Acetone with jojoba oil Options
#1 Posted : 10/7/2013 9:51:14 AM
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Hi everyone!

I've been experimenting with DMT a few months now and have had around 10 journeys, all of which have been pretty fantastic. My preferred MOA is to smoke it in a dry bong sandwiched between caapi leaf which seems to work very well. Saying that I'd like to make some changa proper, and have read up on the teks for this suggesting IPA/acetone etc as the solvent which I've had trouble finding (UK resident).
I spotted some "Pure Acetone" in a shop the other day, but the ingredients say it also contains Jojoba oil so I'm just wondering if anyone knows what this is, if it will evaporate, or if it will work regardless?

If not I'll probably just get some IPA on Amazon but would prefer to buy it in person.

Cheers in advance!

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#2 Posted : 10/7/2013 3:51:30 PM

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Jojoba oil is a skin moisturizer, your product may be nail polish remover and it's there to reduce irritation from its use.

It's harmless and edible, if it ends in your final product it would not be toxic.
#3 Posted : 10/7/2013 4:19:17 PM

Kalt und Heiß, Schwarz und Rot, Kürper und Geist, Liebe und Chaos

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DO not use it this acetone+jojoba oil. As ymer says, it is possibly added because it is good somehow for the skin (moisturizing maybe? but how can something that repels water like oil be moisturizing?)

Jojoba oil is an oil yes, edible but maybe not the safest thing to smoke. If you use it for changa as you describe in the OP, you will be left with jojoba oil in your changa. Might make the smoke harsh -or maybe soothing? who knows

But why take the chance and complicate things when there is no need to? Just use IPA.

IF you want to experiment with adding jojoba to your changa do it in a responsible way (research what may or may not be there, how safe it is to inhale its fumes and start low).

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#4 Posted : 10/7/2013 4:23:45 PM

veni, vidi, spici

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hello sakana,

if you don't want to buy off the net you could try hobby shops for acetone/IPA, I have found 99% IPA in a hobby shop.

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#5 Posted : 10/7/2013 5:03:28 PM

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In the UK you can buy acetone from Boots pharmacy. It's 99%-100% I believe.
#6 Posted : 10/7/2013 7:27:23 PM
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I've been noticing acetone providing low yields, compared to iso alcohol. If I were you, I'd go the iso route.
#7 Posted : 10/8/2013 5:42:34 AM
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Thanks for the replies guys, I'll avoid that jojoba stuff. Will check out Boots as well, cheers DK.
#8 Posted : 10/8/2013 7:14:30 AM

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Another good bet is little independent pharmacies. Just be aware that you have to ask for it at the pharmacy counter. Nowhere will have it out in the shop. I found it easier to get than pure ISO. 500ml bottle is what you want and they are fairly cheap compared with getting something posted. I got mine to clean up fibreglass resin off my tools :-)
#9 Posted : 10/8/2013 2:28:22 PM

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I think you can buy 100% ethanol alcohol... i read that is better than ipa for caapi leaf
#10 Posted : 10/8/2013 4:25:25 PM

Kalt und Heiß, Schwarz und Rot, Kürper und Geist, Liebe und Chaos

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Sabnock wrote:
I've been noticing acetone providing low yields, compared to iso alcohol. If I were you, I'd go the iso route.

lobo wrote:
I think you can buy 100% ethanol alcohol... i read that is better than ipa for caapi leaf

Well, considering that the OP wants to make changa, the criteria for a solvent are:

1. Does it evaporate fast and cleanly?
2. Does it dissolve dmt?

The phrase "acetone providing low yields" makes no sense in the context of changa making. Ethanol, as per lobo's suggestion is good because it can be found as a food-grade (if that's your thing, but be prepared to pay a hefty amount of tax for it) and also evaporates a bit faster than IPA...that's all into it. I'd personally use anything that complies with the above mentioned criteriaSmile

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#11 Posted : 10/8/2013 4:41:25 PM
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Cheers guys, not bothered about evap time etc cause it'll be worth the wait.

I'll nip to the chemist tomoz and pick up some acetone to clean my tool.
#12 Posted : 10/9/2013 1:54:08 AM

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sakana wrote:
Thanks for the replies guys, I'll avoid that jojoba stuff. Will check out Boots as well, cheers DK.

Boots acetone is all I use Pleased
#13 Posted : 10/11/2013 8:18:14 PM
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Infundibulum, what I meant is that acetone is crap. I thought it was good but I wasted a lot of quality mimosa because acetone doesn't pull all the goods, I got a 2 gram yield with acetone whereas with iso I always get a 5 gram yield from mimosa inner root bark. I went back to iso and repulled from my sodium carbonate/evaporated brew mix (that I had previously used an entire acetone gallon jug to pull with) and when I used the iso I managed to pull all my goodies out that I thought I had lost. Point is, iso gets me 5 grams of extract from mimosa whereas acetone only gets 2 grams, so obviously acetone isn't as good of a solvent as I had originally thought it would be.

And about ethanol, it's just way too expensive, 20 bucks for a small bottle of everclear which still sucks btw as it contains 5 percent water but it useable though doesn't provide much liquid for pulling. The bigger bottle of everclear were I am is 30 dollars or so. I'm just gonna stick with the iso myself though, it's cheap, pulls very well and evaporates fast (about as fast as acetone). I've also noticed that acetone absorbs water from the air or whatnot and when the acetone evaporates you still have water to evaporate. 99 percent iso is way better and evaporates cleanly and fast with only 1 percent or less of water.

So idk about anyone else, but id wanna pull as much as possible, so acetone is out and iso is in, for me. And btw the acetone I've used is klean strip acetone as its the only kind my local stores supply.

And also yes, changa is finely made with iso, in fact any changa I've made with acetone while it was potent it just didn't provide the yield that iso does. When I've made my changa before, I would use about 8 - 12 grams of Caapi leaf to evaporate the iso/extract onto, and it was perfect due to how much the iso always pulled. Once I started with acetone, I could only use about 4 grams of Caapi leaf due to the smaller yield. And whenever I used acetone or iso, I've always purified my extracts by redissolving and revaporating.
#14 Posted : 10/12/2013 12:50:18 PM
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I don't understand the talk of pulls and yields, I'm not making dmt, I'm just looking to dissolve my dmt and infuse it onto some leaf.
#15 Posted : 10/12/2013 7:37:34 PM
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Sakana, so I take it you have already extracted crystals? I'd still go the iso route but acetone does seem to dissolve freebase well, it just doesn't pull from extractions well apparently. Anyways though what i was saying with the talk about yields is important to know if you wish to make various changa batches. All it is is measuring the extract goo/oil after your pulls, or in your case crystals, so that you can accurately make a good changa batch with a good ratio. I simply evaporate my pulls, redissolve the goo in more solvent and reevaporate for a cleaner extract oil and I usually reevaporate everything into a cup that is weighed before and after in order to see how much extract was gained. They say to make changa as a 1 - 1 Caapi leaf to dmt containing extract ratio, which means a gram of extract to a gram of herb, I myself generally prefer a 2 - 1 ratio of 2 grams of leaf per gram of extract.

But what I was saying about acetone, is that at least for me after having used it multiple times now it seems it doesn't pull everything IE the goods. Iso seems to pull everything just fine, but acetone still leaves much dmt and such for some odd reason. That's all I was saying. Obviously if using iso gets me 5 grams of clean dmt containing extract oil/goo, and acetone only gives me 2 grams, then obviously it's not getting all the good stuff.
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