First impressions after first breakthrough Options
#1 Posted : 3/12/2009 12:02:53 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Disclaimer: Even though the following story was actually just a story told to me by SWIM, the following text will be told from the first person for the purpose of convience.

Alright, now that that is over, a bit of background. I feel that what happened to preceed to event is as important as the event itself.

The story begins earlier in the week. I had in a small clear vial about 100 milligrams of white spice after my extraction of 200 grams of MHRB. A poor yield to say the least, and my spirit was wrought with dissappointment. But not one to be defeated so easily, I did three more pulls and evaporated the naptha to about 1/4 the original volume this time, to counter act the fact that my freezer does not get that cold. My resillience was rewarded with 1.3 grams of off white spice. I figure it is slightly yellow because the heat from the fan converted some DMT to n-oxide DMT. But my spirits were revived and I was much happier with the effort I had given.

My first experience I have written about on here. Upon my second experience, the dosage was slightly larger, and my smoking technique was a thousand times better. It was upon this experience that I was truly made aware of the fact that DMT will take you to another reality. I had read about it, but I could not synthesize the experience in my imagination. But the second experience was not a breakthrough experience.

After the second experience I laid off the spice for a day so I could meditate on the substance. I was enamoured with the effects, but I wanted more than that. Trying to be objective about it and wanting to avoid being swept up in the visual aspect, I debated in my mind whether such a short acting substance could be of use in the exploration of mind and spirit. Honestly, I was doubting it, but I knew there were highly platues to be explored and so onward I pushed.

I arrived home from work at about 3:30 A.M. today. I made a couple post on here and then scoured my external hard drive for the background music I wanted for the experience. As I skimmed over my music I was kind of disturbed at the violence of it all and mourned the fact that I have very little soft and mellow music. Eventually I settled upon an old standbye, Pink Floyd. But I did not want to listen to an album I had heard one thousand time before, so I put on Meddle and began seraching for a song with the perfect ambience and that would last me through the whole experience. I eventually settled on the song, Echoes.

After selecting the song I went into my bedroom to load up my smoking device. As I carefully tapped in some spice, it decided how much I was going to smoke, for a large clump came tumbling down into my lightbulb vaporizer. I looked at what was inside of the bulb and it seemed like alot, but I decided that I could handle it, and if I couldn't it would be over in ten minutes anyways.

I sat down and wrapped myself in a warm blanket. I anticipated the need to calm myself for the experience, but I was actually already really mellow. I carefully vaporized the spice until it filled the chamber thick with smoke. I cleared the bulb and as soon as I did I could feel reality melting. But I held on, even as my smoking device was dissolving in my hands, I sucked down one more dose and crash landed it onto my table.

Looking around I could feel and see that existance itself was chattering. I had never experienced anything like it. I was melting into my couch so I laid onto my side. As I was watched my living room wash away, I could feel my body dissolve. I experienced true ego death. I had no more body. I existed in all of matter, life and spirit. And they existed in me. It was truely an incredible sensation and experience. Ego death was something I had read about and was never able to even come close to imagining what it was like. To feels my body just melt into itself and dissolve into extistance was almost incomprehensible. Absolutely incredible.

After what seemed like an eternity, my living room matterialized again. Once I realized I was back in this dimension, I laid on my couch with my eyes closed and basked in the afterglow. I find the afterglow very wonderful and I enjoy the colourful and complex closed eye visuals. And even though I couldn't really make out the music still at this point, I could feel the music throughout the whole experience. It melded perfectly and I think really made the experience. After the effects had almost totally worn off, I sat down here because I felt the need to share my experience.

Overall, I found the experience extremely wonderful and very edifying. DMT has shown me ego death, which was a state of existance I had previously found incomprehensible until now. I have also decided after this experience that I will continue to explore my mind, spirit, and reality with the aid of DMT.

I hope you all enjoyed, thank you.
You lock the door, and throw away the key

There's someone in my head but it's not me

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#2 Posted : 3/12/2009 2:14:54 PM

Dragunov Mylshka Teapot

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Great read, thanks.

Congrats on the wonderful experience of your body been no more. I can assure you the exploring never fades.
#3 Posted : 3/17/2009 3:07:49 AM


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"As I was watched my living room wash away, I could feel my body dissolve. I experienced true ego death. I had no more body. I existed in all of matter, life and spirit. And they existed in me. It was truely an incredible sensation and experience."

I HAVE FELT THIS!!!! all one man... all one

i am the couch as the couch is the television. i love the television because the television is everyone i have ever loved.... they are not just things people... everything is the same... just how i havent figured out yet but.... its all the same ummm "something" like i can imagine that these "things" material trivial nonsense and whatnot and the like they all are connected in some way.

i felt myself melt through my couch and open into everything flood through everything i existed everywhere simultaneously i could conceive the importance of minute everyday items (then) not just thier daily uses but the shear magnificence that it was "here" and could be touched...

sigh... when i try to explain i get lost maybe one day ill be able to get it out
"once youve locked yourself into a serious drug collection the tendency is to push it as far as you can..." - hunter s. thompson

~~~~~~~~...You are me and i am you, i will always be with you...~~~~~~~~IAmUsWeYouMe~~~~~~~~
‹maxzar100› YOU are like acid
‹mattimus› dosesdosingdoses
#4 Posted : 3/17/2009 12:28:14 PM

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congrats VD...that is wonderful to read...thank you...

SWIM has had quite a few experiences where he has gone to a place where everyone and everything is everything! its more worries..i am everything...SWIM has become viruses..and was no longer afraid of them...SWIM has become planets...and is happy to live on one...

welcome!!! to the life of mortals..
it's a sound
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