Age and DMT Options
#1 Posted : 4/20/2014 2:53:38 PM
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Hi all, I am new to the forum and have finally created an account. I have been researching over the past few days on the chemistry of DMT extraction, DMT itself, alkaloids, acacias, etc and have been fascinated. I have some questions regarding ages and DMT.

1. At what age did you first try DMT?

2. At what age do you think DMT is okay to try?

Would love to hear your thoughts and responses!


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#2 Posted : 4/20/2014 3:50:37 PM

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Sounds like your young to me and would highly advise that a person waits until they are fully grown and have reached a calmer part of there life. I first extracted freebase dmt when I was 15 and the next 3 years were horrible. At that age with that much dmt I did not use responsible. My vision is still messed up from smoking spice on the daily for about a month when I was young. I wouldn't say there is a specific age when to start but definetly not if your in your teens.
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#3 Posted : 4/20/2014 4:00:35 PM

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I first did DMT when I was 19.
Age is just a number and pretty much irrelevant to me. I would say you need at least one powerful visionary experience via mesc/psilocybin/ayahuasca before smoalking dmt and learn how to integrate from there. If you can't integrate then you should train yourself to. Integration is key to developing the psyche.

MOST (not all) people in their teens are still developing mentally, and thus are not adequately equipped to integrate powerful visionary experiences.
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#4 Posted : 4/20/2014 9:43:42 PM

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One positive effect of psychedelics is to cause people to be honest with themselves for a brief period of time. Self-deceptions are revealed and long-standing beliefs may be challenged. Such confrontations can be painful and life-altering. Truth can be a destructive force, but it also sets you free if you're willing to accept it. Ironically, the substance is just as likely to provoke delusion as it is to produce epiphany.

Structural brain differences aside, the adolescent's mind is still in the process of forming a solid belief foundation - a modus operandi - which will largely determine their life path. A belief system grounded in reality, hopefully. DMT will wreck that shit. Tear it up. Rape that baby.
#5 Posted : 4/20/2014 9:50:16 PM


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This is another one of those topics that has been discussed thoroughly in the past. Unfortunately I can not find the thread.

It just depends on a lot of things. Some women im the Amazon drink aya while breast feeding for example. Some get initiated young. Completely different culture than what most of us were born and raised in.

If anyone could find the old thread on this that would be awesome!
#6 Posted : 4/20/2014 10:19:29 PM


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I did it at 16. While I do not regret the decision now many years later, I think one should be at least 18, probably at least 20 - especially if we're talking about breakthroughs.
#7 Posted : 4/20/2014 11:23:44 PM

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I first worked with spice at 30, this was after 16 years of experience with other psychedelics. That meant I was quite comfortable with extreme psychedelic experiences, yet at the same time you can never be ready for an experience you have not had.

I had been looking out for spice for a long time and would have done it at any time I found it, no matter what age I was. If anyone had have told me it was not suitable and I felt I wanted to partake I would have anyway. As that was not the case I obviously can’t comment on the effect at younger ages but I think I would have coped, just as we [most of us] do with any extreme experience that life can throw at us.

All that being said I’m glad I didn’t try it until 30. It appeared at the right time for me, I had many near brushes with it over the years but eventually it materialised at a time that made total sense for me and my place in the world at that time.

I think previous experience with psychedelics is very useful but many on the forum had none prior to spice and survived so that is just my standpoint.

Long and short of it is that only you can know when is the right time for you. You will find out when you get there whether it really was the right time (or even the right tool) for you.
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#8 Posted : 4/20/2014 11:48:44 PM

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Also depends on what kind of dmt your talking about. Aya can be and is usually less traumatic on the brain when compared to a break through dose on freebase dmt.
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#9 Posted : 4/21/2014 2:38:14 AM

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I had wanted to do it since I was around 19 or so, but it wasn't until I was 21 that I would finally have my moment in the sun. The thing with age is that everyone is different. Just because someone is a certain age doesn't necessarily reflect their maturity and to further complicate matters, certain components that typically constitute maturity might not be the best litmus test for being ready for DMT. Some people that may be "conventionally immature" might be perfectly suited to DMT. Some people who are on the cusp of being ready for it or who may not seem like good prospects may turn out to be the ones who need it most. Being that DMT is quite transformative, the person going in will not always be the same person going out...excuse my's 420 Smile
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#10 Posted : 4/21/2014 2:51:40 AM

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hopefull wrote:
Aya can be and is usually less traumatic on the brain when compared to a break through dose on freebase dmt.

When you say "traumatic on the brain", do you mean the mind/spirit/emotions/whatever? As far as I know, there are no documented cases of brain trauma caused by DMT or ayahuasca...

Assuming you are referring to psychological trauma, I still don't think this is necessarily the case. The way I see it, all powerful psychedelics seem to be equally capable of causing psychological trauma/distress.
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#11 Posted : 4/21/2014 3:12:49 AM

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I think it's too complicated a thing to say that this age or that age is when people are old enough to do it. Everyone is different and cultures vary.

<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
#12 Posted : 4/21/2014 4:19:33 AM

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hopefull wrote:
would highly advise that a person waits until they are fully grown and have reached a calmer part of there life.

