Information/advice - Exploring Dark&negative areas of hyperspace (The Void) Options
#1 Posted : 5/29/2009 12:41:42 PM

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I was speaking with Aegle about this subject. I was pretty fascinated about what she sead in a topic.


just be careful of malicious beings as they can be very harmful, always protect yourself from them as best you can. Negative or malicious beings are incredibly tricky and come in many shapes and forms even a beautiful women entity which is their favorite form to take on to trick an unwary male.

Following on what she sead in my PM.

I don't think personally i would choose to encounter these malicious beings, but i do think it can happen during an experience. If it does happen it would be important to protect yourself as best you can and if possible to not be seen by them. As malicious begins can harm you mentally.

I am REALLY considering exploring these horrific zones. They have not been mapped like the areas that are made of light energy and love. I have found it very interesting with what SOME of these malicious beings do to hurt you. I read in Rick strassmens book, in one persons bad trip, the being fed on the persons love. The more love that person tried to give, the more it fed. At least I think that's how it went, been a while since I read the book Wink .

I have come up with some ideas. More or less theory's. If one was to confront the beings that feed on emotions, could it be possible to not show emotion. Then they would have nothing to feed off at all? Its hard for me to understand at this time, just thought I would remind you all though.

I cannot say much for theory's to stop a lizard men from raping you... There IS something they say, trying not to offend though. "Stop rape. Say yes...". Ok, not a very good way to stop someone from getting raped Shocked .

Other then all this, I know little about Negative/dark beings of Spices regions. And I am sure there are some REALLY deep negative areas, that have not been tapped. So, if the more experienced members could give some insight of the different negative beings of The Void, what these beings ability's are, how they try to harm you, ways to avoid them, ways to beat them at there own game!

And I would not mind if you gave a brief, but descriptive description about these beings. Don't be afraid to give them a name, based on there form. Like they might be a shadowy being, another might be a lizard man, go off giving names to how they look/what they are made of! I would also like to start a list. A list that beginners can look up, and know how they might deal with such events. What to expect and such! It would have the beings name, then a description of information that would help.

I would also like members to explain what Dark areas of The Void you have stumbled into! Give that area of The Void a name, and maybe what beings that was in that area.

So don't be shy! Post your thoughts, keep this topic going! I will keep it as neat as I can with every update. I will be having my own Spice experiences soon. I will start with the nice areas, then start exploring The Void for the good of others. For future reference, I am just going to call the dark areas of Hyperspace, 'The Void'.
How To Stop a Nightmare
Insanty at its finest!
The Dark reaches of The Void are there. But it is not to be feared.

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#2 Posted : 5/29/2009 12:43:39 PM

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How To Stop a Nightmare
Insanty at its finest!
The Dark reaches of The Void are there. But it is not to be feared.
#3 Posted : 5/29/2009 3:31:29 PM

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once in some area of hyperspace..SWIM was turned into this virus that spread across all and was like opening a pandora's box of matter eating just sort of swept across devouring and transforming everything in its path..
it's a sound
#4 Posted : 5/29/2009 4:00:15 PM
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From my experiances, I have to say that not all, but almost all of the DMT beings are negative, either in a just annoying jester/clown type way or a much more malicious energy draining/soul way. There also liars, seductive (VERY seductive), tricky and very very intelligent.

From my own experiances I was almost 'lost' to the energy and weird dark magic of these realms and it was only with REAL willpower and meditation for a long time that I pulled myself out of it and looked back and thought WTF was I thinking?? Also this shit (DMT that is) draaaains you energetically big time, I'd even say it felt like my energy was dirtied or muddied somehow, theres no free tickets to see other dimensions and I felt this after I quit DMT.

Also while using DMT I would get constant 3:00am sleep paralysis WAAY more pronounced than before I began using this stuff. I'm talking weird hood spirits drilling lazers or some shit into my back and even when I managed to move my foot, it wouldnt stop! Scary is an understatement. Also alot of succubus like activity, like weird female beings sticking there tongue into my fucking brain or some shit. I always felt UBER tired when i would wake up from these sleep paralysis attacks.

