My Latest Potent LSD Experience Options
#1 Posted : 7/24/2013 8:02:17 PM
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Basically, out of no where, I was given an unknown amount of very potent LSD.

They say some substances find you, I believe it.

I went back to my house immediately to be alone. I prefer to be alone on psyches.

Basically, I was in my house alone, but in there with 20 people in light form. We were holding a discussion about my life.

I could see it all laid out in front of me. All the choices I've made, and how it led me up to this point. It was all explained very clearly.

I was walking around my house back and forth in front of these people (some just sitting on the couch) negotiating my life. I made it clear that I had seen enough, and I did not need another day. They agreed with me at some points.

I talked about the choices that got me here. What I thought about this place was, and how I viewed it.

Basically I held a 3 hour conversation in my house, alone, but with 20 others, about my life. And how much time I had left. And that I did not need more time.

I basically told them I'm just straight up not buying the life story anymore.

This life really is just a story.

They could tell I'm not buying it anymore. We're very loving at some points.

They tried to throw the negative vibes on me. I just told them thats not my voice in my head, and I'm not buying your games.

In my opinion, you have to be stern but reasonable with these people. Make your point clear, and dont fall for the tricks, if any, they throw your way.

There were also points of clarity.

I realize we're in the "dream" all the time. But dream is a tricky word that we'd have to define.

You are tested every day of your life down here. I believe me being given the LSD is part of an on-going test.

It was a healthy experience. There's a lot more to the experience, but it's too much to type.

Any and all input is highly appreciated. Speak your mind.

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#2 Posted : 7/24/2013 8:21:52 PM

Claro in Vitam

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That sounds like a great experience that you handled really well
I believe in freedom for everyone.
'movies are for people who lack real drugs.' -anne halonium
#3 Posted : 7/24/2013 9:24:49 PM

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Wow. I was hoping to get an update on how that went. Didnt see you in chat after words.

Sounds like a pretty amazing experience. I have never had an LSD experience like that. I have been contemplating over trying mushrooms by myself for the first time.

What was your mindset while discussing your life with them? Did they make any suggestions?
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#4 Posted : 7/26/2013 9:54:09 PM


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This reminds me of an unrelated but similar experience I recently had due to sleep deprevation. Full blown OEV's and auditory phenomena. Specifically, all of my friends and even a few people who I find disagreeable were coming in and out of my house and inhabiting inanimate objects. I will admit to having a full blown conversation with a lamp that was being posessed with the demonic spirit of my undercover whore of an ex-girlfriend. I even know how hilariously/sadly messed up and ridiculous it was at the time, knowing full well that this was a hallucination but I guess I needed a good lamp to vent to. lol. (p.s. I didn't start talking to the lamp until 3-5 days after this break up, just to clarify... lol... in case you were thinking "well that chick really dodged a bullet with that schizo"Pleased

Shocked Surprised Wut? Neutral .............. Laughing Laughing Shocked Laughing

The wierdest thing was that everytime one of these entities was in my house it seemed to some how block my electronic communications. I kept trying to text/type and the messages kept coming out as a combination of jibberish and symbols that looked like a cross between russian and heiroglyphics. I was completely blocked from any kind of external communication at times. I knew that I was hallucinating these things but i was so stressed out and emotional at the time that I was alert enough to kind of egg it on and see where it led.

Even knowing that I was in a full blown waking dreamlike state and having OEV's that were clear as day, it did kind of stir me up a bit. It all seemed so real in its unrealness that I ended up keeping myself up all night that evening and it was pretty interesting to say the least. Thank goodness i didn't go out in public like that! I remember going out on the front porch at like 5am and smoking a cig while strumming on the guitar and there were two moons that looked like they were floating on kite strings and each one had a long trail of golden pixie dust literally raining off of it. They were just floating in the breeze like two kites! Almost felt as if i could walk down the street and find a guy holding the strings! At the time i kept thinking i needed to change my contacts, but it was obviously not the contacts that were causing this level of hallucination. lol. That part was actually pretty cool nonetheless.

It was a weird week in my life. Had been super stressed and not sleeping after my girlfriend just up and disappeared into thin air after almost a year and refused to tell me ANYTHING or even talk to me. She even blocked me from her phone. We had what seemed like a great relationship and mutual love/respect for each other. Parents were rich as hell and total psychopaths though, and I think ultimately it was their doing. Regardless, it was the craziest situation I have ever experienced in a relationshiop. EVER. I mean full blown secret psychopath squirrel science. I was totally blind sided out of nowhere after spending a year of my life totally dedicated to her and to building what had become a very close and very incredible relationship her absolute angel of a daugther. Her name was Aria and she was 4 years old and that was the hardest part. Watching her spring 100 yards across a field full of kids at the park to great me with a huge hug one day and having that be the last time I ever saw her. Never even got to say goodbye. Sad

Point is... Sleep Deprevation is INSANE. I haven't witnessed anything so peculiar and vivid during my normal waking life for quite some time. I remember this night very clearly. I can remember every moment of it, who all was there, what we were talking about, what i was doing, i remember text conversations, attempted email conversations, and remember the events that unfolded very clearly. But the next day I finally slept for a few hours out of exhaustion. When i woke up a little later I started thinking about everything that happened..... I started looking at my phone and email and stuff and it seems that none of it ever happened... The wierd thing is that i'm no newbie to altered states and this was NOT a dream. It was some sorty of extended hynagogic type waking dream.

I've had one other similar experience a year or so ago that was not due to sleep deprevation or any other self induced altered state that i can identify.
Get your sleep, Boys and girls... and remember.... No relationship is worth sacrificing your mental/physical health!

Sorry if this is a little off topic but your story reminded me alot of the experience.
#5 Posted : 8/6/2013 10:14:24 AM
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I know the feeling as if all this is a 'dream' And all just very elaborate story. I've felt this on nearly all of my journeys on various psychs, specially on mushrooms and dmt.

"Dream" is a tricky word indeed. I tend think that all is one giant thought. One giant form of sacred awareness that permeates the whole of reality, or for that matter, IS the whole of reality. All is consciousness/awareness. When I journey on mushrooms or LSD it feels as if that awareness that lies behind these eyelids is not just confined to this body, but is part of everything in existence. Man and this 'movement' are one n' the same.

Take joy in the fact that things aren't as serious as they seem. Take joy in that we are something far more intense and special. Take joy in the fact that we have the opportunity to experience and learn as much as possible while in the physical, all the while being able to contemplate our origins.

you are that

#6 Posted : 8/6/2013 10:33:59 AM

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That story of sleep deprivation was intense. Thank you for sharing. Things end when they're meant to end. An end is just another beginning.

I've had two very intense episodes like you described from sleep deprivation. I suffered from insomnia for many years and those experiences...they rival any psychedelic experiences I've had, and I've had plenty Very happy Like they somehow feel more real, you're believing it's really happening at the time, some of it anyway. But you can almost become objective and just let it play out, push it a little, see how far it can really go.

It's obviously not healthy, but when it happens it can be very interesting and even helpful, like in your case.

I wish you all the best, thank you again for sharing. I've been in your shoes before and I can certainly empathize.

Tattvamasi wrote:
you are that

Just this. Maybe I'm emotional today or something, but this choked me up a bit Smile You said it all with those three little words. Pleased

Also thank you to the OP for sharing. I've had LSD experiences much like yours. One where I was having detailed conversations with dead relatives and people who were currently in my life. I was completely disconnected from reality, however. When the experience started to wind down I realized I was in a hospital room... Laughing I still recall the bulk of that experience to this day, and it happened about fifteen years ago. Very pivotal moment in my life in a number of ways.
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