Important Disclaimer! Salvinorin A can easily be a horrifying experience, especially at high doses. When working with sA Extracts of any kind, proceed with caution. If deciding to vaporize Salvia extract via a conduction pipe, BE CAREFUL! you can easily melt carpet or cause problems or burn yourself. My personal recommendation is to spend a good amount of time learning to integrate salvia via other methods before attempting to sesquiterpoke (quidding, smoking plain leaf, make your own 2x or 4x extracts)... work your way up and develop a sincere connection to this substance.
Another strong recommendation is to burn copal incense in your space, in my experience it can defend you, relax you, bring you into a meditative state and heal you.
With Copal, i personally burn half of a Copal Resin Bead in the morning, and prior to any short-acting psychadelic, i break a bead and sprinkle only the dust that deposits on your fingers on the the hot charcoals, putting the copal bead back into the container.
Sesquiterpoking:It is a very nice method because the taste is negligible and even rather pleasant. Use whatever method of smoalking suits you best, i have just been using Crude acetone extract and a glass conduction-style pipe.
When it begins to hit for me the most important thing to try to experience my heartbeat as the blood flows through the area above my navel and below my solar plexus.
It is a good idea not to move or be too active until you can detect that the trip is baselined.
Intention for me is simple:
Feel my heartbeat, and be open to sacral chakra healing. This substance is a very special medicine, and the synergy with Copal Resin (im using hymenaea courbaril resin) and convenience of sesquiterpoking is really amazing and I recommend it.
Btw, i use the term sesquiterpoking as a gimmic not trying to start anything