Alright people WTF was that all about? Options
#1 Posted : 5/1/2009 1:16:34 AM
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Bill first read of DMT when he was in his early 20's in the Anarchists Cookbook. he read fantastic tales of out of body complete hallucinations. he always thought "yeah sure, maybe one day...."

Well, that day arrived unexpectedly last monday. A friend returning from Dead tour stopped to spend the night. Lo and behold he ran across some DMT somewhere in a white powdered form.

Bill honestly would have preferred to set his own situation but he was with 2 close friends who'd done this before and his fiance and on his own couch. So he said sure... and put on some Widespread Panic.

Fiance goes first, One hit and starts laughing but seams ok. 20 seconds later It's his turn.. The experienced buddy puts somewhere under a tenth of a gram of said white powder in a bowl on some green. Nothing was actually measured but this guy would go heavy before he'd go light on Bill. He hands him the bowl and says "take 3 deep hits and hold the last one".

Ok here we go Bill thinks....

Now. let me take a moment to say Bill's ingested plenty of powders, pills and potions in his 34 years: pounds of mushrooms up to 7 grams at once, Some of the best LSD there is, at least 100 hits up to 8 at a time. He's done piles of MDMA and X, tried 2CB and Mesc. and enough Nitrous to put an elephant under. All that stuff over the years gave Bill what he thought was a reasonable notion of what to expect.....

One hit; well this doesn't taste that bad

Second hit: his mouth tastes like metal, What's that crackling sound? he thinks he better hit this again soon so he won't forget.

Third one: This is hard to relate but Bill's vision went from 1080HD to early 16 bit Atari. starting in the middle and radiating out. As he hand the bowl to the girl next to him he hopes he i won't drop it.

It feels like he's at the end of a train tunnel looking out with his back to the oncoming train. He hears a clicking noise and feels this force coming up from behind at 100 miles an hour in ever more rapid pops.

WHAM! All he see is a pattern made of red and black rectangles. they alternate R B R B and chase each other in a kind of cross with 2 side by side lines going up, down, right, and left. at the ends they curl back to the center away from each other.

Bill realizes that this is all he sees in front of him. The speed that it hit him scares him. NOTHING he has ever done has been remotely like this. he has absolutely no idea what is going on and tries to gather himself and be calm. he does not want to make an ass of himself but turns to the friend sitting beside me and ask "this is going to end right?" he hears/sees her say yes, she holds his hand and he feels a little better. But he's still scared. "this can not be good for you he thinks to himselfself. he turns his view back forward...

The pattern is gone now. So is the living room. Bill is looking into a huge empty area brightly lit where the air seems to glow. but it's like he's in a sky box looking through a glass window. he sees floating in the void a giant cube like light structure. (think of a sky scraper in its skeletal stage but with the iron beams replaced with beams of radiating light). he sits there awestruck with his mouth agape, he's just totally, to his core, blown away. he stumbles for words but none seem remotely adequate. " There is no way man is supposed be seeing/doing this." he thinks to himself. he knows his friends must be near but he can't actually see them when he looks forward. Twice he hears "open your eyes" from his fiance. Bill had no idea they were closed. When he does open them he sees the pattern for a few "seconds"? then back to the floating light cube.

Bill turns to his left to look back at his friends... they all look like cartoons. Honest to god 2-D drawings one color per part with black line outlines... this freaks him out. WTF is going on?

he looks forward again.....Same scene, he can see light refracting off the air in front of him. he notices the air has different hued areas...
Bill said "Imagine several long sausage shaped colored balloons stuffed into a clear plastic box. now imagine the box is your living room and you are sitting on the couch looking through the translucent walls of the balloons."

he "feels" a "presence" he cant actually see. Then he gets this impression in his mind of looking down on two "people" working around a small oblong control station. As they work on the table top touch screen they are talking. One says "we're loosing him." the other responds "you can't always pull them through."