Nothing is as it seems in these realms, shapeshifting, strange magical seduction, implants, energy draining, changes of thought, a weakening of willpower (also a kinda weakened mind in general) can and do occur with continued use of this stuff.

It's almost like a person has some kind of protective field around himself in day to day life and DMT dissolves this field temporarily plunging you head first into one of a myriad of other dimensions where there are higher, more intelligent and alot of the times malicious entities.

A person over in the Ayahuasca forums (technically not smoked DMT but still) mentioned he now has schizophrenia from continued use of the brew. He says he has to take medications for the voices that aren't his. Before the use of the brew he was fine. Another so called western 'Shaman' decided to commit suicide as the spirits wanted him to join them in there realms for good.

Also a well known Shaman from the amazon decided to stop using the brew, as the 'helper spirits' one day just turned on him.

Demons are real in those places, they can shapeshift and show themselves as the most beautiful and alluring things to seduce you deeper and deeper into these places. Also alien abduction and experimentation is a common theme of a proper breakthrough, not always but when it happens youll know it and 9 times out of ten it aint good.

These beings are for some reason 'fronting' as good beings and if you watch closely they have a sort of viciousness and desperation to them. I would even say a cruel sense of humour. It's almost like there trying to show you the kingdom of heaven although it feels 'wrong' somehow. Theres an eerienes in your soul when your there, it feels like well to put it bluntly, demonic.

That Mcknenna guy once said something like you gotta be on your toes or something along those lines. Thats exactly! the feeling. It's like you cant trust them, there somehow manevolent.

WTF is with the insectoids also? These things are fucking scary and DO NOT look at all postive. Like when i see a spider in real life crawling on my arm I instinctively go ahhh! and swipe it off. And I read reports here of people welcoming these 'spider demons' with open arms.

Either you don't realize the implications of what your doing or your just plain dumb. Even shamans use rattles and songs to protect themselves from manevolent energies and you go accepting some kind of Spider Demon to trap you and abduct you?

#5 Posted : 5/29/2009 4:54:29 PM

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litrium.....seriously brother....

i would NEVER ask you to be anything but you my friend...but this is not the first post i've read from you where you feel the need to warn of all the dark doom that awaits in you even use the spice anymore? sounds like you have NO relationship with it whatsoever...
..and i'm not saying this to be provocative....though i'm sure i'm gonna catch an ear-full for saying it...

so- what i'm going to do here is offer a different possibility to consider....and, just as with your possibility that you offered up, i would encourage any readers of this thread to think of any and all posts on this forum as "jackets" of sorts. try it on...if it fits, wear it. perhaps a nicer jacket that also fits will come later and you can swap your out then....but if it doesn't, hang it back up for another to try.

here's my "jacket"- from where i'm sitting right now i have seen a lot. i have seen dark and light. i have seen beings that seemed bent on love and others that seemed bored and cold. i have seen things that tried to frighten me and i have seen things that morphed from one intent into another with the slightest amount of surrender.
in my HUMBLE opinion, i have seen the many sides of my SELF.

these "beings", these "helpers", these "demons", these "angels".....consider for a moment that they are all just parts of YOU. consider also that DMT is like a giant multi-dimensional mirror that reflects back EVERY facet of this construct we all desperately cling on to for "identity". we call it "ego", but in hyperspace it is taken off like a suit of armor and sometimes put away in a closet where we aren't even aware of it anymore....but other times it is within "eye-shot" of our true-essence inside this place. when we are able to "see" this false identity through the eyes of our "god-self" we are able to see everything we love and hate and fear....we see our short-comings...we see our strengths.....
...we see how fragile it all is....kinda like picking up your "shoe" or your "car" whilst playing monopoly and giving it a thorough examination....ridiculous really...

