Diet: Didn't want to hijack Supplement Thread Options
#1 Posted : 4/25/2014 5:19:02 AM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 229
Joined: 17-Jan-2014
Last visit: 20-Nov-2020
Greetings everyone, i was posting on Endlessness' Supplement thread and realized there is a potential wealth of knowledge i have not yet looked into regarding my marathon training,

I have just started training for my first marathon, in 6 months, and i have a training schedule, but don't have much of a food plan other than eating fish, meat, fruits, and grains, v8 fusion for those nasty veggies, staying hydrated and not eating junk food.

I am curious if any of my fellow nexians are also fellow long distance runners and have any diet or supplement suggestions, great meals to cook (i do not have time to research the ridiculous amount of "healthy" dishes with my school/work schedule), or general training tips you think would be useful.

I ran a half marathon without training at all and finished with an even 7:30 min/mile pace the whole 13.2

I realistically want to finish this 26.2 miles in under 3 hours, which i am confident i can do, but my real goal is to finish in 2 hr 45 min or less. that's a 6:30 min/mile pace Shocked Crying or very sad

I am a very very firm believer in mind over matter, and as my wrestling coach used to say, pain is weakness leaving the body. The thought that I am not sure if i can do it excites me and really makes me want to push my body to its limits and beyond, but....

Its going to be a real challenge and i need all the help i can get, so any suggestions offered are very much appreciated Big grin

Much love to all
I died a mineral, and became a plant. I died a plant and rose an animal. I died an animal and I became human. Then why fear disappearance through death? Next time I shall die, Bring forth wings and feathers like angels; After that, soaring higher than angels-- What you cannot imagine, I shall be that.

Any speakings written are the purely fictional ramblings of an illiterate grande taco, and are false in the face of truth when judged by the all-father. They are in no way real.

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
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