Sunglasses and the pineal gland Options
#1 Posted : 7/5/2013 3:28:21 PM

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Turns out wearing sunglasses when it's not even sunny (you might see that a lot, depending on where you live) is a pretty bad habit. I suspect eyeglasses are not that beneficial to the body as a whole either considering that, like orthotics, they enable and reinforce a maladjustment.

..and here's something on eyeglasses:


So many things that we just take for granted !

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The Day Tripper
#2 Posted : 7/5/2013 5:45:01 PM

Rennasauce Man

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I don't think theres enough evidence presented here to make the claim that sunglasses interfere with the pineal gland, at least in the way proposed in the first link. More specifically-


The Pineal Gland is an active, secreting gland throughout life. Natural, unfiltered sunlight is necessary for the proper functioning of this gland. Light as conscious electromagnetic energy from the sun enters the body through the optic nerves of the eyes which, in turn, directly stimulates the pineal gland, a photo reactive organ. The pineal gland converts light energy into an electrochemical impulse which feeds directly into the hypothalamus.

Correct me if I'm wrong here, but the optic nerves are not fiber optic transmission lines to the pineal. The eyes convert photonic energy into electromagnetic nerve impulses which traverse the optic nerve. The pineal does not convert light energy into electromagnetic impulses, that happens in the eyes/optic nerves.

As well, theres this from that first link too-

We do not fully understand the operation of the pineal gland, but from what we do know, you do not want to mess with it." (page 145)

If that's the case, then any conclusions drawn about light/pineal disruption/sunglasses is theoretical conjecture.

not saying your wrong in any way, or trying to say i'm right. Just that making the claim that wearing sunglasses when its not sunny IS a bad habit is misleading. It MAY be a bad habit, or bad for you, but there's no evidence to show thats the case. I can't find any evidence from those links that show scientifically how sunglasses affect the pineal, or their uv blocking properties disrupt endocrine systems.

Once again, not saying your wrong, just you may wish to word your first claim a bit differently, since there's no scientific evidence/studies done to say that there's a high probability it does. Enough to warrant the claim that there's a correlation.

Also, a google search of the topic show up many results on CT/esoteric sites, but not much, if any at all, scientific evidence that sunglasses are detrimental in the way those articles propose.
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#3 Posted : 7/5/2013 5:58:31 PM

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#4 Posted : 7/5/2013 6:39:39 PM

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The points Day Tripper makes are wholly valid and the first link posted by the OP is an inaccurate oversimplification.

The optic nerve subserves colour vision and light perception via the cones and rods of the retina respectively.Part of the path of the optic nerves' pathway involves the 2 optic nerves meeting and joining at the optic chiasm.From this chiasm arises the retino-hypothalamic tract which is linked to the retina independently of rods and cones, and activation of this tract is due to the direct effect of light on a pigment in the retina called melanopsin.As the tracts name suggests, it runs from the retina to the hypothalamus,ending at an area called the Suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) which is like the bodies 'master clock' and is intimately involved with all the bodies circadian rhythms.

Activation of the SCN by the retino-hypothalamic tract increases input to another hypothalamic nucleus called the Paraventricular Nucleus (PVN); the PVN has connections with the upper thoracic spinal cord via sympathetic nerves which end in this part of the cord at an area called the Superior Cervical Nucleus, causing this nucleus to become inhibited.Its from this nucleus that input arises to the pineal and the effect is inhibitory, preventing release of melatonin.Under conditions of darkness, this inhibition is removed allowing the pineal to release melatonin which makes its way back to the SCN in the hypothalamus where the melatonin affects the expression of certain genes involved in setting the circadian rhythm relating to the sleep-wake cycle.

So, the circuitry is alot more complex than the article posted would suggest.
I am paranoid of my brain. It thinks all the time, even when I'm asleep. My thoughts assail me. Murderous lechers they are. Thought is the assassin of thought. Like a man stabbing himself with one hand while the other hand tries to stop the blade. Like an explosion that destroys the detonator. I am paranoid of my brain. It makes me unsettled and ill at ease. Makes me chase my tail, freezes my eyes and shuts me down. Watches me. Eats my head. It destroys me.

#5 Posted : 7/6/2013 5:25:10 AM

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Thank you Jamie for adding more credible information, and DT and CC for the reality check. The truth is I just skimmed over the article, as I was looking for something else, but decided to post it since I've seen various threads here about the pineal gland. Personally, I'm not too interested in knowing exactly what does what in the body, except for when I can use that info on myself (eg. I don't care too much for matching practices in terms of the substances released in the brain etc). Nonetheless, if the info in the article is bogus, I'm glad you debunked it.

That being said, what I took from looking at that article is that, regardless of the involved mechanisms, wearing sunglasses when you don't even need them for protection from radiation or whatever could have more serious consequences in addition to showing one's questionable fashion style. We all love rigorous scientific studies, but the fact of the matter is that, for a variety of reasons, modern science covers only a very small part of what is out there. On the other hand, I understand that the article was trying to present the info as scientific when it wasn't, which is, of course, bad form.

What I was actually searching for was the impact of wearing glasses on the various systems in the body. Now when someone has bad eyesight, we say they NEED glasses, and that's taken for granted. It has never occurred to me (and I think it's safe to assume that most people who wear glasses didn't think about it either) that there was a way to actually fix the eyes. Until it started happening.

As to why would one bother looking for a different solution when we already have one, a quick search will show that the visual system is the largest structure in the brain, and that 'seeing' is a lot more complicated that one would guess. Add to that the 'eyes level with the horizon' mechanism with its own complex ramifications, and the fact that we're still using a device invented in 1286 to 'fix' eyesight may begin to look less desirable.

What got me interested in the visual system is what happens when I voluntarily (sort of) refocus the eyes, even a little bit. The sensation, which I attribute to a strong parasympathetic reaction (maybe Corpus C can tell me whether that is indeed the case, if he reads this), is a strong zap that freezes my whole body and stops the mind chatter. There's warmth and light pressure, and also an awareness of the entire body at once. If I focus on this state, it lasts longer, otherwise it starts fading slowly after a few seconds and the mind chatter resumes. Although I could move if I made an effort, moving the body seems strange and undesirable, while somehow moving inside the body seems more natural and appealing. This is completely sober, also i do remember having somewhat related experiences from weed, long time ago.
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