being one with everything gives you tremendous insight...understatement of the year.... for me- i choose to try to maintain compassion for my"self" and everything i go through on the other side. those "dark spirits"? they are a part of me. those "beautiful angels"? me. i will always strive to be equally at peace with both/everything i encounter in this world OR that world.

as for your "american news panic" tactics of making claims that "DMT does THIS" and "DMT does THAT". i'm sorry your sleep suffered while using the spice and that you've had succubus laser drilling sessions performed on you. i'm sorry your energy is drained by the spice and that your "protective field" is aversely affected by the spirit molecule....

for me: i've never slept better. my dreams are profound to say the least...and very healing. my energy has never been higher....after 300+ journeys i have had the best season (for those of you who don't know me, i'm a professional athlete..) of my career this year and i attribute ALL of my success to my work with DMT. and finally, my life as a whole has gone up a level. more compassion, more patience, more clarity....

in short- i've read more than one of your "gonna scare you away" posts and the fear and insecurity within YOU shines through loud and proud...

i've used this quote before, but it's so apropos here i must end with it. please, please, please Litrium- read this and meditate on it.


..and yes, hyperspace counts as "outside".... Smile


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#6 Posted : 5/29/2009 5:18:39 PM

Dragunov Mylshka Teapot

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woot! litrium is back!!

all rejoice Laughing

antrocles, do you think that comes in a Large? I'm rather tall..
#7 Posted : 5/29/2009 5:26:38 PM

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antrocles wrote:
...these "beings", these "helpers", these "demons", these "angels".....consider for a moment that they are all just parts of YOU...

I think that's exactly right (although it's important to restate that I have not yet HAD the spice experience--so what I say is speculation): The easiest way to explain the INFINITELY varied hyperspace experiences people have had is to think of them as explorations of their own consciousness.

It's very easy for me to imagine consciousness as an "infinite world, filled with entities." To all living creatures, other "entities" are the key element life--one eats them, mates with them, is friends or enemies with them. It's no surprise then, that that is how evolution has built "the universe" of our individual ego consciousness.

Sure it's valuable to explore those entities and that space--to find out who "we" are (i.e., the subconscious). But I think that the real goal should be something like this:

antrocles wrote:
...our true-essence inside this place. when we are able to "see" this false identity through the eyes of our "god-self" we are able to see everything we love and hate and fear....we see our short-comings...we see our strengths...

A central part of how I look at the world has always revolved around the Zen monk Bassui's single koan, which was "Who." He asked "who perceives this" to himself all the time--understanding that the "who" that underlies consciousness is what he was seeking (i.e., the source of consciousness).

Although I will seek to explore hyperspace, I will always have the intentions of seeking the source of WHO IT IS that is doing the exploring...
#8 Posted : 5/29/2009 6:15:39 PM

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[quote=litrium]From my experiances, I have to say that not all, but almost all of the DMT beings are negative, either in a just annoying jester/clown type way or a much more malicious energy draining/soul way. There also liars, seductive (VERY seductive), tricky and very very intelligent.

From my own experiances I was almost 'lost' to the energy and weird dark magic of these realms and it was only with REAL willpower and meditation for a long time that I pulled myself out of it and looked back and thought WTF was I thinking?? Also this shit (DMT that is) draaaains you energetically big time, I'd even say it felt like my energy was dirtied or muddied somehow, theres no free tickets to see other dimensions and I felt this after I quit DMT.

Also while using DMT I would get constant 3:00am sleep paralysis WAAY more pronounced than before I began using this stuff. I'm talking weird hood spirits drilling lazers or some shit into my back and even when I managed to move my foot, it wouldnt stop! Scary is an understatement. Also alot of succubus like activity, like weird female beings sticking there tongue into my fucking brain or some shit. I always felt UBER tired when i would wake up from these sleep paralysis attacks.

Nothing is as it seems in these realms, shapeshifting, strange magical seduction, implants, energy draining, changes of thought, a weakening of willpower (also a kinda weakened mind in general) can and do occur with continued use of this stuff.

