Break it down for me...POLL POLL POLL Options
#1 Posted : 3/10/2009 12:40:37 AM


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Everyone. Hi. This is a poll to quench my curiosity about some things. Oblige if you will.

How often do you use the spice?

How often do you break through?

What, if you know exactly(yellow/white), is your breakthrough dosage?

Can you breakthrough using the slow succesive hits method? elaborate.

how many days in a row is too much?

how long do you have the 'drained' feeling after spice,if at all?

what do you do to remedy it?(5-htp, melatonin, vitamins, etc.)

how many of you wear OLD spice?Laughing

how many have deciphered my signature???
Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens. Carl Jung


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#2 Posted : 3/10/2009 1:13:46 AM

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too many questions without a graph

when i can, and when it is useful

depends on the circumstance. alone yes, with others less likely.

estimated 40 mg

no. i need to hit hard and fast

too many

the drain is always a result of a seperate factor. spice itself causes no drain for me.


if it's on sale.

kind of a vague statement, so i guess i am not one of those that "get it" not definitively at least.

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Do you think that the amoeba ever dreamed that it would evolve into the frog? Of course it didn't. And when that first frog shimmied out of the water and employed its vocal cords in order to attract a mate or to retard a predator, do you think that that frog ever imagined that that incipient croak would evolve into all the languages of the world, into all the literature of the world? Of course it fucking didn't. And just as that froggy could never possibly have conceived of Shakespeare, so we can never possibly imagine our destiny.
-Naked (1993)
#3 Posted : 3/10/2009 1:31:38 AM

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Hey jason, SWIM sure would be glad to share

How often do you use the spice?
Varies, he almost has no value for spice alone.

How often do you break through?
Depends on your definition of "break through" but almost always comes up with some sort of epiphany or elaborate train of thought. Those "A-ha" moments.

What, if you know exactly(yellow/white), is your breakthrough dosage?
SWIM usual dose would be around 150mg of freebase jungle spice (A very bright orange). He prefers to extract everything that is in the m. hostilis RB to chaliponga leaves and more recently pharlaris Surprised

Can you breakthrough using the slow succesive hits method? elaborate.
VaporGenie has been just wonderful. Many years of vapor lungs&hash smoking built up.

how many days in a row is too much?
There's been a history of drug abuse, which ayahuasca(&including spice) has really accelerated this lifestyle to a more beneficial understanding which he is very thankful for. If cavemen painted on rocks out of scratch after eating liberty caps then I too can innovate from DMT. All I know is that there's plenty of time to do things which have been shunned in the past(Routine exercise, eating healthy, and plenty of other wonderful things)

how long do you have the 'drained' feeling after spice,if at all?
Many times to account for but usually just a kick in the arse should do and is off doing some sort of nonsense or another.

what do you do to remedy it?(5-htp, melatonin, vitamins, etc.)
Harmine, Harmaline, THH, etc... sugar&spice makes everything nice Smile

how many of you wear OLD spice?Laughing

how many have deciphered my signature???
In the end we will conserve only what we love. We will love only what we understand. We will understand only what we are taught. ~Baba Dioum
#4 Posted : 3/11/2009 5:31:55 PM


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Okay. Forget the poll. I really just want to know if anyone breaks through after casual toking.
A FOAF did this by smoking for visuals only and then took one last big hit after six or seven(over the course of about half an hour) and I guess got the resin buildup. They broke through for the first time. They went to the 'timeless' place, thought they were dead, etc. Is this uncommon?
Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens. Carl Jung

#5 Posted : 3/11/2009 5:41:11 PM

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not at all..
it's a sound
#6 Posted : 3/11/2009 5:47:52 PM
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SWIM doesn't really understand the distinction between 'breaking through' and not 'breaking through'.
Everything I write is fictional roleplay. Obviously! End tribal genocide: Quick petitions for meaningful change:
End prohibition: And "Feeling Good" by David D.Burns MD is a very useful book.
#7 Posted : 3/11/2009 6:08:42 PM