The "vision" in front of Bill starts snapping back to just the den with the colored air areas, snapping back and forth then the light cube and "people" vanish. He realizes that he might be starting to come down as he can actually see what is in the room now. The room is still stuffed with the balloon air areas, and refracting light but it's the room again. Whew! he looks at a 3-D topographical map on the wall, he watches the Southern Appalachians grow from hills to mountains and extend 8-10 inches into the room before eroding back down to hills again and starting over.

Eventually that subsides and the colored air returns to glowing air.

The experience ends with visual trails and jumpy movement of normally moving objects. Shortly after this stage things return to more or less normal. Bill has no idea how much time has passed. everyone else seams ok and mostly unfazed.

Bills Fiancee said she saw everything in the room but with a square pixelated view. She said it made things look bright.

Bill can't imagine the others had the same experience he did and from their actions and accounts. His experience seamed so different from what theirs was that he tried not to talk about it too much.

This scared him, amazed him and left him totally dumbfounded for several hours. Bill vowed he'd NEVER do whatever the F__k that was again. he took 1/2 a zanex and went to sleep,

its 4 days later and this experience is all he can think about. However he now wants to try this again outside in the woods during the day with a quiet sitter. WTF is going on with that shit?


Can someone point me to links on:
Other DMT experiences anything like mine.
Why "visions" have common elements?
Where do I find the native plant matter to try an extraction?
And for those old hats at this..
Have you ever gotten the "answers" or "figured it all out"? Or is it just a chasing game?
Do you build up a tolerance?
Have you noticed any negative health effects from doing this?

This was a profound experience, Bill feels forever changed.

Well. thanks for listening (if you actually made it this far).

Also feel free to give any advice, or thoughts you think might be useful beyond these topics.


Shocked Shocked Shocked

STS is a community for people interested in growing, preserving and researching botanical species, particularly those with remarkable therapeutic and/or psychoactive properties.
#2 Posted : 5/1/2009 1:55:34 AM
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Welcome! Know that you are not alone. Smile

All posts by this author are blatant plagiarisms, fictitious inventions, and outright lies.
#3 Posted : 5/1/2009 2:08:16 AM


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I am Teotzlcoatl, older cousin of Quetzalcoatl. My most famous physical incarnation was Nezahualcoyotl, but I have taken many forms since the dawn of the cosmos. In this realm I manifest as multiple entities at a single time. I am many, I am numbered. I am few, but more than one. I am a multifaceted being, a winged serpent with many heads. We are Teotzlcoatl.

"We Are The One's We've Been Waiting For" - Hopi Proverb
#4 Posted : 5/1/2009 2:32:16 AM
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#5 Posted : 5/1/2009 4:03:37 AM
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So do any of you think this other place is real in any way at all?
Bill just doesn't talk much lately, just walks around kinda stunned.

He says he feels like Neo if he'd chosen the other pill.
#6 Posted : 5/1/2009 4:16:44 AM
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AweStruck wrote:

Can someone point me to links on:
Other DMT experiences anything like mine.
Why "visions" have common elements?
Where do I find the native plant matter to try an extraction?
And for those old hats at this..
Have you ever gotten the "answers" or "figured it all out"? Or is it just a chasing game?
Do you build up a tolerance?
Have you noticed any negative health effects from doing this?

This was a profound experience, Bill feels forever changed.

Well. thanks for listening (if you actually made it this far).

Also feel free to give any advice, or thoughts you think might be useful beyond these topics.


Shocked Shocked Shocked

Welcome, friend! Your alias is quite the explanation for the feeling of one's first trip into hyperspace. You're in the right place if you're looking to find similarly amazing experiences. DMT can be extracted from any number of plants (Mimosa Hostilis Rootbark and Psychotria viridis being two very common sources).

As far as finding answers, I began my journey into hyperspace seeking just this: Knowledge. Nothign specific, simply whatever the Powers That be were willing to bestow upon me. Lo and behold, it was nothing like I could've ever even dreamt or imagined. Through my various journeys with DMT and the rest of "The Fam", I can most definately say YES! I have held direct conversations with beings and they have literally changed my life forever. Never again will I be the same person as before--the Spirit Teachers have shown me the way to the Truth. But remember, with every answer comes only more questions. Rather than ask, simply listen. They love to talk.

