entities calling for help? Options
#1 Posted : 5/5/2009 11:32:39 PM

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hey everybody, this is really strange and happened to me just minutes ago...

i wanted to load my "good night pipe" with the standard 10-15 mg... not more, i measured it with the scale...

So i lit the bong, and started to suck... but i couldnt even finish 2 strokes, when it smashed me back and hit me with a total (!!!) breakthrough!

but there was something wrong, it was all in disorder, they were confused and something was irritating for them. It was a total chaos, they couldnt do what they do usually... they were asking me for help, but i couldnt do anything, i was, just as usual, a spectator... Something was wrong in the hyperspace and they asked me for help...

how can this be possible? a full breakthrough (not expected) with only 15 mg. and not even finishing the whole pipe... it was, like they were just waiting for me to hit only a little bit of spice to reach me with their call for help...

i'm confused, sorry, maybe i'm blabbering BS, still coming down from that experience...

I hope there's everything allright in hyperspace, must go back soon and check, or if anyone of you is out there yet, report how they are...
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#2 Posted : 5/5/2009 11:44:53 PM


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Go back in! I would go now but I am the only one here with my daughter. Keep us posted.

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#3 Posted : 5/6/2009 12:06:10 AM

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went back in with 30 mg... strange thing is, it was only a sub-breakthrough, but they told me that its ok... they settled things and went on with doing their things... they said something like "thank you" in their own fashion in creating things and building their mystical aura...

feels good to know now, that they are ok!!

what an experience tonight... wow...
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#4 Posted : 5/6/2009 12:17:29 AM

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how can this be possible? a full breakthrough (not expected) with only 15 mg.

Yes, this is possible. This already happend to a friend of mine.
You had an unexpected strong experience, no need to wonder why 'they' asked for help... YOU were asking for help.
#5 Posted : 5/6/2009 12:21:36 AM

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i don't think that it was me, calling for help. I didn't have a bad trip at all, please don't missunderstand me.

It really seemed to me that they were asking for my help. I told them i can't do anything... i'm just a spectator. I wanted to help, but all i could do was let the breakthrough go over and go back to check again. It was fine...
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#6 Posted : 5/6/2009 1:14:10 AM
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The worst and the best thing is that no one can prove that. So anyone of us can believe whatever they have been believing so far and feel comfortable about it. And actually it doesn't matter if these are real entities or 'just' subconsciousness. Both versions are equally important.

If these are some kind of real entities that needed help and they are now ok then it's just fine. If that was subconscious begging for help and then it has received that help - again it's just as fine.

Anyway, it's an interesting experience and I enjoyed reading about it. And if it's OK now then good for you, Contact. Take care.
#7 Posted : 5/6/2009 1:17:29 AM

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I didn't have a bad trip at all, please don't missunderstand me.

I guess I saw your point.
We, as humans, are not made in one piece. Our brain is constantly running background stuff. Smoking DMT is one way to be aware of that. Some security background processes were stimulated at the moment you noticed that the experience would be stronger than usual. Because the DMT is messing up your normal way of functionning you may have experienced that security process as 'external entities'. There is nothing external to you, but there is MUCH MORE inside you that you may be aware of.

And actually it doesn't matter if these are real entities or 'just' subconsciousness. Both versions are equally important

Well, that could be discussed... believing that entities are 'real' can leads to serious misconceptions.
That's the same kind of thinking that makes people think that there is a God 'outside' (or angels, or demons).
Million of deaths are the result of people thinking that 'their' God is better than other's God.
#8 Posted : 5/6/2009 1:25:28 AM

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mhh very interesting point of view. Really might be true, that it was that kinf of security process...