It's almost like a person has some kind of protective field around himself in day to day life and DMT dissolves this field temporarily plunging you head first into one of a myriad of other dimensions where there are higher, more intelligent and alot of the times malicious entities.

A person over in the Ayahuasca forums (technically not smoked DMT but still) mentioned he now has schizophrenia from continued use of the brew. He says he has to take medications for the voices that aren't his. Before the use of the brew he was fine. Another so called western 'Shaman' decided to commit suicide as the spirits wanted him to join them in there realms for good.

Also a well known Shaman from the amazon decided to stop using the brew, as the 'helper spirits' one day just turned on him.

Demons are real in those places, they can shapeshift and show themselves as the most beautiful and alluring things to seduce you deeper and deeper into these places. Also alien abduction and experimentation is a common theme of a proper breakthrough, not always but when it happens youll know it and 9 times out of ten it aint good.

These beings are for some reason 'fronting' as good beings and if you watch closely they have a sort of viciousness and desperation to them. I would even say a cruel sense of humour. It's almost like there trying to show you the kingdom of heaven although it feels 'wrong' somehow. Theres an eerienes in your soul when your there, it feels like well to put it bluntly, demonic.

That Mcknenna guy once said something like you gotta be on your toes or something along those lines. Thats exactly! the feeling. It's like you cant trust them, there somehow manevolent.

WTF is with the insectoids also? These things are fucking scary and DO NOT look at all postive. Like when i see a spider in real life crawling on my arm I instinctively go ahhh! and swipe it off. And I read reports here of people welcoming these 'spider demons' with open arms.

Either you don't realize the implications of what your doing or your just plain dumb. Even shamans use rattles and songs to protect themselves from manevolent energies and you go accepting some kind of Spider Demon to trap you and abduct you?

you have you're experiences, and they are you'res to have. In turn,others have they're experiences, and they belong to them, respectivly. The same goes for our experiences in concentual reality. The "demons" can show up anywhere, in any experience, in any form, from my experience. Doesn't matter how "real" or not you believe them to be, if they are there than deal with them, or, do not go there.

Not to downplay the reality of you're concern..not at all. I agree with the last part on shamans protecting themselves..but the same holds true in this realm..what do you think thigs like "street smarts" and "self defence" are all about? Why do we lock our doors at night, use alarms for our cars etc..because the "demons" are everywhere. We just need to be prepared is all.

Long live the unwoke.
#9 Posted : 5/29/2009 10:57:34 PM

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well put FE. as within, so without....

or as i read on someone's signature recently: go within....or go without!

SWIMfriend- much love to you brother. though not familiar with Bassui (although i'll be checking him out now!), i did a bit of reading of Ramana Maharshi whose Koan was very similar. "WHO AM I?"

not to go way off topic...i just wanted to acknowledge and add to this beautiful thought. asking one's self, "who is it that perceives?" or "who am i?" ALL THE TIME is a wonderful, active meditation and a great way to distill the chatter down to an important focus.
thank you for that my friend. a great gift on this beautiful friday afternoon!

...and WHO AM I who says this to you??

...i am you as you are me, of course Pleased

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#10 Posted : 5/29/2009 11:51:50 PM

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antrocles wrote:
...though not familiar with Bassui (although i'll be checking him out now...

Here is Bassui's main lesson--a single page of text, written over six hundred years ago.

At certain points it seems like advice for a spice journey Pleased
wake and bacon
#11 Posted : 5/29/2009 11:57:46 PM
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Anything I wanted to express to litrium, ant covered... and then some... we are all one, and that would certainly explain it Very happy

litrium wrote:

WTF is with the insectoids also? These things are fucking scary and DO NOT look at all postive. Like when i see a spider in real life crawling on my arm I instinctively go ahhh! and swipe it off. And I read reports here of people welcoming these 'spider demons' with open arms.