AweStruck wrote:
So do any of you think this other place is real in any way at all?
Bill just doesn't talk much lately, just walks around kinda stunned.

He says he feels like Neo if he'd chosen the other pill.

I, too, first felt lost and confused. This is simply because you've already been given those answers and you're still trying to figure out the questions. Again, just listen! Things will only get weirder the further you dive down the rabbit hole--trust me, I was quite literally scared at some points while others have been moments of unbounding joy. This includes internal journeys without the aid of the spice. Simply remember that you have chosen this for yourself and unending happiness is the light that surely awaits you at the end of the tunnel.
#7 Posted : 5/1/2009 5:38:47 AM

Sun Dragon

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LiquidxTrance wrote:

Welcome, friend! Your alias is quite the explanation for the feeling of one's first trip into hyperspace. You're in the right place if you're looking to find similarly amazing experiences. DMT can be extracted from any number of plants (Mimosa Hostilis Rootbark and Psychotria viridis being two very common sources).

As far as finding answers, I began my journey into hyperspace seeking just this: Knowledge. Nothign specific, simply whatever the Powers That be were willing to bestow upon me. Lo and behold, it was nothing like I could've ever even dreamt or imagined. Through my various journeys with DMT and the rest of "The Fam", I can most definately say YES! I have held direct conversations with beings and they have literally changed my life forever. Never again will I be the same person as before--the Spirit Teachers have shown me the way to the Truth. But remember, with every answer comes only more questions. Rather than ask, simply listen. They love to talk.

I, too, first felt lost and confused. This is simply because you've already been given those answers and you're still trying to figure out the questions. Again, just listen! Things will only get weirder the further you dive down the rabbit hole--trust me, I was quite literally scared at some points while others have been moments of unbounding joy. This includes internal journeys without the aid of the spice. Simply remember that you have chosen this for yourself and unending happiness is the light that surely awaits you at the end of the tunnel.

Well said, this exemplifies my journey almost exactly.

AweStruck wrote:
So do any of you think this other place is real in any way at all?
Bill just doesn't talk much lately, just walks around kinda stunned.

He says he feels like Neo if he'd chosen the other pill.

There are answers to your questions, but they always lead to more questions. It is a never ending quest for truth, but the joy and peace and bliss it brings is well worth the journey.

You've already taken the Red Pill, there's no turning back now...
What, you ask, was the beginning of it all?
And it is this...

Existence that multiplied itself
For sheer delight of being
And plunged into numberless trillions of forms
So that it might
-Sri Aubobindo

Saidin is a fictional character, and only exists in the collective unconscious. Therefore, we both do and do not exist. Everything is made up as we go along, and none of it is real.
#8 Posted : 5/1/2009 4:20:34 PM

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AweStruck wrote:


Why "visions" have common elements?
Where do I find the native plant matter to try an extraction?
And for those old hats at this..
Have you ever gotten the "answers" or "figured it all out"? Or is it just a chasing game?
Do you build up a tolerance?
Have you noticed any negative health effects from doing this?

This was a profound experience, Bill feels forever changed.

Well. thanks for listening (if you actually made it this far).

Also feel free to give any advice, or thoughts you think might be useful beyond these topics.


Shocked Shocked Shocked

Gotta say, great post, and you should feel welcome here because the people here are of a like mind. I think visions on any drug have common elements because it all stems from the the S's Set Setting and Substance.

Set is mindset; who you are as a person
Setting is environment; immediate surroundings, music at the moment
Substance is of course; the neuro-chemical drug DMT

So these are all just modifications of our current environment and mindset, according to common knowledge ( and drug experience. One would easily sing praises of and think that the DMT world is more real than the current world because it is more powerful, naturally. If one gives into this power one will find the answer in whatever power is the strongest at the time. :idea:

Using this higher level of conscious reality re-programming you must choose wisely with what you carefully construct your world with; your own purple or yellow illuminated mental bricks from now on
"If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants" - Sir Isaac Newton

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

#9 Posted : 5/1/2009 5:46:54 PM

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Disney cartoon hallucinations is the pointless part of the experience.
DMT should be smoked in a full dark quiet room, alone or with one sitter max. It is a meditation enhancer that can learn you things about you at light speed, so a quiet time is required to try to gather what was learnt. And also a quiet environment to learn to 'let go'.
The deeper meanings comes when you lose all contacts with 'reality'.
#10 Posted : 5/1/2009 5:59:19 PM

The Great Namah

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AweStruck wrote:
So do any of you think this other place is real in any way at all?
Bill just doesn't talk much lately, just walks around kinda stunned.