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SWIM has spent a lot of time feeling the 'edges' of the breakthrough...and there most certainly is one..for SWIM anyway...

what happens for him is that if he takes a sub breakthrough dose..he can feel himself going up up up..and then it just feels like a can play around on the wall too..which is plenty interesting but..its quite obvious that he didnt get through it..sometimes while playing along the barrier he can hear this lovely ringing...but its more like music than ringing..its the rising pitch you hear when you smoke a bunch right before you are forced into another dimensional space...except when you dont get through the just kinda keeps doesnt continue to climb in pitch and intensity..

SWIM sometimes likes to just go knock on the barrier and say hello..without actually going through it...its almost like asking permission to come back...its like hey guys whats going on..didnt want to just barge in unannounced but wanted to say hey..and show them his gratitude without actually forcing himself into 'their' realm..sometimes he feels like they miss him..

another time he took JUST enough to breakthrough..and what happened was instead of just popping into a new space...his vision seemed to turn was like after he got through the door he took a left until he was looking back the way he had come..except that there was open space..not the was like his vision had panned left into the looking back into your was very interesting

it's a sound
#8 Posted : 3/11/2009 6:13:31 PM
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SWIM thought it was something like if you see entities, then have you broken through, but if you only see patterns, then you haven't?
Everything I write is fictional roleplay. Obviously! End tribal genocide: Quick petitions for meaningful change:
End prohibition: And "Feeling Good" by David D.Burns MD is a very useful book.
#9 Posted : 3/11/2009 6:19:49 PM

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usually a breakthrough for SWIM is when he gets to a SPACE...3 dimensional or more..and he always meets entities there..every time..they either guide him around..or speak or sing to him..or modify him..laugh at him..poke him..jump around telling jokes..anything you can imagine..climbing on walls..thousands of entities doing thousands of different things..talking with him..soothing him..

and usually there is going through hallways or traveling to different places...sometimes he just gets to a room and there are entities there and they try to show him different things just in that room..sometimes he gets shown his family over time they asked him to stay permanently..he had to decline
it's a sound
Bill Cipher
#10 Posted : 3/11/2009 6:35:58 PM

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SWIM has come to characterize the "breakthrough" as complete ego/identity loss. On a sub-breakthrough, he will either "go" to the same (or similar) place but without 100% immersion, or not quite reach the space at all and only achieve the visuals/awareness of the space that exists beyond his grasp - in either case, maintaining some limited amount of awareness that he is still in fact SWIM. Upon breaking through, there is no longer any remaining awareness of self, any knowledge that the experience is temporary, or that there has ever been any other. It doesn't necessarily have anything to do with entity contact, although SWIM is becoming increasingly confident that "contact" is a subjective and metaphorical term, at least as it relates to his experience. The entire space (which presents as a more than 3-dimensional physical landscape) is itself alive and intelligent - one colossal or collective entity.

And to answer your question, Jason: SWIM can breakthrough on repeated tokes within the hour, provided the dosage is sufficiently increased after the first. THH is also very helpful.
#11 Posted : 3/11/2009 7:11:10 PM

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SWIM asked me to post for him Very happy

How often do you use the spice?

depends a lot.. sometimes months without, sometimes a couple of times in a day.. in the last 3 months once during a light shroom trip (and a pharmahuasca trip and a couple of acid trips)

How often do you break through?

hard to say, maybe looking back, half of the times, but lately nearly always as SWIM either smokes when taking shrooms, or anyways has perfected his smoking methods which is a key in this.

What, if you know exactly(yellow/white), is your breakthrough dosage?