Ahh... the power of perception, my friend... you have just proved it!
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#12 Posted : 5/30/2009 12:38:46 AM

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Spiders and snakes and every other thing you may not like the look of are not evil. You have been mentally programed to find there appearances unsightly either thru ignorance of those around you(enviroment) or by mother nature herself.(evolution the self organizing forces of nature which encompass the entire univerese and possibly beyond)
#13 Posted : 5/30/2009 2:14:16 AM

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I might add a good start to the topic. I do value your post Litrium, although a little over the top, still as insightful as always. Nothing to add to any lists, but a good start anyway! I can honestly say, what I, myself am going to be doing might not be very smart. No one deliberately dives into The Void! From what I have read, they have only stumbled into them. What if one was to purposely look into the deepest depths of The Void? Would it REALLY be enough to drive someone to loose there mind?

Well. I can say, I am curious of what is at the deepest areas of The Void. We are getting reports of the deepest areas of love and light, but not reports from The Void. In saying that, Antrocles states that these negative beings are nothing more then our self (correct me if I am wrong Antrocle)? So then I would be exploring the deepest parts of the Void of my own being?

And Litrium. I DO value your views, but don't turn it into a poo fight. If you DO really feel the need to go a little over the top, PM that person, or revive your own topic. Just a heads up. My choice is to explore, and explore I shall! I guess in the end the very worst thing that happens is... I become some type of Urber Dark Shaman, that knows how to slip into other people experiences and eat their love!

As for my view on how I will slip in to these dark zones... Well, I don't want to disrespect the Spice, bad idea. I have read how people do that. I cannot let fear overcome me, so slipping into The Void via bad emotions is bad. I really want to be without ANY emotions for them to feed off. I have read in a number of trip reports that people have really ASKED the Spice for things... To show them some things, or asking it to help to break through. Maybe if I uphold great respect, and ask really nice (no I am not joking) the spice will guide me to these areas in a good state of mind?

Still theory's. I am yet to see these things for myself. Keep the reply's coming. Show your thoughts on The Void, and the beings that are located there! Even if no list is made, I want as much info there can be. As much insight as can be to help others and myself.
How To Stop a Nightmare
Insanty at its finest!
The Dark reaches of The Void are there. But it is not to be feared.
#14 Posted : 5/30/2009 2:39:29 AM

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it is my humble opinion that as long as you are willing to surrender to and accept ALL facets of love the good and love and have compassion for the can go as deep as you are willing to go. i have had some deep ones....ones that had the glow of terror behind all of the beauty.....seeing that they were one and the same, that EVERYTHING was one and the same....THAT was the biggest epiphany i've had using the spice.

i've got an idea! i have yet to do this but i will soon....i just found a place here in my town that has sensory deprivation tanks (think vovin, but no 12 hour floats!). i've been considering a normal breakthrough dose and just falling back into a float tank...

...sounds like the next sensory input of any kind...just you....on spice....could be DEEP.....

much love my brother!

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#15 Posted : 5/30/2009 3:33:00 AM

Dragunov Mylshka Teapot

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SWIMfriend wrote:
(although it's important to restate that I have not yet HAD the spice experience--so what I say is speculation)

I highly suggest you try it, there's this cool website called DMT-Nexus which has heaps of good information on how to extract DMT and experience it for yourself Pleased
#16 Posted : 5/30/2009 3:57:27 AM
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I like it how some of you are 100% 'convinced' that all this stuff is coming from you like you fully know what DMT does. Honestly if you have read any Shamanic books they all talk about different 'spirits' that one can encounter while on DMT (aya) that are NOT from you at all but are independant entities with there own thoughts and there own will.

Going by todays scientific discoveries of superstring theory, m theory and especially David Bohm's implicit order. All these things point to the fact that theres a very good chance that were living in a multidimensional universe with a myriad of living beings in them.

Some use these 'spirits' to harm and some to heal but they are in no way a natural part of you, the shamans or brujos allow these spirits to enter them so they can gain certain abilities. One thing you have to realize is that it's easy to let a spirit to enter you but very hard to get rid of it.

In a way there like metaphysical lampreys that latch onto you and then 'offer' you 'services' but nothings free in this world or the otherside. They want something in return, god knows what but certain shamans say that humans have certain energies that these beings pillage while there latched on.