He says he feels like Neo if he'd chosen the other pill.

Yes, many of us do believe that this place is another reality/dimension and these entities are real seperate beings. Some believe it is only the reality that our minds create (its all going on in your head). I am in the first category.

That shock and awe you feel, it is normal. In a way you have woken up like Neo did in the matrix. You have seen that there is more out there than we have been led to believe. There is A LOT more out there than any of us can imagine.

Welcome, here you can find like-minded people who have had this experience. It helps to talk about what we've experienced so that we can integrate it into our normal lives and no walk around all day with our jaws on the floor.

Many people become obessed with the experience (not DMT mind you, but the experience that they have already had). DMT is not a drug in the normal sence of the word. You won't be chasing it like a crack addict, or need it to feel normal like a heroin addict. In fact, you will find if you read enough on this forum that some people who use DMT quickly want to quit all of their addictions. DMT is my Anti-Drug!

Good luck and enjoy your amazing experience!
The Spice extends life
The Spice expands consciousness
The Spice is vital for space travel
Never underestimate the power of STUFF!

I am certifiably insane, as such all posts written by me should be regarded as utter nonsense or attempts to get attention.

I don't know SWIM and personally don't trust him at all. If SWIM is posting, most likely I will not I said, I don't trust the guy. YOU I trust, but never SWIM.
#11 Posted : 5/1/2009 6:26:47 PM
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I respectfully disagree with the earlier suggestion re: reading, listening, watching Terrence McKenna. Personal opinion only, but you asked. I would suggest avoiding him and instead bringing something new to the discussion yourself from your own mind vs. having your new world view shoehorned by his particular interpretation.

For information, look to the real heroes, two of which I would suggest as Jonathan Ott and Alexander Shulgin:



Also worth mentioning are the dynamic duo of Gracie & Zarkov:

All posts by this author are blatant plagiarisms, fictitious inventions, and outright lies.
#12 Posted : 5/1/2009 6:43:15 PM
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Welcome! Wow your story of your awakening is really touching!

It is all very daunting. After SWIM had first tried it, he was amazed, inspired, yet suspicious- this experience is so powerful, is it safe? Who are these people on this website encouraging him? What is this incredible place he travels to? Why do these entities entice and tease him so, what's their game? However, over the 6 months since his first time, he is a changed person, for the better, and he is so happy to have discovered the spice, and the Nexus.

Use it wisely, respectfully, sparingly, and develop your own answers to the questions of the nature of this experience. I personally suspect it to be a manifestation of the mind, but real nevertheless- a dimension of pure consciousness. A soup of oneness. Enjoy!
Everything I write is fictional roleplay. Obviously! End tribal genocide: Quick petitions for meaningful change:
End prohibition: And "Feeling Good" by David D.Burns MD is a very useful book.
#13 Posted : 5/1/2009 7:59:23 PM
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Bill thanks you all for the feedback. He says he's still trying to process what happened and finding the Nexus is a real help. He could see how the desire to figure it all out could become all encompassing. He feels lucky that he has no regular access as he might prefer that quest to his current status quo.

Bill would like to say to any out there interested in trying this; that his experience compared to all other "drug" experiences he's had prior.......... had barely any comparison.

Prior to this, seeing the physical world sliding around, trailing, undulating, rippling etc. was as much as he got in the visual aspect of any "trip" like experience.

Those experiences now rate about a 3 on a 1-10 scale for him. The bar has been totally reset.