Can you breakthrough using the slow succesive hits method? elaborate.

dont understand exactly this question. SWIM always takes 3 big tokes (sometimes 40), inhaling slowly and holding in the longs for at least 20 seconds each.

how many days in a row is too much?

depends. its important to not abuse it, but for one person with bad intentions even once can already be abusing, but someone else in the right time, a few days in a row may be beneficial. This is true for all these substances.

how long do you have the 'drained' feeling after spice,if at all?

never. always come in awe, refreshed, being completely tuned in, not in this semi-conscious zombi state that routine sometimes puts us in

what do you do to remedy it?(5-htp, melatonin, vitamins, etc.)

A mixture of barbiturates and anti-psychotics

nah, not really Very happy

how many of you wear OLD spice?Laughing

If you're wearing spice instead of clothes, then you are definitely over the limit Very happy

how many have deciphered my signature???

at least 1

#12 Posted : 3/11/2009 8:53:14 PM

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[quote=jasons741How often do you use the spice?
How often do you break through?
What, if you know exactly(yellow/white), is your breakthrough dosage?
Can you breakthrough using the slow succesive hits method? elaborate.
how many days in a row is too much?
how long do you have the 'drained' feeling after spice,if at all?
what do you do to remedy it?(5-htp, melatonin, vitamins, etc.)
how many of you wear OLD spice?Laughing
how many have deciphered my signature???[/quote]

Damn, son! That's a lot of questions. . .

A: Whenever the time feels right (once a day to once a week)
A: 8 out of 10 x
A: white - somewhere around 150-200mg (2 hits); yellow - don't know
A: slow successive? if that's what I think, then it's the only way to roll, know'm sayin'?
A: however many you feel personally
A: huh? never. if anything it seems to kind of pick me back up, or revitalize me
A: didn't know I needed a remedy
A: not me. cool water, curve wave, dolce & gabanna, and select armani fragrances are the only way I roll. although I had smelled this fresh new one @ dillard's the other day called "sexy"
A: ??
#13 Posted : 3/11/2009 9:34:57 PM

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Everyone. Hi. This is a poll to quench my curiosity about some things. Oblige if you will.

How often do you use the spice? 1-2 times a day

How often do you break through? 95% of the time

What, if you know exactly(yellow/white), is your breakthrough dosage? depends...not much anymore....prolly 'round .25...SWIM doens't even measure anymore....just a good deep toke and he can "feel" it in his chest if it's enough...

Can you breakthrough using the slow succesive hits method? elaborate. if he uses THH or other MAOI he can breakthrough every 15 minutes if he chose to....

how many days in a row is too much? let you know when SWIM finds out himself...for him, it's more a question of giving his lungs a rest than his spirit. to be certain, if he didn't have to smoke it or could find a way to get the same experience by, say, drinking it he would probably never have a day without it for the rest of his life....

how long do you have the 'drained' feeling after spice,if at all? never drained but ALWAYS HUNGRY!! it's ridiculous but after every major breakthrough he comes back FAMISHED!

what do you do to remedy it?(5-htp, melatonin, vitamins, etc.) EAT! LOL Very happy

how many of you wear OLD spice?

how many have deciphered my signature??? send me a direct message with the decryption....i'll keep it secret and safe Smile
"Rise above the illusion of time and you will have tomorrow's
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#14 Posted : 3/12/2009 4:09:30 PM


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Looks like it's new avatar day. Hiya Art! Another good choice!
Thanks for polling.
To elucidate. Slow succesive hits that are taken over a longer period of time than the 'three big hits, sure-fire breakthrough' method. Half hour or more.
My signature is an anagram...(except the SWIM part)
Love you all. Thank you. Hope to have a report from swim this evening.
Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens. Carl Jung

#15 Posted : 3/13/2009 1:54:16 AM

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I smoked it today for the first time (I didn't think it was my first time, but I realize that it was actually jungle) and I can tell you that I will never use this stuff every day. I smoked it different times today, and the last time I had such a negative trip because I had done so much and felt like I was abusing it.

It really kicked my ass and I am glad it did. I have a whole new respect for the spice now.
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