Some of these Shamans have more than one entity thats latched itself onto him and they have all sorts of stuff. The songs they use while in those realms are used to communicate and 'bargain' with these entities and they use rattles and stuff to ward off negative entities.

Antrocles you got some serious rose tinted glasses on pal. I mean Brujo's use DMT to harm and even kill people with, they use certain spells and energy darts and use certain 'entities' to inflict harm on others and you think it's 'all from me' and all love and light.

Infact even the so called 'good' helper spirits have a desire to inflict harm but what seperates a Brujo from a Shaman is his willpower, once your willpower is weakened or comprimised and you can no longer control these things and keep them in check they will start to dominate your mind.

I also feel that theres a 'good' side in these hyperspace realms. A 'true' good side where the buddhas and tathagatas and higher gods reside but they get there through arduous meditation finally reaching 'enlightenment' and being able to traverse these dimensions at will.

Hey Drake, explore all you want but don't think that when the dark side rips you out of your mortal body and has it's way with you that you'll have any sense of control, thats laughable. These things are many many times more powerful than humans whatever they are. Just don't say I didn't warn you.
#17 Posted : 5/30/2009 4:01:37 AM

Dragunov Mylshka Teapot

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Although I believe the Sharmans understand the DMT world and can experience/use it in a different way, I also remember that these Sharmans are using knowledge which originated many many many years ago when running around in the jungle and talking to the spirits was the in thing to do at the time - cannibalism was the new black and the sun was a mystical god. Although their theory isn't bogus, it may be focusing in the wrong direction?
#18 Posted : 5/30/2009 4:13:18 AM

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antrocles wrote.....seeing that they were one and the same, that EVERYTHING was one and the same....THAT was the biggest epiphany i've had using the spice

yes it sure feels that way when you are there what does this mean however I do not know.

Drake I was all ready to see the elves and beings just as you are but after lots of research and failed extractions attempts(no DMT nexus in 1995 DMT world was just revived again I was a member mhrb was $200US a pound(454grams)so after a long hard road I had my spice. But guess what no elves or beings, with the exception or one time I encountered a small neon being who communicated to me there is nothing to fear or worry about.

So you may not see or meet anything or anybody but I will say this with out reservations you will find the spice to be strange and profound. Oh the fear is beyond what you can imagine but so is the bliss. Spice is not for the week as it tears the strong apart and reassemmble them any way it chooses. It truly cannot be described but must be experanced. It will be worth the wait.

#19 Posted : 5/30/2009 4:14:14 AM
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How is it focusing in the wrong direction? These people have intimate knowledge of these substances, in a way there the experts in this field. They have used it for hundreds if not thousands of years passing on this knowledge for generations and have various ways and techniques to navigate these realms. I think it's quite arrogant to think that they have nothing to offer and have no knowledge to dispense.

#20 Posted : 5/30/2009 4:21:35 AM

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anyone ever watch "invader zim" when it came out?? remember what the old school teacher used to say?? "DOOM....DOOM....DOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMM!!!"

i don't discount what you are saying litrium. i simply don't agree with it at all. i come from the "everything is part of one" school...and as such, there is NOTHING "out there" that isn't "in here"...i strive to accept all. everything. good, bad, ugly, beautiful....i do not believe that someone taking DMT can kill me with an energy dart and because i believe this 100% in my heart IT IS SO.
personally, i find it an easy cop-out to not have to take responsibility for your own inner work to claim that something "out there" is giving you the hose-down. for me, it is just perpetual "cleaning house" going on in my consciousness. some rooms just need a light dusting and are actually extremely pleasant to be in...while others require a bucket and scrubber and ain't so fun....

...the key is to remember that they are part of the same house man. you don't want to have rooms in your house you can't go in do you? gotta be brave sometimes....just set your jaw and start scrubbin'.....hey! there's one more room you now have access to! and the next time you go there it won't be scary any more!

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