This stuff deserves it's own class it's unlike ANYTHING Bill has experienced before. He'd read several accounts in the past and thought "yeah, they are tripping and trying to make the mind dive in." this stuff grabs one by the collar and hurtles them into what Bill can only describe as a totally alternate reality.

Bill wonders what the percentage is of the people who just trip v.s. those that get fired out of the cannon into the in-between??
#14 Posted : 5/1/2009 10:12:45 PM
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#15 Posted : 5/2/2009 12:13:29 AM

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Thanks for sharing! Glad you are here.
All posts are fictional.
#16 Posted : 5/2/2009 1:18:22 AM

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I had the same reaction my first break through. 'Im never touching that shit again, you're all loonies' (exact words), but now I love it. I highly recommend you make your own, it's very rewarding, and you have a much larger supply for less cash and you might find out that you have a new hobby (like myself). To paraphrase a great quote, Hyperspace isn't queerer than we suppose, it is queerer than we CAN suppose.
By allowing this message to pass through your cornea, into your retina, you accept it as is and agree to my disclaimer regarding my posts that they are a complete falsification by doing so freeing me of all liability, direct, indirect, consequential or incidental that may arise from the instillation of this post in your memory bank.
#17 Posted : 5/4/2009 2:51:26 PM

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i agree with garuflo,

the deepest DMT experiences myself or friends have experienced is alone / away from any distracting influence,
sitters are ok if you are worried about dropping the smoking device, but with practice you can work around that.

We go to a separate room and go through the experience, everyone else in range but being quiet* if you want some company, but that only happens for noobs who get so excited they want to talk about it straight away [before they are fully down : ) ].
Sitting up on bed with back against the wall also [semi independently] seems to be the preferred method and gives the clearest experiences.

*this is in agreement with Strassman that the fewer distractions in the experience the more focused it will be.
after all you have more than enough going on in your universe without having to deal with what your friends are doing/thinking
they'll be there when you come back, there's no rush
: )
wake and bacon
#18 Posted : 5/4/2009 11:48:35 PM
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Something SWIM just thought of... many dislike music while spicing, that it is a distraction and takes away from the experience. SWIM personally loves the right (to him) music to be playing while lifting off and journeying - and now realizes why. He's never had the music distract, he's never really even thought of it as "that song" playing at all... it just accompanies him synergistically in the best way possible.

He's realized that it is because he doesn't even view it in the slightest as a distraction.
DeadLizard wrote:
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BTW wheres the "Donate" button traveler?

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#19 Posted : 5/5/2009 12:22:28 AM
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pyx wrote:
freethinker wrote:
I respectfully disagree with the earlier suggestion re: reading, listening, watching Terrence McKenna. Personal opinion only, but you asked. I would suggest avoiding him and instead bringing something new to the discussion yourself from your own mind vs. having your new world view shoehorned by his particular interpretation.

you are right. i shouldn't have directed awestruck to mckenna for information or learning. mckenna is more like psychedelic entertainment than an informational source.

I'm too hard on him. He deserves mad credit for an enormous amount of early findings that many people have based their work off. It's just that if you do a simple search on the guy, all you're going to find is the gobbledygook and the last thing the world needs is more people spouting off that crap as fact. He was probably a super cool cat and I would have loved to have had the chance to hang out and chat with him. It makes me sad that his legacy is the gibberish meanderings instead of the courage and curiosity he showed in his early discoveries by pioneering into this field. But that's just my take. Who am I to qualitatively judge what someone else might get out of his crap?

All posts by this author are blatant plagiarisms, fictitious inventions, and outright lies.
wake and bacon
#20 Posted : 5/5/2009 1:23:04 AM
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Beyond factual knowledge (or lack thereof...), McKenna has inspired many a mind and has undoubtedly touched on things, subjects, that resonate with many people who follow him. To deny (I know you aren't doing as such) McKenna's possible positive influence is silly. On the other hand - to base all of your experiences off of McKenna's is equally as silly. The important thing is that he inspired many, and still does, while also making many 'actual' discoveries along the way. His words can undeniably 'help' many, but not all. That's my take. Cool
DeadLizard wrote:
Darkbb wrote:
BTW wheres the "Donate" button traveler?

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