When I was growing up no one could have ever convinced me I was too young to do something; I had to decide/experience it for myself. ...and then I could say whether I was too young or not haha.

but seriously, I agree with a lot of what is being said, however, I don't believe that a person's age should be the sole factor in deciding whether they "ready".

I think deep down everyone can tell if they are really ready to do it, it's all about individual mental state/ brain composition IMO.

age is only one out of an infinite amount of variables that could affect the outcome of your experience.

Polonium wrote:
1. At what age did you first try DMT?

2. At what age do you think DMT is okay to try?

1. 20 y/o
2. I really wanted to when I was 16, i guess thats when I thought it was okay.
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#13 Posted : 4/21/2014 4:22:07 AM

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I first tried DMT when i was either 14 or 15, just finishing my freshman year of high school. I had researched it for a couple months and did an extraction with a buddy. It went well, though we didn't know to do multiple pulls at the time :oops

I was astounded by the place, and ended up visiting far too much in a short period of time (about 40 times one weekend). It got to the point that my friends confronted me about the heavy usage, and then i ignored their advice for a while. Things got a bit rocky and i decided to lay off for a year. and yadda yadda yadda....

Long story short, im much older and wiser now, and am curious about how things would have gone if i would have waited. though i certainly don't regret it, but i would advise that one waits until they have a developed brain and developed and well-established views, personal philosophies, etc. so you don't get sucked into hyperspace like i did for a short time Pleased

I was young, but an oddity from the vast majority when it came to tripping and my comfort with it, so i felt i was ready despite the young age, and i handled as such with amazing experiences Shocked

I wasn't mature enough to let the last experience set in before moving to the next, so if you are young and feel ready, then at least take your time with it, there's no rush Thumbs up

Age is not so relevant in this case as is maturity and preparation, IMO
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#14 Posted : 4/21/2014 4:41:41 AM

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Indydude I hear ya but 40 times one weekend! That crazy

Entheogenerator: I meant to say "trauma". I was just trying to say that freebase dmt is in my opinion more intense and moves much more quicker than other psychedelics. It gives you less time if any to work out what's happening and what your seeing. Leaving the user in a more state of shock(trauma) and awe immediately after coming down when other psychedelics like aya you have more time to process what is happening and the after shock at least for me is easier to handle then freebase.
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#15 Posted : 4/21/2014 9:37:38 AM

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1. I tried DMT at 40
2. Too young is under 21 AND when one doesn't unsterstand the gravity of a total shift in their perspective of everything.

#16 Posted : 4/21/2014 9:49:40 AM

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I had been knocking about for 29 Years, 7 Months, 4 Days and 18.5 hours before DMT turned up and gave me something to think about. I think I'm glad it didn't turn up any earlier.

I cant imagine what my monkey mind would have done with the Magic at 16, its confused enough now.

it's all in your mind, but what's your mind???

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#17 Posted : 4/21/2014 11:18:11 AM

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Spiritofspice wrote:

If your young go live life substances can wait.
As for answering your question I was around 16yo I'm nearly 40 now.

So if you did it when you were 16, and you're 40 now, then if my math is correct, you first tried it around 1990. May I ask what the circumstances were? Was the DMT extracted? What's the story? You've intrigued me.
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"The Mighty One appears, the horizon shines. Atum appears on the smell of his censing, the Sunshine- god has risen in the sky, the Mansion of the pyramidion is in joy and all its inmates are assembled, a voice calls out within the shrine, shouting reverberates around the Netherworld." - Egyptian Book of the Dead

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#18 Posted : 4/21/2014 1:25:37 PM

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Acacia back then really? I didn't even know that people even thought of extracting from that back then. Congrats on finding it. I never knew that heavy Datura use caused you to be emotionless. What do you mean? You weren't ever sad or happy? Just always at baseline?
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#19 Posted : 4/21/2014 2:26:41 PM

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3rdI wrote:
I had been knocking about for 29 Years, 7 Months, 4 Days and 18.5 hours

I like your exactness 3rd!, it says something of the significance of our journeys when we can pin down the day when we first experience them. I can only pin it down to a month.

Back to the original conversation though –

It has been said in this thread that aya can be less traumatic than straight spice. I question this view. Whilst oral admnistration can be milder than a vaped experience and has a less intense, more gradual come-up there is nothing to stop it from being just as mindblowing. It is, after all, DMT.

Further down the path to more extreme examples —

It has also been noted that children in cultures where aya is normalised see the very young being dosed. A friend of mine stayed in the jungle for some months a few years ago and thought at some point that her children (7 & 9 if I remember right, possibly a year younger) should have a small dose of aya.

As far as I understand this was not a particularly good idea, with the younger one in particular having some issues and being very fearful for a long time after. I do not think the experience is in any way right for those not brought up in a culture where it is normalised and who don’t have the capacity to understand what they are getting into.
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#20 Posted : 4/21/2014 3:29:48 PM

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I mis used the word traumatic I meant to say immediate after shock is stronger for me personally which could be very hard for a younger mind to deal with. Aya can have the same and maybe more mind blowing long term effects for me but freebase is just like cramming an aya trip in 5 to 10 mins which is sometimes harder to handle mentally then other psychedelics which have longer duration of a trip. Agreed?
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