But still, i'm asking myself why i felt good after coming back. There was no fear in me when i came back.

anyway, Thanks alot for sharing your thoughts, it's absolutely something i need to be aware of in the future. Was also good for me, sharing this experience with you.
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#9 Posted : 5/6/2009 1:44:27 AM

Chen Cho Dorge

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Confused "Well, that could be discussed... believing that entities are 'real' can leads to serious misconceptions.
That's the same kind of thinking that makes people think that there is a God 'outside' (or angels, or demons).
Million of deaths are the result of people thinking that 'their' God is better than other's God."

your an entity and your real aren't you?

whether its real or not isn't as important to me personally... and it seems that belief is the real problem isn't it?

he had an experience where some beings needed help and he felt he couldnt help them... he felt concern an a desire to help them... what that was really about who knows... what is life really? what are you really? like i said your an entity... and i bet you have no idea what you REALly are... its a mystery...

interact trust the process, and see what happens... dont try to figure it out all the time...
shamans in indigenous traditions that have been the longest recorded users of entheogens dont seem to ask these questions as to whether the "spirits" or entities as people here like to call them are real or not... they interact with them, and trust in the mystery... and trust me contact you can interact with these entities, you can help them if they need help, your not just a spectator... shamans and visionaries and medicine people have shown this since the beginning of time... if you want to learn how to do this... you can hold that intention and ask the next time you smoke...

you can also interact with "entities" with out smoking... the spice can open the door to doing so... btu your the one that has to use your legs and walk in...
Dorge is cooperatively owned and cooperatively run by various hyperspacial entities working as a collabertive sentience project for the betterment of sentient exploration.

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#10 Posted : 5/6/2009 2:20:25 AM

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whether its real or not isn't as important to me personally... and it seems that belief is the real problem isn't it?

What I find important is the ability to explore his owns beliefs. The most common belief I notice on this forum is that entities are 'real'.
My point is to show another 'option', less natural, inherited from scientific readings as well as personal inner explorations (with and without drugs).
It is interresting to explore that two paths :
- Entities are real and independant, what does it implies for me, for others ?
- Entities are inner visions of semi-random processes triggered by a powerfull drug (like dream characters but more chaotic), what does it implies for me, for others ?

Am I an entity ? Well, it depend of your definition of an entity.
All I know is that I am, I perceive, I create. I can create a inner representation where others are seeing me as an entity.
#11 Posted : 5/6/2009 8:02:22 AM

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I'm 100% with LLB on this one.

Remember, none of us really know anything for certain as it pertains to this topic and all are just expressing opinions. Sometimes posters seem to try to inflect their opinions on this fascinating subject as fact, which inspires me to share quote that I've always loved...

"Trust Those Who Seek Truth; Doubt Those Who Find It."
#12 Posted : 5/6/2009 1:28:52 PM

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I'm [once again]with Garuflo's comment/perspective.

Regardless of how much they seem [to me] like independent entities, if there is one thing I've learnt over the years [and putting a relatively good deal of reading into the general 'what's going on in my head' space]
The universe inside your head is very large, with lots of stuff in it, and it's probably big enough to have these 'entities' in it without them being external to you (i.e. 'others'].
Spend a day at an asylum and you'll see a pretty broad range, let alone write down your thoughts from one moment to the next and see how 'single entity' you really are [i.e. not(ish)]

It'd definitely be heaps more fun [not to mention get someone a nobel prize] if they could show these were otherworldly entities,
but [as far as i currently understand it] the head space that you enter into the experience [i.e. your phenomenological filter] that you enter into the experience from influences your trip quite markedly.

maybe try doing a good stint of e.g. meditation before [e.g. 2 hrs vipassana style or any other experiential style (e.g. Zen, or a non mantra non transcendental style)] and see how that adjusts your experience.

perhaps the less you take in from day to day world the 'less emotive based' in a direct experiential context it will be.
I've experienced 'barriers' to the experience when it's been a busy or stressful week, and find that the weeks that are less full on tend to engender experiences that i generally don't think to post online [as they don't generate that nature for explanation]
[look at me being a bad test case subject all of a sudden...]

hope that made sense
#13 Posted : 5/7/2009 1:34:11 AM

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"Trust Those Who Seek Truth; Doubt Those Who Find It."

