I'm preparing for an experiment - due to restrictions in space, time and glassware this will not include a side-by-side comparison except the fact that it will be the same bark as my latest extraction...
I plan on the following...
1...prepare basic soup...
2 do wash of 50 ml of basic solution in 200 ml of warm naphtha
3 after separation/decanting salt naphtha in vinegar x3 (50 ml of vinegar per jar, 3 jars)
4 re-use naphtha, repeat steps 2-3
5 add NaOH and NaCl to each jar of vinegar
6 pull twice with warm naphtha from each jar of basefied vinegar - don't combine pulls from different jars
7 evap naphtha - compare results to establish usefulness of second and third salting
8 if yield is below par repeat steps 2-7
The amount of mhrb/basic soup to be processed this way will be relative to the amount of dmt-acetate that can be dissolved in the amounts of vinegar to be used (with a hypothetical 3% yield in mind)
Any questions or comments before I put this plan into action?
My avatar was taken from google images and is actually a work of art by NEIL GIBSON, credit where credit is due!
Bodies don't have souls - souls have bodies
Old enough to know better, young enough to try again