The Cosmic Tides of Infinity Options
#1 Posted : 6/29/2009 4:42:53 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Swim and a friend embarked on their first pharmahausca journey over the weekend. This was one of the most amazing experiences of swims life! Its really hard for swim to make complete sense of it now and put it into words for others to understand. Swim personally got so much more from this experience than smoking it. So many things became clear to swim during this journey. I felt like I "got it" and the feeling of never having to do another psychedelic drug ever again arose. I felt like I woke up out of this dream of reality. I could see through all things and experience the divine in every breath.

My sense of self started to dissipate into the nothingness of just "being." I could barely tell where my body, and space began. I became one with the all that is. Breathing became a very interesting thing to work with. I almost felt like I could stop breathing if I wanted to. As I breathed out, i stayed in that space between the out, and the in breath. The feeling of stillness and bliss swirled together when no breathing was taking place. I also heard music arise out of the void, truly magical tones of complexity. We both felt like we were channeling this cosmic wisdom, true knowledge. After the peak, I felt the most "alive" Ive ever felt. I was truly humbled and appreciative of the experience I was undergoing. It made me feel like I'll never be the same person again, because I realized how vast our consciousness really is.

I could go on and on, but I'll leave it at that. That was my experience in a nutshell.
The universe is an infinite harmony of vibrating beings in an elaborate range of expansion-contraction ratios, frequency modulations, and so forth.

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#2 Posted : 6/29/2009 5:08:25 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Sounds awesome. What was your dosage exactly?
#3 Posted : 6/29/2009 5:15:50 PM

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Well swim was impatient, scales in the mail, but he decided to leap anyway. So hes not sure at all of the dose taken. swim loaded a small amount into a "0" sized capsule, Id say less than a quarter of it. He tried to gauge it by adding more than a usual smoked dose. We actually took another capsule with even less about 2 hours into it, thats what threw us into the abyss lol. We used 3 grams of rue each for the maoi. Swim cant wait to weigh the amount he actually took and see really how much it was. Will report back on that.
The universe is an infinite harmony of vibrating beings in an elaborate range of expansion-contraction ratios, frequency modulations, and so forth.
#4 Posted : 6/29/2009 9:27:49 PM

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These reports never ever get old. EVER. Simply mind blowing. Simply crazy where some things can take our consciousness. Not much els can be sead here.
How To Stop a Nightmare
Insanty at its finest!
The Dark reaches of The Void are there. But it is not to be feared.
#5 Posted : 6/30/2009 7:44:43 AM

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This forum... it's strange.

I had my first, life-changing (and perhaps life-defining) LSD experience more than ten years ago. Since then, I've read a lot of stuff, trying to find out if there are others out there who had experienced the same things as I did back then. And I found nothing. I mean I found a lot of trip reports (did this, did that), but not much of the really "deep" stuff. Nobody's tales resonated with the core experience I had.

Since I found this forum, I've read at least five experiences which "smell" like the real stuff. I can feel it. As I read them, I am almost transported back to that "space" where it happened. I don't know why this is so. My current theory is that LSD and shrooms were only the first wave and DMT is the second one. Perhaps the world is now ready for this understanding and DMT is the key. Once I had a vision on LSD where I was shown the "hierarchy of psychedelic drugs". In this hierarchy, the top spot, the crown jewel was DMT.

From what I've read, it seems that DMT can deliver the "real thing". And this is a spectacular feat. I know there is a built-in resistance in most human beings which doesn't let them experience that other reality. They would most likely be torn apart by such an experience. For some reason, these barriers are lowered or non-existent in some of us, so we can chart out the higher dimensions. But when we do so, we can become completely alienated. I know I felt sooo alone with my understanding. I knew that if others knew what I knew, the world would change for the better. But I had to see that this knowledge simply cannot be given to others in words. It must be experienced. But how? I couldn't facilitate this experience even in myself, it seemed I was given a one-time grace.

And now it seems there are fellow psychonauts out there, who KNOW what I was babbling about through all these years. I'm glad that this happened. I'm glad that this was organized so. It's like a dream coming true. Bless you all. Smile
#6 Posted : 6/30/2009 8:07:12 AM

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And now my comment on the opening post:

I can definitely relate to that experience with breathing. On my first trip, I had an experience where I myself became like the breathing: in and out, in and out, around the "center of existence", which was like a black hole: sucked in on one side (the side of the "old" world) and emerging on the other side (the "new" world). Actually this was a death-rebirth experience which I somehow "slowed down" because I found God in the moment of death (the point where the two worlds meet) and I wanted to go back there.

Ok, this is confusing. Let's try to explain it better.

So. It seems there is a "center" point of the experience which works like a separator between the old and the new worlds. If a trip is seen as a death/rebirth experience then death is the trip inwards, and rebirth is the trip outwards. Where inwards becomes outwards, there lies the hidden secret of existence (in my experience: God).

Now this inward/outward thing is the same as breathing. Actually, breathing is a manifestation of this idea. The "stopping of breath" is the junction point between inwards/outwards.

What happened to me on the first trip was that as I approached this turning point of the experience, I somehow "zoomed in" or "slowed down" towards that point. This also can happen with music. You are listening to the music, it goes on and on and once you experience a zooming effect: time slows down, your "sample rate" goes up (yes, this is a good metaphor!) so you start to see the surroundings of the present moment (like the microscopic filter sweeps in the sounds). With this sample rate increase comes a deeper understanding, a series of reality switches, an ascension into higher and higher realms of consciousness. And at the center of this, at the root of the tree, one finds God.

Oh I found another good metaphor. Remember Ellie's meeting with the "aliens" in Contact? That's the same thing. And the way it ends: the abrupt breaking out of that eternal moment: that's how it happened to me. I wanted to rest in peace - in God - but something realized in me that I was going to die and this made me jump out of that moment, straight into rebirth.

And here is what happened afterwards: I realized that I left the cradle, and I wanted to go back. And my mind somehow did a trick and I somehow "reversed" time (this was actually happening, the whole world turned backwards and things started to happen in the reverse order) so I went backwards towards the center point but now I could not enter it again, just had a blink into that eternal "vertical" dimension opening there and then I slipped back into the old world. Then it reversed again, and so I "breathed" in-out, in-out between the old world and the new one.

This process had a progression also: I spent less and less time in the old world, and more and more in the new, while finally I completed the rebirth and left the core experience behind.

Now I feel that I did this because I wanted to instill into me the core experience as deep as possible, because I feared that once getting out of the trip, I will not be strong enough to "keep the lights on", so I needed some "grounding" in that core experience. (Or perhaps I just wanted to be again with the Loved One.)

Anyway, here it is, hopefully you can relate to some of it.
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