Can not resist to paraphrase...Embarrased

"Trust those who doubt; Doubt those who trust in anything"

Rawmo, yes, the world in hour head is huge, if not looking close to infinite. That's something that astonish me each time I make a lucid dream... "how comes that 'I' am able to dream all that !"
However a question remain, "why do I situate that experiences 'inside' my head" ? Maybe just an habit, or a belief...
#14 Posted : 5/7/2009 6:19:39 AM
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SWIM has yet to breakthrough so his opinion on this matter might be irrelevant to some, but if the entities are not real, then why converse with them?
If they are only your subconscious, then we are all wise? SWIM looks around at work and begs to differ. Even if spice was forced on someone who knew nothing about it would they see the same things(within reason) as everyone else? If the answer is yes, then either the spice creates the entities, or they are there and our normal senses simply can not perceive them.

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#15 Posted : 5/7/2009 8:47:19 AM

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LLB wrote:

shamans in indigenous traditions that have been the longest recorded users of entheogens dont seem to ask these questions as to whether the "spirits" or entities as people here like to call them are real or not... they interact with them, and trust in the mystery... and trust me contact you can interact with these entities, you can help them if they need help, your not just a spectator... shamans and visionaries and medicine people have shown this since the beginning of time... if you want to learn how to do this... you can hold that intention and ask the next time you smoke...

you can also interact with "entities" with out smoking... the spice can open the door to doing so... btu your the one that has to use your legs and walk in...

You made a good point here LLB... i too, think that wether they're real or not, they are part of the experience and the experience on its own is a unique world you enter. When you are in there, it's real, when you come back, you know it's not there anymore but you can go back in anytime. This makes it somehow sub-real for me. Compare with LSD... most of the LSD trips are somehow different, depending on "Set and Setting". The DMT trip also depends on "Set and Setting" but when you go in, you always reach these entities. They are always there (well have been for me so far)

Maybe they are DMT ghosts, who need a "Host" to manifest. and the hosts "outside" influences also play a part in how they appear.

interesting discussion about these entities... guess we'll never find out... maybe on 21.12.2012
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#16 Posted : 5/7/2009 1:14:57 PM

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but if the entities are not real, then why converse with them?

While dreaming, why converse with dream characters ? That might be interresting, or totally useless.
However SWIM do not think that the main interrest of the spice experience reside in the entities saw or hypothetical communication with them.
For SWIM, the interrest comes from the profound spiritual insight that may happend. The spiritual insight may be 'convoyed' by entities, or just beeing saw 'directly'.
Do not take me wrong, SWIM ENJOY seeing entities. At the beginning of a trip, SWIM sometimes see his beloved "full 3D self-transforming-mechanical-but-living entities" and he love them, always feeling joy to see them, like old friends he would have no met since a while. Later in the trip, more 'natural' creatures can appear.
All that his fun and joy... but from a spiritual point of view, it is not very important.
#17 Posted : 5/8/2009 2:09:39 PM

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Nice point Garuflo re on possible parallels between dreamstate and DMT state.

We accept dreams as 'normal' perhaps just because we are used to them, and they are more familiar with our day to day surroundings [but not always],

That still makes it just as interesting as 'entities', as there still is a huge amount of inner space to explore and learn about.

And yet these may only be the surface visions of something deeper. [the surface to the depth of the ocean]
[Just like the Hallucinations and scenarios you can have when meditating... they look cool, but there is something more 'fundamental' you canexperience].

The interaction aspect is definitely interesting, especially when you get answers to aspects of your life from interactions with 'them'.
But perhaps only perceptually different. Most people seem to [if you really ask them] have similar type answers than they 'get' from the 'entities' in their day to day life. [i.e. it could be just a mirror (an effective /quick one, but one none the less).
Also in their dreams, on run scenarios.

But still,
whether there are entities or not and they are real, there is still the then question of the unifying principle of consciousness beneath that experience.

hmm, all this mind stuff gets pretty big...

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